Summary: What happened if Leo wasn't able to remember Piper at the end of Seven Year Witch? Where does that leave Piper and the boys?Four years later Chris's mistakes help save their family without knowing.

A/N: I do not owned Charmed, and that's about it.

Chris woke up with a start; he was breathing heavily and shaking. His stomach killed him from where he was attacked by the demon. He quickly lifted up the shirt revealing the wound to make sure it was not bleeding.

Chris hadn't told anyone about the demon attack, he didn't want them to worry his mom had enough problems already. Besides he would get in trouble for going out and hunting a demon without an adult. His mom said that he worried too much for a four year old, but he had to he wanted to make things easier for his mom since his dad wasn't around. His mom told him that that he didn't need to worry cause she is the one that is suppose to take care of him. But he couldn't help it; he didn't like to see his mom upset.

Chris had his breathing back to normal and had stopped shaking, but he was still scared. He did the only thing that seemed natural and orbed into his older brother's room.

"Wyatt." Chris whispered shaking his brother hoping to wake him

"What is it?" Wyatt mumbled sleepily annoyed that his brother woke him up

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Did you have another bad dream?" Chris shook his head and all of Wyatt's annoyance went away. He knew how hard it was for his brother to sleep with his nightmares, and he was the older one so he had to watch out for him.

"Jump in." Wyatt lifted the sheets and helped Chris climb up onto the bed putting a comforting arm around his shoulder. Chris tried to sleep, but the dreams of the demon were still fresh in his mind and his stomach was killing him.

"Wyatt, tell me about daddy."

"Not now Chris I want to sleep."

"Please." Chris begged snuggling closer to his brother

"Fine, but I don't know what you want me to tell you. I don't remember much I was only two when he was forced to leave. Mommy tells me that he would never do anything to save us and he never wanted to leave. But I remember that he played with us a lot and…" Wyatt stopped talking when he saw that his baby brother was fast asleep. "I love you, sleep tight." Wyatt whispered kissing Chris's head caressing his hair out of his face before falling back to sleep.

"How many more days?" Chris asked his mom, as she prepared breakfast. Piper had marked down on a calendar, by Chris's request, the days left until Wyatt was home from school.

"Only two more days sweetie."

"Two very long days." Chris sighed putting his head in his hands that were leaning on the table. Piper had to laugh at her youngest son. She knew it how hard it was for her boys to be separated even if it was just for a few hours. It had been the same every morning since Wyatt started going to school last year. But something is Chris's eyes looked different this morning, he almost looked worn out which was hard to accomplish in a four year old. Piper would have worried longer, but Wyatt came in and started talking away.

"Chris are you feeling alright?" Piper asked after they dropped Wyatt off at school, "You are awfully quiet."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Piper sighed she knew that she wasn't going to get an answer out of Chris, so she would have to find another way to get him to relax.

"How come I'm not going to magic school today?" Chris asked Piper as she helped him out of his coat.

"Because I think you need a break, and I want to spend some alone time with you."

"But mommy I don't need to take a break."

"Go up to my room I'll be there in a second."

Chris stomped his feet as he trudged up the stairs into his mom's bedroom. He was annoyed he knew his mom needed time alone and the only reason she wanted him at home was so she could fuss over him. When he was at magic school he felt less guilty, ever since his dad left his mom wasn't the same. His Aunt Phoebe said it had something to do with true love, but Chris didn't know what she meant.

Chris went through his mom's room and into the bathroom. He lifted up his shirt reviling his hurt stomach which was starting to turn black and blue. The wound looked worse then it did yesterday it was red all around and had gooey stuff coming out of it plus it hurt a lot more than it did yesterday. Chris grabbed some band-aids from the cabinet and did his best to cover the cut like he had seen his mom and aunts do when they were hurt by a demon.

When Chris was done he orbed out of the house so his mom could get some peace and quiet.

Leo Wyatt sat on a bench in the park. He didn't know why he was there, but something about the parents playing with their children soothed him after having one of his dreams. He didn't understand what the dreams were about; they were all a big blur of love and hate, family and friends. He always felt lost as if something/someone important was missing in his life, but he couldn't figure it out.

Leo once again looked at the families playing when he noticed a little boy walking boy himself.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing?" Leo asked walking about to him. There was something familiar about the child with his shaggy brown hair and green eyes.

"Walking." The boy answered and continued to move forward not really acknowledging Leo's presence.

"Well I can see that, but why are you here alone?" the boy shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk away, "Okay I can see we are going know where with that, want to tell me your name."


"That's a nice name; well me name is Leo."

"Really?" that seemed to get his attention, "That was my daddy's name."

"What a coincidence, so where is your daddy?"

"I don't know he was forced to leave us when I was a baby."

"I'm sorry to hear that, so then where is your mommy?"

"At home." Chris mumbled shuffling his feet

"She doesn't know you are here, does she? I bet she is worried about you. Come on I'll walk you home." Leo held out his hand and Chris grabbed it as they started walking. "So how did you get here?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why, you didn't drive did you?"

"No." Chris laughed; he liked Leo's silly ways.

"Then why can't you tell me?"

"My mommy told me I'm not s'ppose to tell strangers."

"Are you a witch?" Leo whispered in his ears

"You know, but how?" Chris asked shocked, but happy.

"I'm an elder, so what do you say I orb us to your house."

When they got to the manor Leo was truck with a major case of déjà vu.

"Are you okay Leo?" Chris asked seeing his discomfort

"Yeah I'm fine, it's nothing don't worry about it." Leo rang the doorbell and a worried woman came to the door, who also looked familiar.

"How may I…" Piper stopped her question; she couldn't believe who was standing in front of her. She wanted to hug him and never let go so badly, but she didn't know how he would react or even if he remembered her.

"Mommy are you alright?" Piper heard a small voice say, looking down she saw her youngest son.

"Oh my G-d Chris you're safe." Piper hugged him tight, "Thank you for brining home my son."

"Not a problem he's a cute kid, by the way I'm Leo, Leo Wyatt."

"I'm Piper, Piper Halliwell." She extended her hand and shook his, how she missed those hands among many other things.

"Halliwell…as in."

"The Charmed Ones, yeah afraid so and I see that you've meet my youngest son Chris."

"Sure did, well I better get going. I hope to see you around again buddy, but next time you got to tell your mom."

"Okay will do, bye."

"Chris what were you doing out there all alone?" Piper asked angrily as soon as Leo was gone.

"I wanted to give you some time to your self so you didn't have to worry. I'm sorry I scared you mommy." Chris's eyes started to fill with tears

"It's okay baby." Piper quickly picked him up and held him close. "You just have to be careful I don't want you or your brother getting hurt."

"I know." Chris cried, Piper kissed him on the forehead surprised to feel heat. "Chris do you feel okay, you're a little warm." Piper put her hand to his face to feel his temperature better

"I'm fine." Chris tried to squirm out of Piper's grasp, but he was small and weak plus she had a tight hold on him as they walked into Chris's room.