Hey guys this is the new story comin to you from Dark Angel's Blue Fire tell me what you think!

Disclamier: I own nothing but the plot...Don't make me say it again...Please?


Prologue: The Ministry's Decree

Remus Lupin was not your average teenager.

Not even by his family's standards.

Remus was hated his birthday more than any other day of the year and he hated night times with a venom that was often questioned. He often also had to disappear from school on regular occasions only making the fact he was different even plainer.

Remus Lupin was a wizard. A teenage wizard. But that wasn't really the big deal. His whole family were witches and wizards. The Lupins were a well-known, respected pureblood family who were well connected through out the wizarding community.

Remus himself attended Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry, just as everyone in his family had done, where he was learning to control his magic.

But for reasons not of his own doing he was still a loner in his school life. You see Remus Lupin was a werewolf.

Now while for poor Remus this may have been bad enough having to undergo painful transformations once a month at the full moon, but being a werewolf also meant that he was shunned within the wizarding community.

Werewolves were feared and looked down upon within the community of which Remus belonged and his life had been difficult. He was one of the youngest werewolves to be bitten on record.

All thanks to an insane werewolf named Ferir Greyback that had wanted an army of kids he could train and turn on the human wizards. Remus had become one of those kids because his father had offended him. Remus always cringed when he thought about it.

What was wrong with that picture?

Remus was now a social outcast because some wolf decided he wanted an army to take over the ministry. Right.

As it happened Remus had been doing well at school. He didn't have anyone he could call friends as such, he didn't let anyone close enough for that but he had acquaintances he could rely on.

All in all he was having the time of his life at Hogwarts and was so pleased that his "little problem" had not stopped his coming here.

He had passed his O.W.Ls with flying colours and done his end of year tests at the end of sixth year and now was getting ready to return to complete his N.E.W.Ts and leave Hogwarts knowing that he had done what many people had told him he couldn't.

But the summer before seventh year everything changed….

Remus found himself staring up at the entire Wizengamot from his position on the floor in the enchanted chair. That chair scared him. At the moment it was silent the bonds on the arms unmoving but Remus couldn't shake the feeling that it might just spring to life when he was least expecting it.

He looked up at the Minister of Magic and he said, "because of the nature of the crimes you have committed…"

"But I didn't do anything!" Remus said loudly. He had done nothing wrong. He knew that. The only crime he had ever committed was being a werewolf and for god's sake that wasn't his fault!

He had never asked to be bloody bitten! Now his family skirted round him like he had the plague and to top things off he was now at the mercy of the Ministry of Magic.

Well that was just the story of his life wasn't it? He knew his family loved him but they didn't love him as they once had and Remus knew it wasn't there fault but it still made him resentful.

None of this was his fault!

He had a defence. The defence had been put together by none other than Albus Dumbledore and it was an excellent defence and Albus was stood next to Remus offering him his support.

He had been banned from his position at the head of the Wizenmagot for the trial as they decreed that Dumbledore could not be objective as the accused was one of his own students.

Remus couldn't understand it. Well he could. He knew that if Dumbledore had been allowed to sit in his usual place he would sway the court and Remus wasn't stupid he knew the ministry wanted something from him.

Something he knew that Dumbledore was fighting hard against. That could not be good. It was no secret that Dumbledore and the ministry did not get along but they needed him.

In short Dumbledore had too much support and power for the ministry to openly piss him off.

Which was why after Dumbledore and the minister argued under the guise of the case and the defence Remus was let off.

Remus breathed a sigh of relief as he walked from the courts with Dumbledore at his side. He met his parents who hugged him and congratulated him on his success telling him that they knew he would get off.

But they were as distant as they had been before the trial and it hurt Remus to see just how much they were relieved as if they had thought Remus had not stood a chance.

"I shall see you in September at school Remus." Dumbledore said kindly. Remus nodded trying not to show how much he was actually looking forward to returning to school. He loved it.

It was his true home and he felt like he belonged there. Not like now. That was still two and a half months away and the time seemed to stand before Remus like a never-ending road.

Now more than ever he could not wait until the first of September. "Thank-you Professor." He whispered before turning and walking away with his parents.

A few days later Remus was writing letters to his friends at school, ok so friends was a bit of a strong word for them. More like acquaintances. James and Peter didn't give up on him despite his self-induced isolation and despite himself he was starting to get closer to them.

He was just so frightened that if they found out what he truly was then they would abandon him and he didn't think he could deal with that. The one person he hadn't heard from though was Sirius.

If there was one person Remus felt a true connection with it was Sirius. He and Sirius were quite alike. Sirius loved Hogwarts as much as Remus did.

And although he didn't talk about it, after all he and Remus were not close enough for that, Remus got the impression that it was for the same reason.

That his family life was less than great. But because they weren't friends as such, Remus wouldn't let himself have things such as friends, friends mean you only get hurt. Besides with his condition it meant he could hurt them and that was something he would not let happen if he could help it.

So he was friendless with acquaintances but far happier in Hogwarts than he had ever been anywhere else.

His mother and father took him home from the Ministry and despite the happy occasion Remus felt an impending sense of doom. His parents had been sure he would be convicted and that made him feel angry.

The crimes for which he had been sentenced for in the first place were not even his fault. Just because he was a werewolf, yes, damn it! He was a werewolf big deal! Okay, it was a huge deal but that wasn't his fault.

They acted like he'd been asked to be bitten. Oh yeah, Remus thought moodily. I just walked up to the damn werewolf and said, "I'd like to be a werewolf. Bite me!"



His parents took him home and he refused to talk to them because he knew that they would have given anything for him just to go missing.

He wrote to James, Peter and Sirius because they had wrote to him and while writing to Sirius decided he was going to stay in his room for the rest of the summer.

He went to bed that night more miserable than he had ever been. He knew his parents loved him, somewhere, really deep down inside of them but he was tired of waiting for it to surface.

He went to sleep dreaming of what could never be.

Later in the night he heard scuffling outside his room and woke up he reached for his wand and heard voices talking. "He's in there. Quiet. We must do this quickly."

Remus gripped his wand and laid still thinking of all the defence spells he could say to help him.

The door creaked open and shadows gilded round his bed. Now, we must do this quickly.

Knowing he had very little time left Remus sat up and snarled as many defence spells at the intruders as he could. Caught off guard three went down as the spells hit them but the others caught Remus in a vice hold.

He struggled and snarled but he was soon overcome there were too many of them and then he was hit with a stunning spell and everything went black.