May was being held back by most of the boys and Aramad. Marilyn was not being held back by no one. Leanna was just standing their watching the two fight. The boys where sweat-dropping at the comments they where making Leanna could not take it much long so she spook up"Shut up you old hag!" She yelled at Marilyn. The guys looked at her."Why you little delinquent!" Marilyn Yelled at her about to attack Leanna but she got a fist in the face instanced. Yup Leanna had punched her right in the face."What part of shut up did you not get?" She asked looking at her. It was different."Why don't you re-trey from this and go live in a retirement home and leave this to the young peo-" Leanna got slapped right across the face, it left a red mark."Ok that's it you asked for it your going to need more then make-up to get ride of the marks you are about to get!" Leanna said with force in her voice and in a matter of seconds they where fighting and a cloud of dirty around them. May brook free at this and jumped into the fight. All the boys just sweat dropped at this. But they did not want to get into or they will need a doctor.

"YEAH! You show her May and Leanna!" The B-Da-mage said while yelling at the TV.
"Hey can you girls stop? Has much fun as this is. We are getting hungry." Yamato said loud enough so they could hear. When the smoke cleared May and Leanna both where about to punch Marilyn in the head/face. The boys took a big step back. Then both May and Leanna though Marilyn at the wall!"Remind me to never call May old...ever..." Said Bull standing way back the others agreed with him"Same with Marilyn." Kane said standing back with them."Don't forget about Leanna she has one sold punch." Gray said the guys looked at him"Don't ask. Just stay on her good side, and watch out for and evil look on her face is all I can tell you." Was all he said the guys just nod. Gray had walked up to his sister"Hey sis you ok?" Gray asked while helping her stand up."Yeah I will be thanks Gray."Leanna said getting up."But I don't think Marilyn will be." Smirking over at her with an evil look on her face...

Done my first one shot! I was bored so I just had to do it LOL! I hope you liked it! This was just something if Marilyn got May and Leanna mad! LOL!