A/N: This is my first crack on fanfics, so constructive criticism welcome.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own FMA or any of the characters.

Chapter One: Dare or dare

It was an ordinary day for Edward Elric. Still looking for the philosopher's stone and a way to restore Al's body. Too bad a certain 'self-absorbed colonel' just HAD to ruin it. He was to go to Central to receive yet another petty assignment, or so it would seem to Ed. So there they were, stuck on a train for a couple of hours. Little did Ed know that Roy and Riza had something hidden up their sleeves.

"Why does that Bastard Colonel have to see us now of all times! We were so close to finding more clues to the stone!" an angered Ed yelled to no one in particular.


"I can just picture it now, 'How's the search for the philosophers stone going Full metal? Really? No progress, how long must you waste the military's money for this wild goose chase? Full metal? Full metal! Oh there you are, I couldn't see you there. What are you doing, sitting down? No? My mistake.' Ugh! He just pisses me off!"

That was how it was the whole train ride, Ed and his ranting and mumbling about Colonel Mustang and how he could be looking for the philosopher's stone instead. Poor Al, listening to him the whole time, sometimes he wished he COULD sleep, that way he would be able to have an excuse to miss out on some things his brother was saying.

Finally, the train pulled up at the Central Train Station and there he was, in all his sparkling glory; Major Armstrong. Edward winced at the thought of being squished in the backseat of the car with Al AND not to mention, the bulky man Armstrong with his muscles and sparkles filling up nearly the whole car.

Stupid Colonel, he could've sent someone else to pick us up, but NO, he just HAD to pick Armstrong, Ed thought to himself.

So, by the time they had gotten to the building, Al was picking out purpley-pink sparkles that got stuck in his armor and Ed was as flat as a piece of paper. It turns out there were two people that came along with Armstrong in the front seats; so guess where Al, Ed and Armstrong sat? What's that you say? In the back? Yes, you're right! Why he needed three people to escort him to a place he's been a million times before is what threw him off.

Just as he thought the day couldn't get any worse, once he entered the building a bullet was shot right above his head.

"Taisa, Edward is going to come through those doors any minute now and you have still yet to finish cleaning up the place! Oh Edward, you're here," First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye said as she saw the vertically challenged boy.

"Oh Full metal, I suppose you've come to hear your new mission," stated the ebony haired colonel.

"No, I just felt like visiting my favourite Colonel of all time and take a break looking for the philosophers stone...OF COURSE I CAME TO HEAR THE MISSION!" yelled Ed.

"Temper, temper hagane no. Follow me into my office"

"Grr…" They made their way into Roy's office with Riza following behind them.

"So what's my mission Colonel?" Ed asked in a pissed off tone.

"Well, it's not exactly a mission..."

"WHAT! You mean you dragged us back here for no reason when we could be looking for the philosopher's stone!?"

"Well not exactly, Al could you step out for a moment, I have some personal issues I would like to discuss with Hagane no."

Al's eyes shot over to his brother. "Just go Al, I'll meet you outside, the faster this is over with the faster we can start looking to the philosophers stone again" And with that he left the room.

"Edward, I have a proposition"

"Yes...get on with it man! I don't have all day!"

"I propose a game of ULTIMATE TRUTH OR DARE and as real men, we don't pick truth, so technically it's DARE OR DARE!" Roy boomed. Riza just sweat dropped at his stupidity. Of course, Ed being the proud teen he was, couldn't resist this challenge.

"Okay deal, how do you play?"

"Well we both dare each other to do something and the first one to finish the dare wins, but the one who loses, has to wear this," Roy held up a dog suit, "for a week and follow around the person the other chooses. There will be 3 rounds, best 2 out of 3 wins. You can tell anyone the dare AFTER you finish it."

"So what's my dare?"

"YOU," Mustang emphasized the word, "will have to...oh I know! You will have to accompany Armstrong to his home and listen to his ENTIRE family line and stories! Muhahaha!"

Ed's faced paled, almost as if all the blood drained out of it. Then a brilliant idea popped into his head. Roy saw the smirk and decided to ask.

"What are you smiling about Full metal?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that now it's time for ME to dare YOU to do something." Roy was now curious on what would be worse than Armstrong, he shivered at the thought.

"Okay Full metal, what is my dare?"

"I dare you to...ask Hughes about Elysia and volunteer to put all his pictures in albums, in order! Oh and one more thing, you can't burn him..." Roy looked as if he'd seen a ghost. Then a light bulb turned on in his head. What if there were no pictures to put in order? He thought. He pictured of all Hughes' pictures burning into ashes. "...Or burn the pictures" Ed added as he saw the Colonel's grin. Mustang promptly went back to his 'ghost' mode.

What had these two gotten themselves into?


Tell me what you think, please review.