A/N: Okay, for all of you who had been reading the earlier version of this story, I'm sorry. I had to change it. Not only because it was confusing (as those who read it can attest), but because I realized that there was far too much involved in both Gohan's and Goten's past to explain fully in flashbacks. (Plus, that would be really annoying.) I've put a lot of work into this, so please review… I want to know how I'm doing. I'm using different techniques than I'm used to… planning and organizing the story more than just writing it off the top of my head. If you see something that I need to work on, don't be afraid to tell me… if you don't make mistakes, you don't learn anything, right?

I do not own DBZ or Evanescence, though you will see a lot of both in this story.


A cool ocean breeze blew across the tiny island, bringing with it the scents of salt and fish. No one noticed on the island, where a small group of people stood outside of a small pink house. They all faced a tall man with long spiky hair and a tail, radiating varying degrees of nervousness and fear. All except for a small, solitary boy, who was hiding his face behind his father's leg.

"Gohan, get back!" his father whispered to him sternly as the bad man looked them over. But the four-year old boy couldn't overcome his instinct to clutch onto his daddy when there was trouble… not even when the strange lady with blue hair tried to hold onto him, hold him back. Somehow he always managed to escape her grip and run back to his daddy. His daddy was scared of this man, Gohan could tell, and that knowledge only served to make him more afraid. His mommy always said that Daddy was the strongest fighter on Earth! How could he be afraid of someone else?

It wasn't long before Gohan noticed that the bad man had a tail, like him. He didn't know what it meant, only that it was strange. He didn't know anyone else who had one, unless you counted that mean tiger in the woods that chased him. Not even his daddy had one, even though he told him that he used to have one, when he was Gohan's age.

As he stared at the bad man's tail, he saw the bad man glance at him, and at his tail, and felt a chill go down his spine. He hid his face again in his daddy's leg, and was pulled away again by Bulma. He wanted his daddy, he wanted the bad man to go away, he wanted to go back home to his mommy. He had been so excited about going somewhere new, to meet his daddy's friends, but now he wished he had just stayed at home, even if it meant more algebra lessons.

Suddenly, the bad man was in front of his daddy, and his daddy doubled over in pain, and was thrown ten feet away, to where the water met the sand. Gohan cried out. He hadn't even seen the bad man move, but his daddy was hurt, and more importantly, he wasn't right next to him anymore. Wriggling free of Bulma's grasp, Gohan ran for his daddy. Suddenly, he found himself up in the air, being held by the back of his coat. He looked up in horror and saw that it was the bad man that had him. Screaming, he called for his daddy, who was getting closer as the bad man walked toward where he lay in the water.

Gohan cried too loud to hear what the bad man was saying to his daddy, but between sobs he heard him say, "After all, he is my nephew… It would be a shame if I had to hurt him."

Gohan went crazy at that. "Daddy, I'm scared!" he cried, begging for his father to help him, to get him away from the bad man. His father only lay in the water, clutching his stomach. "Help me!" he screamed, unable to stop crying from extreme fear. He had never experienced anything like this before; he could barely process what was happening. Soon the bad man started to fly, and Gohan screamed for his daddy, who was getting smaller and smaller on that little beach. Quickly, Gohan closed his eyes, never ceasing his crying, and it seemed like forever until he felt himself roughly tossed to the ground.

Feeling the ground beneath him, he opened his eyes and realized that the bad man had put him down. He wasn't on the island, and he wasn't anywhere near his daddy. Crying, he ran for the nearest hiding place he could find… a big truck that sat not too far away from where they were. Having never played hide-and-go-seek before, Gohan didn't comprehend that Radditz would be able to find him easily by following the sound of his crying… he just assumed that getting out of sight of the bad man would somehow make him safe. He was proved wrong as suddenly the truck was lifted from the ground, and the bad man was there, scowling down at him.

There was nowhere else to run. Gohan had to be brave. "Oh, yeah?" he asked, trying to sound tough. "My dad can lift that, too, you know!" he pointed out. Not saying a word, the bad man's hand started to glow, and suddenly the truck blew up, right in front of Gohan.

The loud noise and light startled Gohan, and he instantly started bawling. "Shut up!" the bad man demanded. "Stop crying!"

Gohan sniffed, wishing his daddy were there. "I don't know why you're so mean, I didn't do anything to you!" he screamed, crying. The bad man responded by picking him up and walking with him.

"Be quiet, you fool!" he said, trying to console the boy. "You are one of the brave Saiyans, too." When they reached a small round pod, Radditz opened the door and threw the boy inside. "There, you can come out when you quiet down!" he said, closing the door.

Gohan screamed. He hated enclosed spaces… clastro-… claustro… phobic. Claustrophobic, that's what his mom called it. He got really, really scared when he was left alone in small places, and he couldn't breath. He screamed and screamed for the bad man to let him out, but the bad man was gone.

Gohan tried to calm down, like his mommy had taught him from the last time he accidentally got shut in the closet. He breathed deep, counted to ten, but he was scared. He couldn't think. He cried, and crying led to screaming. He banged and banged on the inside of the pod, but couldn't get out. It was locked. There was no way out, and he was going to die there, trapped in the little pod all alone.