Its Spy Time!

Summary: Sam, Clover and Alex get new woohp members, known to Japan as Yugi Moto, Joey Wheeler, and Seto Kaiba. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW.

Hey everyone! I'm Kaiba-Kun. Please read. This is a basic Totally spies story, but its easier to put it in Yu-Gi-Oh because writing bios for the characters in Totally Spies is a gosh darn easier than doing Yugi's and Kaiba's. IF YOU KNOW THE CHARACTERS TO TOTALLY SPIES, PLEASE SKIP TO THE CHAPTER AND PAY MY BLABBING TYPING NO MIND.


Sam: The oldest of the spies, the smartest. Long red hair, green eyes average height. Least in boy crazy.

Clover: The middle age of the group. Blond hair (short), blue eyes (I think), super boy crazy!

Alex: youngest of the group. Short black hair, brown eyes (I think). Middle size in boy crazy. Hates dissecting anything in biology class.

Mandy: Sam, clover and Alex's biggest enemy in high school. Always trying to steal David away from the three of them. She's a rich, snob!

David: Normal high school student. Very cute (in the eyes of the above girls) However, I don't think any one of them got a date with him.

Jerry: Head of Woohp (World organization of human protection) sends the spies (Sam, Clover, Alex) to his office whenever the world is in danger.

Natalie Valentine: Villain. This is her first escape. In the past, she made her sweat into cologne to make men fall in love with her. (Gross isn't it).

Tim Scam: The evil cult. Escaped from maximum security Prison twice, and is out for revenge against Woohp and the spies.

Ok, enough of that stuffy stuff. Chapter 1



The spies just returned from a mission, so they were dead to the world. Too bad for Alex, it was froggy day in biology.

" Sam, you have to help me. I don't want to do froggy day!" Alex closed her locker.

" Alex, relax." Sam said. " You're just dissecting a dead, color dyed preserved frog. There's nothing to be scared of." Sam opened her locker.

" Now that you mention it, I feel worse." Clover winced. " I don't want to do this either."

" OOOO! Is clover being a blond chicken?" A voice said behind the girls. They turned to see Mandy and her friends.

" What do you want Mandy?" Sam slammed her locker closed.

" O nothing, but you have no excuse for missing froggy day this time, girls. I don't know how you got out of it last time, but it wont happen again." She walked off.

" Ooo! I hate her!" Sam grimed her teeth.

" Mandy's right." Clover said. " Last time, we got Woohped at the right moment. What are the odds of it happening again?"

Suddenly, the floor opened up and well, they were Woohped."

" I TAKE IT BACK. I TAKE IT BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" Clover wailed as the three girls fell flat on the coushin in jerry's office. And as usual, Clover always misses and she lands on the floor with her butt sticking up.

" Oww."

" Good timing, Jerry." Alex smiled. " Once again, you freed me from froggy day!"

" Yes well, I've called you here for something more important than a dissection. You're getting new teammates!"

" Are they girls?" Sam asked.

" Boys. Same age as you."

" Ooo! We never had boys on our team before! Are they cute?" Clover asked. Sam and Alex sweatdrop.

" I wont tell you! I don't know your ways of men, Clover, so you figure it out."

" When will they be here?" Alex asked.

" Momentarily."


Yugi and Joey were walking together down the path.

" Yugi, tell me your secret. How do ya bear Kaiba all da time?"

" I don't really know. I guess because its Yami that does it. He must be better than me."

" Sure!" Joey said sarcastically. " Yugi, you must have the super dose of the heart of da cards or somethin'."

" I guess." Yugi said. " I mean, Kaiba is really good and all, after all. He was the world champion for years."

" Until you whipped him with your exodia card."

" True, so true." Yugi nodded. They passed someone with a leaf blower. Suddenly, they were sucked into it.

" GAAAAA!" they shouted.


" I do believe someone is coming. Girls, you'd better move." Jerry said.

Sam and Alex scrambled. Clover stayed on the floor. Yugi and joey came tumbling through the tunnel and landed where Sam and Alex were previously sitting.

" Eh? Where in the name of Ra are we?"

" Yeah, you said it, Joey." Yugi mumbled.

" Welcome, boys." Jerry said. " Oh, I do believe someone is missing."

" I bet its Rich boy." Joey mumbled to Yugi.


Seto Kaiba was sitting at his desk. He was wearing the purple trench coat he wore to see Ishizu (that outfit is my favorite). Suddenly, the phone rang. When he picked it up, he got sucked into it.


" Oh, he's on his way. " Clover, boys, you'd better move!"

" AIE!" Clover, Yugi, and Joey darted to where Sam and Alex were just as Kaiba plopped into the room.

" Welcome." Jerry said.

Kaiba quickly regained his sense of balance and glanced around the room.

" Ah pickles! Its Rich boy!" Joey whined.

Kaiba turned his head in Joey's direction.

" Well, well, if it isn't the dork convention." He took a closer look. " Well, half of it anyway."

" Why I outa ….." Joey's fists were forming.

" Welcome to Woohp." Jerry said.

" What's woohp?" Yugi asked, confused.

" World organization of human protection. You three gentleman have been chosen to help our spies save the world from lunatics."

" Sounds dangerous." Joey said.

" It is." Jerry said. " And as we speak, something has happened. Girls, Tim Scam and Miss Valentine had escaped and we need your help. We think she's trying to make an army of men again. Only this time, her methods are more complicated than a bottle of cologne. We are not sure what Tim Scam is planning, and that's where you come in." Jerry said.

