Part Four

It took several days to reach the border of the Eastern Lands; days that were surprisingly full of activity, along with traveling. Despite the initial nervousness on her part to joining Sesshomaru's group, Sango found herself actually enjoying it!

"As much as I hate to admit it…..It's actually nice to have some time away from Miroku, for a change." Sango mused, then allowed a rueful smile to cross her face at her next thought, "But I'm sure poor Kagome-chan is at her wits' end, by now! Having to deal with a loud-mouthed, jealous hanyou, and a lecherous houshi on her own must be extremely annoying!"

"Something has amused you, Taijiya." Sesshomaru quietly observed, from just beside her. Jumping slightly in surprise, Sango glanced at him with at first a hint of confusion on her face, and then shook her head; smiling as she did so.

"Just thinking of my friends, that's all. I'm sure Inu-Yasha and Houshi-sama are driving Kagome-chan crazy, by now." Sango replied, honestly.

"The hanyou alone is enough to drive anyone mad." Sesshomaru muttered, moodily (yet sounding like any typical elder sibling, despite himself).

"I'm sure Kagome-chan will probably agree with you, after everything is said and done, Sesshomaru-sama." Sango agreed, wholeheartedly. They both looked aside when they heard Rin call out to them.

"Sesshomaru-sama! Sango-sama! There's some flowers in this meadow! I'm gonna go pick some!" Rin chirped, as she dashed off in that direction, with a dismayed Jaken on her heels.

"Be careful, you two! Don't wander too far, Rin-chan!" Sango called after them, then looked down at Kirara and nodded. With an enthusiastic mew, the nekomatta took off after the child and imp.

"It's surprising to see how well you and that nekomatta work together." Sesshomaru admitted, quietly; hinting at the question he'd wanted to ask since he'd first encountered Sango within Inu-Yasha's group.

"We've been side by side since I was about Rin-chan's age, and she's one of my closest friends. In reality, she's all I have left, so I couldn't just leave her in their clutches." Sango replied; her words getting a thoughtful nod from the Taiyoukai. Yet, before any more words could be spoken, they both heard Rin utter a frightened yelp, and then Kirara's fierce roar.

"Rin-chan!" Sango shouted, as she raced towards the imperiled child, with Sesshomaru taking up the lead a few moments later. What the saw when they crested the hill was like a nightmare reliving itself in front of Sango's eyes; a huge scorpion now stood menacingly above the frightened child, before Kirara quickly whirled around, grabbed Rin by the back of her kimono (as well as a protesting Jaken) and rushed towards Sesshomaru.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango shouted, fiercely; sending the boomerang soaring at the attacking youkai. It uttered an ear-piercing screech when the weapon cut off one of its' pincers, then it swung upwards to try and catch Sesshomaru when he thrust into it with the Tokijin. He allowed himself a slight yelp when the barbed stinger buried itself in his side; breaking the breastplate and impaling him before he could blink.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken and Rin cried, in horror, before he managed to tear the stinger out and continue fighting.

"Get down!" Sango warned, then directed the Hiraikotsu to fly straight through the scorpion's middle.

"Does this creature have any shards in it?" Sesshomaru asked; shouting in order to be heard over the deafening racket the youkai was raising.

"Not that I can tell, Sesshomaru-sama!" Sango replied, then added, "Try hitting its' heart with the Tokijin! It might work!" With barely a nod to prove that he'd heard her, Sesshomaru raced towards the scorpion again, and this time buried the Tokijin in it to the hilt. It was with that blow that the scorpion finally uttered a dying scream, and crumbled.

"Whew….That was too close for comfort." Sango muttered, then glanced at Sesshomaru, "Daijobu desu ka?"

"This Sesshomaru will survive. It's only a minor wound." Sesshomaru stated, even as a little blood dripped onto his sash from the hole in his side.

"What about you two?" Sango questioned; wisely deciding against questioning Sesshomaru further about his injury, and turning her attention to Rin and Jaken as she said that.

