Chapter 4-Scars Remind Us the Past is Real

…Six Years Later…

"Rachel?" Kori sounded like she had a bad cold.

"Are you OK, Mom?" Rachel asked, rushing into her mother's bedroom.

"Call your aunt Karen and ask her to take my shift. I feel awful."

"OK." Rachel dialed the Stones and quickly settled the matter with Karen.

"Mom, I have to go to school now. I hope you feel better." Rachel leaned down and hugged her mother goodbye.

Later that day, Raven came to the apartment.

"How's she doing?" she asked a concerned Rachel.

"She's been asleep since I got home," Rachel replied.

"Let me take a look at her," Raven said, going down the hall.

Kori was gently shaken awake.

"Raven," she said softly. "This is a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?"

"You're sick Mom. Remember?" Rachel responded quietly.

"I came to see what was wrong," Raven added.

"Well, it seems that you've got a nasty case of pneumonia and a bit of a fever. It should be gone in a few days."

"But pneumonia is deadly for Tamaranians!" Rachel cried.

"No, sweetheart, that's chicken pox." Kori said quickly.

Rachel looked doubtful. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Go do your homework, sweetheart."

Rachel left the room, still looking suspicious.

"You were lying to her," Raven said simply.

"Perhaps I felt it was best," Kori countered. "Pneumonia is indeed deadly to Tamaranians and I will die before the end of the month."

"No," Raven said quietly. "You're going to be fine. I can read your aura and you're nowhere near death, Kori. I would be able to tell."

"I know what I know," Kori replied. "Please, Raven, I need to speak with a lawyer about Rachel's future."

"Well, Gar has a friend…brought in a really sick dog to the clinic once…said he owed Gar a favor…I'll see what I can do."

"Oh, thank you, Raven. I have worried Rachel…I'm a horrible mother."

"No, you're not, Kori. I'll get back to you tomorrow about the lawyer."

The next day, Raven called back.

"Is tomorrow alright? Mr. Camden said he's free between two and three thirty."

"Glorious. Thank you Raven," Kori responded. "Say hi to Arella and Gar for me."

…The Next Day…

"Mrs. Grayson?" a plump man with chestnut brown hair called.

"That's me," Kori said.

"I'm Mr. Camden. You're a friend of the Logans, correct?"

"Very old friends, we are. We were…roommates."

"Wonderful. Now, you wanted to leave a will, right?"

"Yes…my daughter Rachel is the only family I have left, so everything will go to her."

"Excellent," Mr. Camden replied. "That makes it easier. If you don't mind me asking, how old is she?"


"Well, shall we start with her guardian for the next two years, then? That is, if she isn't over the age of eighteen when you pass on."

"Mr. Bruce Wayne," Kori said. "He's her grandfather."

"I see," he said. "I wasn't aware Mr. Wayne had children."

"Her father was adopted by him."

"Well, how nice for him. So Mr. Wayne is your preferred guardian for your daughter?" Mr. Camden asked, making a note on his pad of paper.

"Yes…but if she doesn't want to go to him, she may choose any family friends, like the Logans, Stones, Hawkins' or Foleys," Kori said quietly. "I leave the choice to her."

"I understand…you trust her judgment. I'm sure she appreciates that," Mr. Camden said, giving a small smile.

"My Rachel is very trustworthy, Mr. Camden."

"Well, what about your assets? Bank account, home, a business, jewelry?" Mr. Camden inquired.

"I do have a small bank account, the contents are limited, but I want her to have it. I have a store, too. It's a little flower shop, Kori's Blossoms. She may do whatever she wants with it when she turns eighteen, sell it, run it, it is her choice. Until she inherits it, however, I'd like Mrs. Karen Stone to run it for me. She will take care of it admirably."

"Well, Mrs. Grayson, it seems you've really provided for Miss Rachel. I'll see it made into a legal document."

"Thank you so very much, Mr. Camden," Kori said, standing.

"No problem," he replied, shaking her hand. "Hope it all turns out OK for you."

…Three Weeks Later…

Kori's condition steadily worsened. Rachel was worried about her mother. In her mind, it was already bad enough she'd lost her dad. She didn't want to lose her mom, too.

Her parents' friends really stepped up, though. They took turns staying with Kori but also making sure Rachel was doing alright, too.

"I know it's hard, Rach," Karen said. "You're a tough cookie. It'll be fine."

The day Rachel knew her life was forever altered was the day she was called up to the office in second period. Immediately she spotted Karen, wings hidden under a long black jacket.

"I'm sorry, Rachel. It's time to come home."

The secretary nodded. "It's been taken care of, Miss Grayson."

"My mom, she's not, well, you know…"

"No, sweetheart, but she doesn't have long, according to Raven."

…Fifteen Minutes Later…

"Mom? It's me, Rachel."

Kori opened her eyes. "Princess," she said weakly.

Rachel fought back tears.

Kori saw this and whispered, "It's going to be fine. I promise." She closed her eyes and was so still Rachel was afraid she'd stopped breathing. Rachel gently prodded her mother's arm.

"In case I'm not OK, Princess, I want you to know that I love you. So very much."

"I love you, too, Mom," and this time the tears came.

A look of peace rested on Kori's face and Rachel knew her mother had gone. Karen entered the room, hugged Rachel, and sat with her until Rachel fell into an uneasy sleep.

…After Midnight…

Rachel woke up, glanced at the clock and saw in its reflection her eyes were red.

'Mom died,' she thought. She vaguely remembered Vic bringing her into her room. Rachel sat, silent tears running down her face. Then she heard voices.

"…What about Rachel?" someone asked. Vic, she determined.

"With the eight of us, she'll be taken care of." This voice was Frieda Foley for sure.

"There's always Bruce, too," came Virgil's voice.

"It's her choice. We all love Rachel like a daughter, but really, it's her choice. But we'd all take her, agreed?" said Raven.

There were murmurs of agreement. Rachel crept down the hall to the kitchen. The four couples were gathered around the table, with the ladies sitting down. They all wore similar down-in-the-dumps expressions.

"Poor kid. Lost both her folks. Good people. Hard to come by these days," Richie mused.

Rachel had evidently poked her head out a bit too far because Virgil saw her.

"Excuse me," he muttered.

Rachel tried to sneak away, but-

"Rachel Anne Korilaire Grayson."

She turned. "Virgil Something Hawkins."

"Cute. Sorry about your mom, kid."

"Me, too," Rachel replied. "I miss her already."

"Let's have a little chat. What are you doing up this late?"

"You guys woke me up."

"Sure. Whatever. How are you taking it?"

"I miss her already, like I said."

Virgil was quiet for a minute. "I was there when you were born, you know," he said thoughtfully.

"My Daddy told me." It seemed a funny topic to bring up, especially after someone had just died.

"I remember the way your parents looked. They were so proud of their little daughter. You never saw two prouder people. And they loved you so much, Rachel. Of course, Gar had to say you were just a pink, noisy excuse for a baby, but let's not go there."

Rachel had no idea what to say. Who would?

"You have a choice. Just remember we all care, OK?"

"Thanks Virgil," she replied, and gave a half smile.

Things would be different for her; that was for sure. But that was OK. Life is full of changes and she had to accept that. Rachel considered her options and thought she'd go to Bruce, if he'd have her. Jump City was too full of painful memories with her parents. Life couldn't possibly be too bad, could it? Maybe she'd even meet the new Batman…


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