A quick note from the author: No, as much as I wish I did, I do not own Inuyasha. Or star wars. Jeez, why do we have to say this! It's fan fiction, a fictional take on stories by fans. Sheesh.

Disclaimer: Think of this as the Inuyasha characters acting out Star wars. I tried to match up the people best suited towards characters, but I am not suggesting that I am a fan of Inu/kag, or Inu/kik, or Sesshie/rin or whatever. This is just a dumb, humorous story. Don't take it too seriously.

Last of all: Please check out my other stories! Review my story and I will review yours.

...A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Shikon Taisen

Episode one: the phantom menace

The galaxy is in turmoil. The planet Naboo is under constant attack from neighboring planets who covet the sacred Shikon jewel, or jewel of four souls. High priestess Kagome of Naboo has taken on the hallowed duty of guarding the jewel with her divine powers, but despite her power, she is still not safe. Two Jedi Samurai named Qui-gon Sesshie (Don't kill me) and his padawan learner Inu-wan Kenobi have come to be her royal bodyguards. But after narrowly escaping a fleet of assassins, the Jedi Samurai and the High priestess Kagome have crash-landed on a remote planet in the outer rim... Tatooine.

"Qui-gon Sesshie, Inu-wan Kenobi!" Kagome cried, "Are you hurt?"

Inu-wan groaned and rubbed his head. "Nothing that won't heal over in a few hours."

Qui-gon Sesshie turned around. He was a master of the force, and somehow managed to remain upright through the landing. "What is important is are you alright, Lady Kagome?" he asked.

Kagome winced in pain as she showed him her right arm. It was bleeding. Qui-gon Sesshie took out his lightsaber and sliced Kagomes arm.

"Master!" Inu-wan screamed, "What are you doing!"

But Kagomes arm had healed completely. For you see, every Jedi is given a lightsaber. Every lightsaber is very different... and for some reason, Qui-gon Sesshies lightsaber was a lightsaber of healing. It could not kill a soul, unlike his padawan Inu-wan Kenobis lightsaber, which was the strongest lightsaber forged by the hands of a living creature.

"Thank you, Qui-gon." Kagome breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't mention it." Qui-gon Sesshie said dully, putting away his lightsaber. "We should go and look for fuel, and a mechanic who can fix our vessel."

"One moment." Lady Kagome said, walking into another room. She came out a few seconds later, along with a young girl.

"Please take my handmaiden, Kikyo." The priestess said, "I want to learn as much as I can about this planet, so if she goes with you she can tell me about everything."

"It will be dangerous... But ok." Qui-gon Sesshie agreed.

"Lemme come, too!" A little kid who looked like a fox scrambled over to them.

"Shippo Binks." Inu-wan Kenobi sighed, glaring at the Gungan creature they had picked up in the swamplands of Naboo, "Fine, but if you get lost out there we aren't sending out a search party to come looking for you."

"Fair enough." Shippo Binks shrugged, climbing on Inu-wans shoulder.

Kagome watched as the three ventured out into the unknown dangers of Tatooine. She was safe alone, she had many guards... but she went to her room, unaccompanied. She sat on the floor, and stared into the distance.

Almost as if she was watching something...