The future in his hands

Hey everybody, this is my first fanfic, I would really appreciate it if u helped me improve.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or any of the other HP characters. If I did, I wouldn't be writing fanfics

"Is it so hard for your puny little brain to understand that I do NOT want to go out with you?" asked a beautiful red head to a black haired boy.

"Come on Evans; just give me one chance, please"

"No, now if you'll excuse me, my family is waiting", said Lily as she turned and left a sad looking guy behind.

It was the beginning of summer break, and everyone was very excited and happy to see their family again, well except maybe only one person that is. Yep, you guessed it… Sirius Black, although he was quite happy he wasn't going home for the summer, but was staying at the Potter's house.

"Over here", cried an energetic looking middle age woman

"Hey Mrs. Potter"

"Sirius; how many times do I have to ask you to call me Celeste?"

"About one hundred more", said Sirius grinning

"How was school?" asked Mr. Potter to James, but Sirius answered it first

"The same as always, Jamesie over here is practically drooling over Evans, while she tell him to bug off"

"James still likes Lily?" asked Mrs. Potter

"Yep, always have, always will"

"Shut up padfoot, can we just go now?" asked a grim looking James

"Sure, come on everyone, the last one to the car is a muggle"

James looked back to see Lily waving good bye to her friend Megan, and then left. Of course he was the last one, and Sirius wouldn't stop bugging him, when James finally got annoyed, he slapped him across the head, just then did he shut up.

"I'm going to miss you", cried a distressed looking girl

"I'm going to miss you too Megan, but promise me you are going to owl me over the summer"

"I'll owl you every single day, day or night, if it's snowing of raining I don't care!" exclaimed Megan

"Bye Lily"

"Bye Megan"

The girls cried as they hugged each other, then each left already missing each other terribly.

Out of the corner of her eye Lily thought she saw Potter staring at her.

"Must be my imagination"

"Hey mum, dad I missed you so much", screamed Lily as she hugged her parents

"Lilykins, we missed you too; how was school?" asked Mr. Evans holding his daughter tightly.

"It was… good I guess, well anyway, can we go home?"

"Sure thing honey, let's go".

Dear Megan,

How's life treating you? My summer is the same; Petunia won't even get near me, my parents are good though. But there is just one little problem….. I AM BORED!

Can you believe that? Well neither can I, so I was thinking (a thing I am perfect in, unlike Potter) that maybe we could go to Diagon Alley tomorrow, so we can get our school stuff together. I just got my letter from Hogwarts, and I have great news. Owl me as soon as you can.

Your friend always,


Lily folded the letter, and tied it to her owl Artemis. She then went to a corner in her room, and began reading. She fell asleep, and didn't wake up until she heard a tap on her window. She opened it and saw Artemis holding a little piece of parchment; she took it and read it.

Dear Lily,

Life's treating me good. My summer just improved a little, but I'll tell you about it tomorrow. See you there at 10:00 sharp.

Your morning friend,


P.S. If you like James that much and you can't stop thinking about him, why not try to go out with him?

Lily swore, and went straight to bed to get some good sleep.

How did you like my first chapter? Please review