It's Raining. Hard. There are people who say rain brings out the magic in the world. I never believed them. That is, until one fateful day when my twin brother and I were tossed into a world of perilous adventure. That one fateful day. The day of the perfect storm.

It was a year ago, give or take a few weeks. I was sitting outside. It was bright, sunny, warm. I was sitting in the grass, letting the warmth creep over my body. It felt nice. My brother wasn't with me. He was stuck inside, at some science center. Sucker. I've lived a good life. An odd life, but a good life. Life. How did life come into being? One of the world's mysteries I guess. I always wanted to know the answer to that question. I now know the answer. You want to know it? You'll have to hear the story that comes with it. I've lived a good life. However, my normal, good life was shattered. On one fateful day. The day of the perfect storm.

Would you like to hear this story? It is not your normal, happy story. My brother and I faced many dangers. We cheated death, escaped torture, and stared fear in the eye. I am writing this down because I feel it's necessary for people to know what happened. It is a different story. You may not hear another story like this one. If you want me too, I will tell you the story. My story. The story of that one fateful day. The day of the perfect storm...

I said it before. It was a bright, sunny, warm day. I was sitting in the grass, letting the warmth creep over my body. It felt nice. My brother wasn't with me. He was stuck inside, at some science center. Sucker. I love my brother, but only as a brother. No, I'm not gay. However, he is a wonderful person and I couldn't have asked for a better brother. He's incredibly smart, and an amazing inventor. Cody. We stuck together throughout our entire journey. He surprised me with is braveness and audacity. My brother and I have taken fencing and archery lessons since we were thirteen years old. Two skills that saved our lives, on the fateful day. The day of the perfect storm.

I sat in the grass for nearly the entire day. It was nearly dark when I was driving back to the house. Yes. A house. We were not living in the Tipton Hotel anymore. Cody invented an All-Purpose Sofa...thing (I have NO clue how it works...) and it sold like doughnuts at a Police convention. Anyway we now live comfortably in a two-story house. We. Me, my mom, and Cody. Yeah, we all live together still. And I'm glad we do. Anyway, my drive home was safe. Uneventful. Boring. I got to the house and Mom welcomed me with a hug and a smile.

"Hey Sweetie." She said to me, hugging me.

"Hi Mom. Is Cody here?"

"Nope, still at the Science Center."

"Geez. What does he do there?" I said. Mom laughed.

"Who knows... Oh yeah, he's just gonna pick up dinner on his way home so it's just you and me for dinner. What would you like tonight?"

"Are you cooking, or are we going out?" I asked.


"I dunno. Eggs I guess."

"Okay honey. I'll call you down when they're ready."

"Thanks Mom."

Now why the hell did I tell you that? Well, it's always good to tell a story with some fun background. Especially with a story like this. Anyways, I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. Sigh. I lied there for about three minutes then went to my desk and switched on my laptop. It booted up, and said three, life changing words for me. These words, destroyed my ordinary, boring life. These three words started the one fateful day. The day of the perfect storm.

"You've got mail."