"We're all right. Aren't we, Jaken-sama?" Rin chirped; seeming completely unfazed by the brush with death that had just passed them by.

"Of course we are, you dratted girl! Sesshomaru-sama can't be defeated by a mere bug!" Jaken spat, irritably. Yet, they all turned to look when a stately voice addressed them.

"You took care of that beast quite quickly. I suppose I should expect nothing less of the great Taiyoukai of the Western Province." A male voice stated, as its' owner strode over to them.

"Tekkenmaru-taisho." Sesshomaru greeted, with his usual unflappable calm. Trying her best not to stare, Sango took in the appearance of this Taiyoukai; he was a pale-skinned, youthful fellow with bright blue, cat-slitted eyes. Long, blue-grey hair flowed from his topknot, and blew gently in the breeze. His clothing and armor were ornate, clearly indicating his high station in youkai hierarchy. Even so, she could also very easily see the strain and worry in his eyes.

"I had begun to think you would never arrive, Sesshomaru-taisho." Tekkenmaru murmured, his relief that they were in his lands readily seen and heard.

"I was waylaid for but a few days….Has the situation deteriorated that much?" Sesshomaru questioned. This got a grim nod from the Eastern Taiyoukai for an answer.

"Hai. It almost seems that an invasion force is just beyond the horizon….So many have already appeared here, that my vanguard can no longer keep up with them." Tekkenmaru said, tiredly.

"I see….You do not mind if I bring my companions along with me, do you?" Sesshomaru asked, even though his expression told the other lord not to argue the point. Tekkenmaru then glanced at them.

"They will be as welcome as you are, Sesshomaru-taisho. I hold no ill will towards humans and respect your late father's stand in such matters….I will personally see to it that no one else in my court raises a hand against them." Tekkenmaru promised. Pleased with this answer, Sesshomaru then nodded to Sango.

"This young woman here is a Taijiya who has had experience fighting mainland youkai. Her knowledge could prove useful, in the long run." Sesshomaru said, earning himself a surprised look from Sango as a result; he was giving her the right to act as an advisor! Then she bowed respectfully to the two lords.

"I'll gladly offer what advice I can, and can only hope that the information can be used to help stop those youkai from taking over." Sango said, agreeably.

"Your services will be most appreciated, Taijiya." Tekkenmaru murmured, before turning and nodding to someone that was approaching them with another two-headed dragon.

"This is going to be interesting….." Sango mused, as she got astride Kirara and followed when they began to move again; staying as close as she could to the two Taiyoukai, in case Tekkenmaru had anything more to say to her.


Inu-Yasha was grumbling vehemently under his breath, as he led the way to the Taijiya Village. His mood had not been good, since he had picked up on Sesshomaru's scent, and it was getting worse the closer he got to the empty village.

"Inu-Yasha! Wait up! Wait for us!" Kagome shouted; sighing in annoyance when she was ignored by the stubborn hanyou.

"I wonder if he's actually worried about Sango, or if he just wants to throttle Sesshomaru?" Shippou muttered, as he rode in the bicycle basket; looking back when Kagome again sighed.

"No telling…..But didn't you two also smell blood where Sesshomaru's scent had been the strongest?" Kagome asked, a little concernedly. Shippou nodded.

"He was hurt, and must've gone to the Village to get help." Shippou replied, looking aside when Inu-Yasha snorted in contempt of that idea.

"Feh! As though that stubborn bastard would ever get help from a human!" Inu-Yasha retorted.

"And yet, that is what seems to have happened. Otherwise, why would Kirara have helped him, as well?" Miroku asked; finally breaking his unusual silence, and giving the irritated hanyou a questioning look. Inu-Yasha only shrugged.

"Hell if I know." Inu-Yasha muttered, as genuine worry settled in his heart for the tough young woman. What in the world had happened to her, and why wasn't he picking up on her scent, even as close as he was to the village? And what did Sesshomaru have to do with all this?

Author's Note!

Not a very long chapter, I know, but I'm trying to get back into this story again! Hope it wasn't too bad!
