20 Ifs

Jade- I got a book today called If... (Questions for the Game of Life) and started asking my mom questions from it until she told me I was annoying her. Then this little idea popped into my head.

Disclaimer- Don't own Gundam SEED, don't own If... Do own a fake black rose.. very pretty..


"Hey Yzak?" the blond man with sparkling violet eyes chirped as he strolled into the room he shared with his silver-haired companion.

Said companion had been peacefully asleep, no doubt dreaming of beating Athrun or killing the Strike pilot. Sitting up quickly, sleep clouded blue eyes glared at Dearka, silently cursing the blond for waking him.

"What do you want?" Yzak snapped, all for curling back into the covers and ignoring his room mate.

Dearka smirked and flopped down on the end of Yzak's bed. He opened a small black book entitled If... and flipped through a couple pages before replying. "If you were to be granted one wish, what would it be?"

Yzak groaned and sank back into his pillow. "My wish, would be to still be asleep.." he started. Then suddenly, his mind seemed to snap awake. "No, wait! My wish would be to show up Zala. The no good little.."

Dearka waved a hand in front of him and chuckled, cutting his friend off, "I knew you'd say that. Now, If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent in one of the arts, what would you like it to be?"

"The art of shutting you up."

Dearka make a small 'tch' sound before going on, "If you were kidnapped and allowed to telephone one person for one minute only, who would you call?"

Yzak blinked in surprise, "Why would a kidnapper be so stupid to do that? I guess I'd call you, assuming they somehow managed to kidnap me without being knocked out."

"How about this, if you could have one person you know, be your slave for one month, who would you choose?"

Yzak remained silent for a moment, pondering the question. "Depends. Zala might make a nice slave, and just think how humiliated he'd be."

"Alright and if you could read the mind of anyone you know, who would it be?"

Yzak rolled his icy blue eyes and sighed heavily. "Yours, as scary as that may seem. Now give me that damn book." Snatching the book away from his blond partner, he scanned the page of questions.

While Yzak skimmed through the pages, Dearka inched up the bed slowly, until he was laying with his head on Yzak's lap. Yzak was startled out of his skimming but quickly regained his composure as he recited a question from the book in front of him.

"If you could romantically kiss anyone in the universe, who would it be?"

"You," came the immediate response. Yzak nodded, "If you had to describe the best kiss you've ever had, how would you describe it?"

Dearka closed his eyes briefly, thinking of a way to describe such a kiss. "Yours; purely yours. The intensity, heated passion, raw energy coursing through me. Just yours, Yzak."

Yzak actually smiled. Yes! You heard it here first folks! Yzak Joule actually smiled! One hand came to rest on the blond's head, long, tapered fingers combing through Dearka's hair.

"And one more. If I kiss you, can we stop playing this ridiculous game of 20 Ifs?"

Dearka pondered that momentarily. "Well, it might take a bit more than just a kiss..." he trailed off, glancing up at his silver-haired partner with a hopeful look.

Yzak smacked Dearka upside the head, " Just shut up and kiss me."

It wasn't a question or a request. It was a demand; one that Dearka was far too happy to comply to.


Jade- OOCness? Most likely but is it that big of a problem here? I had no intentions of writing any Gundam SEED fics but I haven't written anything in a long time.

Tell me what you think please!

-twitches- My fangirl senses tell me that I haven't put enough fluff in here. Must RESIST!