Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for Kellion. Everything else belongs to the genius Tolkien.

A/N: This is my first attempt at an LOTR fic. Please no flames. If you don't like it then don't r&r.

Summary: Legolas makes Thranduil angry, who then in turn says words that he doesn't mean. Legolas leaves Mirkwood, but when he is found by a patrol seriously wounded, Thranduil would give anything to go back in time and take everything back. Will Elrond be able to help?

Chapter 1

Legolas sat contentedly in a tree. He was very comfortable here, just sitting and listening to the trees. Unlike those dull council meetings that he had to attend, he actually liked this. Yes, this was much better. Actually though, he was too comfortable. He fell asleep. All thoughts of the council meeting that he was supposed to be in shortly fled his mind.

Thranduil sat at the head of a large table of elves. All 12 seats except one were filled. This belonged to his son, Legolas. The council meeting would begin in just a moment, and Legolas wasn't anywhere to be seen.

He looked up as his advisor entered the room. This was Kellion. Thranduil and him had known each other for decades. Thranduil had sent him to find Legolas. From the look on Kellion's face though, he could guess what Kellion had found.

Kellion walked up to Thranduil, sighed, and said, "I'm sorry hir nin. Prince Legolas was nowhere to be found. He must be off somewhere in the trees."

Thranduil echoed his sigh, and said, "Very well. We shall just have to go along without him. If he does show up though, before the council meeting has ended, make sure he comes here. If not, and you see him, send him to my study. Thank you Kellion."

Kellion bowed once, then left. Thranduil now realized that it was past time for the meeting to start. He stood up, cleared his throat, then said, "It appears that Prince Legolas will not be joining us, so we might as well begin. I am sorry for the delay." With that said, he sat down again.

Legolas awoke with a jerk. He looked around, wondering what had woke him up so suddenly. Then he noticed how late it was, and that the tree's branches that he sat in seemed to be swaying back and forth. He smiled slightly. So it had been the tree that had woke him up. He touched the bark and said, "Hannon le mellon nin."

It was a good thing the tree had woke him up when it did, it would be dark soon. Then the spiders would be out, and in thinking that wouldn't be gone very long, he didn't think that he would need his weapons, so hadn't thought to bring any. He still might not if he hurried.

Sure enough, he made it to the gates in plenty of time, and didn't have to fight any spiders. As soon as the guards saw who it was, they opened the gates. He got to the palace steps and saw Kellion waiting for him.

Legolas looked at him uncertainly. The only times that Kellion ever waited for him was when he had done something wrong. Which usually happened when Elladan and Elrohir were visiting.

He smiled slightly at him and said, "Good evening Kellion. What can I do for you?" He then continued his trek up the stairs and started to go into the palace. Kellion right behind him.

Kellion said once he was finished, "Mae govanen Prince Legolas. Your father wishes to speak with you in his study. He wanted me to escort you." After that they both continued walking in the palace again.

Legolas nodded and started thinking of what he could have done, or forgot to do. He made a list in his head, finally he got to attending the council meeting. Ai, he thought ,Ada will not be happy that wasn't there again.

By now they had reached his fathers study. Kellion bowed to Legolas and left. Alone now, Legolas knocked on his fathers door. He heard a "Come in", so he entered.

Thranduil stood behind his desk, but when Legolas entered he turned around. Then he walked over to Legolas and stared at him with an ice cold glare.

Legolas was uneasy under that stare. He only got it when he had done something that really made his father angry. He finally said, "You wanted to see me Ada?"

Thranduil stared at him even harder now. Finally he said, "What were you supposed to do today ion nin, that you never showed up for, even after I had someone search for you? Better yet, where were you?"

Legolas swallowed nervously and said, "The council meeting. I forgot."

Thranduil nodded and then said, "Yes the council. Where were you ion nin?"

Legolas sighed inwardly and said, "I was in the forest. I climbed a tree, and accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up it was already late and I tried to get home quickly." Even as he said this, he knew his father would become even more angry.

Thranduil yelled, "You missed a meeting because you fell asleep in a tree! Legolas that was third one in a row! It's unacceptable. What kind of behavior is that for the Prince of Mirkwood!"

Legolas was mad now, it wasn't like he missed it on purpose. Although he didn't overly care. They were just so boring that he forgot them. Finally he said, "That's all I get to do anymore. If that's all the Prince of Mirkwood gets to do, then I don't want to be it anymore!" Immediately Legolas knew that was the wrong thing to say.

If Thranduil was mad before, he was now furious. He gave him a look that had been rumored to have made orcs stop moving in their tracks. Then he said, "It isn't your choice, but if you don't like it, then you can get out! No son of mine will behave like this." Thranduil also regretted his words at the look of hurt that crossed Legolas' face.

Finally Legolas said, "Fine! Then I'm leaving. Good bye my Lord." With that he stormed from the room, to go get his bow and daggers. He wouldn't stay in a house with someone that didn't want him.

Thranduil stared after him in shock. Legolas, his Little Leaf, was leaving. The worst part about it, was it was his fault, and he could tell from the look on Legolas' face that he wouldn't be able to change his mind.



Mae govanen: Well met

Hir nin: my lord

Hannon le mellon nin: Thank you my friend.

Ada: Dad, daddy

Ion nin: My son

I think I spelled Mae govanen wrong, but it was late, and I couldn't think of how it was spelled and really wanted to post it.

Tell me what you think. Please though, no flames. Constructive criticism is alright though. Just not mean.