" You three gentlemen are assigned to help the spies. Now, you need jumpsuits. Pick a color. Any color except red, green and yellow."

" Uh….." Joey said.

" Black." Kaiba said.

" blue." Yugi said.

" Uh….brown, I guess." Joey said.

" Good. Now, in moments, your suits will be ready. Men, follow the girls to the training facility.


" Ok, now does anyone of you know how to fight?" Alex asked.

" Yes." Kaiba and Joey said at the same time.

" I don't." Yugi whined.

" Well, Yugi, you're going to have to follow Clover to the combat room while your friends learn to use the gadgets." Alex said.

Yugi followed Clover.

" Hey Yugi, whose the brunette?" She asked.

" Seto Kaiba. He only has a place in his heart for one person, and it isn't a girl. He despises fan girls, my friends, and he's my greatest dueling rival."

" Is he strong, ya know….tough-like?"

" Yeah, why?"

" Oh, no reason." Clover blushed. " Oh, we're here. Sammy's going to take over, now."

" Ok, Yugi, first, I want you to punch the dummy." Sam said.
" Ok." Yugi makes a punch, misses, and falls onto the floor. " OWW!"

" Its ok, Yugi. Try again." Sam said.

" Ok." Yugi did a leap punch combo and attacked the crap out of the dummy.

" GO YUGI!" Sam cheered. Yugi had successfully done it. He was beating the stuffing out of the dummy. When Yugi was finished, he was breathing heavily and cradling his fists. Now he was jumping up and down like a monkey with a banana.

" Oww….ow….ow….ow…"


Yugi had successfully (and painfully) completed the combat section of the training.

" Ok, now, does Kaiba or Joey need combat practice?"

" Umm…Joey can manage and I'm sure Kaiba has had some form of it. Go ask him. If I do, I'm sure he'll end up demonstrating on me." Yugi whined.

Sam and Yugi entered the room where Joey and Kaiba were supposed to be. Alex and Joey were both tangled in their bungee-cords and Joey's index finger on his right hand was frozen-glued to his right nostril.

" Yugi, a little help pewees?" Joey whined.

" Joey, Alex, be more careful." Sam sighed. " Where's Kaiba?"

" In the simulation room with Clover."

" When did he leave?" Yugi asked.

" A long time ago." Joey said. " Now could ya help? I'm a little tangled up with Alex, and my finger is glued to my nose!"

" You look funny, Joey!" Yugi cracked up.

" I'm going to look for Kaiba and Clover. Yugi, can you get them untangled?"

" Sure! Ok, Joey, don't move!"


Clover and Kaiba were chasing after 2 henchmen that had stolen from a bank.

" Kaiba, you corner them off that way." Clover shouted. Kaiba ran off. When they cornered, one of the henchmen swung at Clover. She swung and hit him…


" What is it NOW?" Kaiba asked as he punched the other henchman.

" I broke another nail!"

" So?"

" SO! My world has come crashing down! Everyone knows that 2 broken nails is double bad luck!"

" In that case, pray for a miracle." Kaiba said. The simulation ended and they left the room. Clover started crying to herself.

" Clover, what's wrong?" Sam asked as she walked up to them.

" I broke a nail!" Clover cried.

" Correction, she broke 2 nails." Kaiba said sarcastically.

" Clover, relax. Kaiba, do you need training?"

" No."

" Kaiba! Help!" Alex cried. " We're trapped."

Kaiba turned their way. Now Jerry was helping them get untangled and unglued because Yugi was now tangled because of his feet.

" My goodness, kids. Alex, what were you telling this poor soul?"

" What not to do with a bungee cord. I showed them how to do it and how I end up doing it. Everything was fine until it wouldn't go back in. that's where this mess happened."

" Hey Kaiba, help us!" Yugi said.

" Must I?" Kaiba smirked. " I must admit that from this angle, Wheeler looks like he's picking his nose!"

" I am not!" Joey shouted. My finga is glued to my face!"

" Seto Kaiba, help us!" Yugi shouted. "I do not enjoy hanging upside-down!"

" Oh very well." He walks over to Joey. Looks around. He simply moves a few cords and all of the bungee wires zoom back into their proper positions on the belts.

" AIE!" Yugi screamed as he fell to the floor at Kaiba's feet. " Oww."

" There. Never expect me to help you get out of something that stupid ever again." Kaiba said.

" Al right, now everyone back to my office." Jerry said.


" Gentlemen, I have news that your uniforms are in and you are all ready to go. Remember, teamwork is essential in taking down these crooks. And now for Alex's favorite part of the job…"

" GADGETS!" Alex cheered.

" For the girls, we have laser lipstick, the usual compowder, perfume ice spray, jet pack backpacks, expendable cable bungee-belts. And for the gentlemen, you have DNA scanner watches, laser pens, jet pack backpacks, com-wallets, and the belts. Now goodbye and good luck. Your vehicle is waiting for you outside."

As usual, jerry presses the button and everyone falls thru the floor.


When the group landed outside, there was some black shiny Chrysler mini-van waiting outside for them.

" Um, does anyone here have a license?" Alex asked.

Kaiba got in at the wheel.

" Ooo! Seto, you know how to drive?" Clover asked.

" Yes." He simply replied. " Are you going to get in any time soon, or am I going to have to take off without you?" Everyone quickly piled in and they sped off onto their super dangerous mission.

Please review! New chappie up soon