Black Roses666: This is the very first one shot I'll ever do and all. It is not Yaoi and all but I wrote this oput of complete and utter boredom and when I showed it to my friends. They told me to post it up here. Well, here it is. Hope you guys like it and also, please review!

Stupid Ainu…

That stupid Ainu…this is the umpteenth time he stole my, I repeat, my milk!

For days, I have been telling him, "Get your own damn milk, $$#0!3!" but does listen? Noooo…I had to even put a damn label on the thing but I guess I have overestimated his stupidity and thought he could read the simple lettering saying:


Even a dinosaur could read it and their brains are the size of a walnut! Maybe that baka-Ainu's brain's a size of a pea…or worse…he could have absolutely no brain at all! He would literally be a no-brainer.

Must I always stay in his presence…or does he stay in mine? AH! He drives me mentally insane!

I would give anyone my stupid allowance(1) if they could wipe off that stupid grin from that stupid face of the stupid Ainu who's stupidly driving my stupid head insane with his stupid stupidity!(2)

I'll give everyone a trivia: How many times can Horo tick me off in a minute? You don't have to answer, I lost count as well.

The only thing HE'S good at is making snow cones! WHO IN THE WORLD CARES ABOUT DAMN SNOW CONES!...uh, okay, Jun does but other than her, NO ONE!

Why the hell does he even need to drink milk! He's tall as he is! I'm the one with calcium deficiency (3) since I was soooo stubborn to drink milk when I was a little idiot! Now look at me! I can't grow! TT (XD)

Yet, in this tiny (XDD) body of mine, I still have the energy to slice off his head! There is nothing more I would enjoy more in the whole universe than to kill that stupid Ainu!

Why do I protect him at times, you may ask? Well, it's as simple as this:


I do blame someone/something for taking away Horo's brain. Fuck the media. His brain's been taken away by damn porn!

Alas, as I think, Horo's training under the watchful eye of his younger sister, Pirika. She's actually thanking for playing 'cat and mouse' with her big brother. Why? Because thanks to ME, Horo lost 5 pounds!

Good thing to. He literally wipes out the food, he takes it in, but where does it all go? I pitty the oceans (4)…really…He eats more than Yoh, dammit! I thought NO ONE could eat more than the brunette but I was wrong! ME, the GREAT Tao Ren was WRONG! It's the apocalypse!

Ah, yes. It seems so relaxing now. I, the great Tao Ren shall now relax in peace and harmony…

"Ren, it's time to eat! Also, I think Horo's drinking your milk again!"



Black Roses666: And that ends this completely random one shot. Here are what the numbers for:

1 coz you know how filthy stinking rich anyone would be if the had Ren's allowance

2 If you read that paragraph out loud, you would notice the word 'stupid' doesn't look or sound right anymore…

3 …don't ask…

4This is what you need to know: All drains lead to the oceans. Get it now?