Four months, four long months and she was already desperate, she couldn't breathe or think; she was going crazy.

Since Logan had proposed she can't sleep at all, she can't focus in anything. She stays all day in bed, reads, watch TV, but she immediately start to think about him. But the weekends…oh the weekends are all the life that she has left, even if she has to pretend, wear an expensive and fancy dress, put a fake smile and "make" some dinner for Logan's regular visit, obviously dinner is always Chinese or pizza.

She is supposed to be calm and serene, but lately she's just a mess. Not even her mom, Lorelai Danes, had been so wrecked before her wedding, and even if she had four more months ahead of her, she was already nervous. But no, she's not sad about this, in fact she is glad that Logan had the guts to propose after 4 years, but she can't handle the pressure of this wedding.

She has been living in a new apartment in Hartford that Logan had bought for her after she graduated from Yale. And now He's always reminding her that it's their new apartment

She remembered that…it was a disaster, she drop out for a year and she couldn't stand it, living with her grandparents was too much for her. Her mother was right; they had tried to control her life and they were always telling her what to do, she got tired and she went back to Yale and graduated. The same summer, she decided to talk to her mom, it was time for them to put an end to the fight.



She read. It made her feel dizzy and confuse. She hadn't talked to her mom since she said to her (screamed, actually) to "stay the hell way". But now she had graduated from Yale and she just wanted to talk to her mom and best friend, tell her how lonely she had been without her. It was too much for her, a whole year without talking to her mom had been so difficult, Lorelai was the only person who always understood her, even when she made some mistakes in her life, she needed to finish this stupid fight.

She drove slowly to her house, and park in front of it, she was nervous, she didn't know what to expect from this, but she was ready to take her chances.

She knocked the door, and waited.

"Coming!" – She heard from the inside

"Hi mom"

"Hi, Rory…umm, what are you doing here?"- Lorelai asked, surprised

"I...I..." - she breathed, she didn't know from where to start – "I graduated from Yale...I just wanted you to know …- she said in almost a whisper, looking into the ground

"Oh my…that's great kid - she smiled - "congratulations……do you want to come in?

They talked all night, Rory explained Lorelai why she had decided to go back to Yale, and that Logan had bought her an apartment in Hartford, so she could move out of her grandparent's pool house. Lorelai was so happy for her and told her that she probably would get married that summer.

"So...are we ok?"- Rory asked

"Yep, we're ok"- and Lorelai smiled

End flashback

She smiled, her mom was everything for her, and that night her life had came back to normal, and she was happy again.

She jump out of bed, and went to the bathroom, she really needed to get out of the apartment, she needed to walk or something.

So she took a shower and got dressed. When she was about to leave she saw her answering machine, she had a new message.

"I'm not home, so leave a message I'll call you back" - beep

"Hi precious daughter of mine, I'm just calling to know if you are coming this weekend or not, I need to know, ok, so please call me…oh, and how I know if you're really busy and you're not just avoiding me, huh?-

She though of calling Lorelai back later, but she had no rush, she could hang out later.

-"Hi mom"

-"Hi! So what's up? - Lorelai asked

-"Not much. You're happier than usual, did something happened?"

-"can't I just be happy?"

-"oh…so you did something dirty, I don't want to know"

-"oh, no you don't. Well I called you I want to know if you're coming this weekend or not - Lorelai's voice change a little, she sounded more nervous and worried.

-"yeah, I think I am. I just don't want to hang out here alone all weekend"

-"Oh…ok then,'re coming, good"- there was an awkward pause and Lorelai said -"so Logan comes back from Europe next week?"

-"Yep, he just wanted to make everything perfect for the wedding so is a short trip, I'm getting really anxious" – Rory felt that something was wrong with her mom, she didn't sound as usual - "Mom, are you ok? you sound nervous"

-"it's just that…- Lorelai breathed and said – "Jess is back"

A/N: yes, you can say it sucks, but please leave a review.