A Broken Heart

A young Miko from five hundred years in the future ran through the forests of Feudal Japan as if the devil himself were on her heels. Salty tears ran down her face like a white waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff.


Kagome peered though the long drooping branches of a weeping willow, curious as to what her companion, Inuyasha was doing. She gasped at the scene that presented itself to her. Inuyasha the hanyou that she thought she loved was embracing the one woman that always managed to pull Inuyasha away from her, Kikyo. Inuyasha whispered soothing words to the dead priestess that clung almost desperately to his hakama with her soul stealers circling the two in a magical view of deadly beauty.

"Inuyasha, do you love my reincarnate?" Kikyo asked pulling back from the hanyou and looked up into his yellow eyes as her hands rested on his shoulders.

"Iie, I have always loved you, not Kagome" he pulled her back into his arms, flush against his chest.

"Do you want to be with me again?"

"Of course."

"Do you want me as a live human and not as a walking corpse?"


"Then kill Kagome and return my soul to my body so that I may live again" Kikyo said as she once more looked up into his eyes.

"Yes," Inuyasha said almost as if he was being hypnotized by a spell to keep repeating what the caster wanted to hear. Kagome slowly backed up from the branches of the tree she was watching from with tears silently streaming down her face and falling onto the moss covered ground.

'Inuyasha how could you?' she turned on her heel and in a panic ran for all she was worth away from the hanyou she thought she had loved.

End Flashback

'Inuyasha how could you?' Kagome once more repeated to herself as she continued running deeper into the gloomy forest. Limbs and briars grabbed at her, scratching and bruising her creamy skin while her clothes became ripped in various places.

'I can never return here, I will go home' she decided with finality as her breathing became shallower by the second until she was desperately gasping for air to fill her lungs. She collapsed on the forest floor and curled into a ball as consciousness left her in the surrounding darkness of her mind.

A lone figure with billowing silver hair reflecting in the moonlight walked with grace through his lands in the West. A light breeze blew towards Sesshomaru who caught the scent of blood and tears coming from a ningen woman not too far from where he had stopped.

'This smell seems familiar' he thought to himself as the wind picked up further bringing the human scent stronger to his nose.

'Inuyasha's wench' he sneered in his mind as he remembered the young Miko that had so defiantly disrespected him and traveled with his bastard half-brother.

'She can die, this Sesshomaru will not save a mere ningen wench.' As he was turning in the opposite direction of the ningen another thought formed in his mind that would possibly be of use to him.

'That wench could assist this Sesshomaru in retrieving Tetsusaiga from that bastard Inuyasha' he thought gracefully turning back around and following the scent of Kagome until he reached a small clearing where she was laying on the ground curled up in a fetal position against the trunk of the tree.

On closer inspection of the girl Sesshomaru noticed that she was unconscious and had been for quite a while with numerous cuts on her legs, arms, and face that bled openly. Sesshomaru walked closer to the Miko and without any regard to her health he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. Even unconscious she groaned in pain as he summoned his youkai cloud and descended into the night sky, shifting Kagome around on his armor clad shoulder with disgust at the thought of getting her scent on him.

After a long hour of flying with Kagome still unconscious over his shoulder, Sesshomaru arrived at his estate where he had resided ever since his father had died trying to protect his ningen wife. Sesshomaru landed at the front of a set of large polished double doors made from a sturdy mahogany with golden designs woven into the wood that were his family crest, a quarter moon.

The doors were opened by a set of guards that were standing guard on both sides of the doors. The two guards were garbed in matching black hakama's and pants with black armor that had Sesshomaru's family crest on the front. He walked through his long hallways where tapestries hung on the walls and up a long set of stairs that reached the third floor of the castle. The tapestries and many painting portrayed his family when they were once alive, most of the pictures of his father, the great Taiyoukai.

After walking down another long hallway he came to a door which he opened and dumped Kagome unceremoniously on a large bed covered in black and red silk covers. He walked back out of the room, to the left wing of the castle and into another room that had the scent of herbs and tea. A middle aged demon looked up from a scroll in her hand as she felt her Lords demonic aura.

"Can I help you my Lord?" she asked hastily getting up from the chair she had occupied and bowed to her Lord respectfully.

"Hai, there is a young Miko that needs attending to in the right wing of the castle." He turned and walked back the way he came with the demon healer trailing behind him with various ointments and medicines in her arms. Once Sesshomaru opened the door to Kagome's room Chie, the healer entered the room and immediately went over to Kagome's bedside and began cleansing her wounds with white wine. The wine destroyed the bacteria but put her in excruciating pain making her whimper in her unconsciousness.

"If you request anything then I will be in my study" Sesshomaru said with one last glance at Kagome before leaving the room to do some tedious paperwork. Sesshomaru held great respect for Chie because she had served his father and now served him as the palace healer, which she had been for centuries for he was not content with any other healer.

Chie finished cleansing Kagome's wounds while applying an cold ointment on them and wrapping a rather large gash on her right leg then dressing her in a sleeping yukata that was brought by another servant.

Kagome awoke the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on a door and coming into the room. Kagome slowly and painfully sat up in the bed, the silk sheets pooling at her waist and watched as an old woman poured cool water into a small bowl. The woman whom Kagome recognized as a demon had short-cropped black hair with gray streaks in it, a red teardrop on her forehead, and stunningly brown eyes that held years of wisdom in them.

"Ano, who are you?" Kagome addressed the woman who was currently rebandaging the wound on her leg.

"Chie, I am the palace healer for Sesshomaru-sama" Chie said while cutting the loose ends off of the bandage.

"L-Lord S-Sesshomaru" Kagome's eyes widened in fright as she tried to remembered what had happened to her.

"Hai, he found you unconscious in the forest" she said rinsing a white cloth in the bowl of cool water and laying it on Kagome's forehead.

Kagome was speechless as she thought of what Sesshomaru would do to her now that she was at his home and wondered why he saved her in the first place.

"Miko, daijbou?" Chie asked as she took in Kagome's frightened and curious expression.

"Hai, I'm fine and call me Kagome" she said laying back down against the pillow she had previously been asleep on.

"Are you hungry Kagome?"

"Iie I'm fine, just a little tired" she replied closing her eyes while trying to will her headache away that had began throbbing since she awoke.

"I will return shortly with clean clothing and ointment" Chie said before leaving the room and closing the door silently behind her.

'Poor girl, she seemed distressed when I mentioned Lord Sesshomaru' Chie thought as she continued on up the hallway until she arrived at Sesshomaru's study. She softly knocked twice on the door and entered when she heard Sesshomaru's reply to come in.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome has just awoken my lord."


"She insisted that I call her as such."

"Iie she is to be addressed as Miko or ningen, she does not deserve that kind of acknowledgement."

"Hai, she seemed frightened when I mentioned your name my lord."

"Did she, good, you are dismissed Chie; inform me again this evening of her condition."

"Hai, my lord" Chie said before exiting the room and continuing to her chambers.