Tenshi: Hi everyone! As YOU can see, Julie-dono will not be writing the rest anymore so I decided to write it WITH her permission! I already ASKED! Clarify? Haha…just ask her and you'll knoe. Why would I continue it? I guess because I just like this story so much, I would love to continue more, if she delete one of my favorite…haha…j/k…welp um, I'm going to start the story and hopefully you guys won't mind me changing it a little, of course I'm going to have a whole LOT of different stuff then Julie-dono, we're different author right? Cya! Enjoy!

To Julie-dono- Thanks for letting me continue, but I remember you saying you will…haha…never mind that…I hope you like what I wrote even though it won't be as good as yours.

Summary: Kaoru, who was forced to forget about her life, her husband and her son is now struggling against herself to find who she really is. Who was she? Who were they? She needs to figure out… But what happen when she finds out about Kenshin being the Battousai and fight with him…just when Kenji is watching her…

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or chap 1-7 on this story!

"Hn...I need to find out more about that name...,"she said and walk toward the road to Kyoto. Maybe if she was lucky, she can find more information that she need there.

Kaoru walked quickly and headed to the nearest spot that the information might be found. Aoiya was the place.

Aoiya was in front of her after a couple of hours walking. Many people were at the front door so she stood and waited for someone to notice her or let's say would not mind to help her. Suddenly a squeaky voice was heard inside Aoiya.

A girl stood in front of the door, waving at her. "Ah! Kaoru-san!" she screamed. 'Who is she?' Kaoru asked herself. She remembered she knew her once too. "Ne! Come here! Don't just stand there like you're a guest."

Kaoru walked towards her, awkwardly. Her eyes widen when she spoke.

"How's Himura and where's everyone, you can't possibly be traveling alone by yourself?"


Misao stare at Kaoru in shocked. 'She didn't know him?' "Oh duh! Kenshin ne! Himura Kenshin! What's gotten into you? You look so out of it."

"Uh…" Kaoru coughed and asked her. "Who are you?"

"MISAO! Sheez…come on in," she offered.

Kaoru followed her. There was this feeling inside of her that she knew her, she knew the place she's in right now. Her gazed followed the girl to a room and sat next to her while she talks.

"So… How's Himura? Yahiko? Rooster-head? Surely they're all fine right?"

"Yahiko…Rooster-head… Himura? That killer?"

Misao's wide eyes stare at her in shock ness. "Himura doesn't kill." She murmured slowly under her breath. "What are you into? What happen to you Kaoru? Aoshi-sama!"

It took a moment before a tall handsome man entered the room but she felt Misao's gaze on her. His eyes were aqua green. Kaoru also sense knowing this man in front of her too. Was there some connection between Aoiya and her?

"Oh. Konnichiwa Kaoru-san." He softly told her. "What is it Misao?"

"Can't you see it Aoshi-sama? Kaoru-san doesn't even remember Himura. I doubt she even remember herself or her own son." Misao whispered so low to Aoshi that wrinkles his forehead, figuring out what she just said. He sat there quietly and asked Kaoru.

"Kaoru right? Why are you here?" He tested her.

"…Yes…Kaoru I think…they keep calling me that. I'm here because I need you to find me something…important."

"What is it?"


Misao gasped at her, along with Omasu who stood from the door with the tray of tea.

"He's a killer." She continued. "He killed him…in front of me…he killed that guy that was holding this little boy."

"What Kaoru-san? What happen there?" Misao shrieked in horror.

"I think he killed that guy that was holding his son. There wasn't any blood or any of the kinds but he looks dead. He killed him."

"Himura-san wouldn't dare do that Kaoru-san." Aoshi quoted. "He would never even though it's for the sake of his son…your son."

This time Kaoru gasped. She had forgotten. Kenshin had said the little boy was her son but was it true? She couldn't possibly be married to a killer. Not possible. "Just tell me info about him. I need to know."

"Fine…but we do not need to use our connections. We will tell you about him."

"You can't tell me anything without the connections."

"Yes we could…Himura-san used to be the legendary manslayer known as Battousai…we know every piece of information about him, it's you who needs to regain it all. So do you want to listen or not?"

Kaoru nodded and Aoshi continued.

Kaoru snorted as she heard everything and replied coldly. "Then why would he kill him? Why did he kill that man who tried to kill the little boy?"

"Kaoru! What are you talking about? You're insane! Your very own son is in danger while you…stand and watch then say your husband killed the man who was going to kill your son. Ne kaoru! Himura sword's a Sakabatou! Didn't you see? YOU were the first to notice and now you're the one to say he just killed someone in front you. Can't you listen to yourself?"

Kaoru flinch at her words. Sakabatou? He was carrying a Sakabatou? How could she not notice? She was there…she was paying so much attention to him?

"Ne Kaoru-san? Are you okay?" Omasu shook her from her thoughts.

"Eh…yes I am…thank you. I'll be heading back now. Sorry for disturbing you guys." She bowed and stood up, leaving the petrified Misao behind.

"What happen Aoshi-sama? Something happen to her."

"Yes…I believe it was a spell of some kind…she's too healthy to have amnesia…"

"I'm following her." Misao stood up hastily and told Aoshi before she ran off.

Kaoru walked back to Tokyo. Everything seems a little clearer now. Not really, but a little seems to come to her. She remember herself, assistant of the Kamiya Kasshin…she also remember…no…she forgot again, something is dragging her memories out…something…and she is going to find the person who is controlling her to remember her normal and outgoing life than one she have now.

Tenshi: Is it as good as Julie-dono's…hehehe…I know I'm not as good as her…but I hope I'm as good…hehe…please review and tell me what you think aite? Cya!