Disclaimer I am not JKR I'm a student that should be working on an essay but can't get that done because this story is flying around my head. If you recognise anything then its not mine.

Okay so I know I'm already posting three stories on here but Choices is coming to an end and I've decided that I want to post this now because it might inspire me to write more. I must say that this is a Lily and James story at heart but there's lots of twists to reach before we get there.

Oh and now I'm dedicating this story to a friend of mine who has only recently discovered this whole writing fanfiction thing. She's nagged me to get this story done and asks me almost everyday when it's coming up. So this story is dedicated to Floss aka Carly

Oh and before I forget the next post is coming up maybe at the end of the week maybe start of next week depending on how my essay turns out, and all other chapters are longer than this I promise

I Need You

Chapter 1

"Who the hell are you to tell me how to live?"

The door slammed shut and the young girl shook with emotion, this was it; she had done it, she had finally split from her family. Small tears left her eyes but she wasn't sad. No, she was happy. At the age of eighteen, she had torn herself away from those she loved. They didn't understand her, and maybe they never had. She was different, a freak, to use her own sister's words.

She was everything a young woman should be; well mannered with a head on her shoulders. She wasn't afraid to stand up for herself; she'd say no if she had to. And yet she was a freak, all because of one thing, and that thing was the fact she was a witch.

At the age of eleven there had been a knock on their front door and a woman had been stood there who had explained that she was a witch and offered her a place in one of the top wizarding schools in the world, Hogwarts.

During her time there she had excelled in everything she had done, she had been a top student with excellent grades, well behaved and popular. She had been made a prefect in her fifth year and by her last found herself as head girl.

After seven years though she found that life wasn't what she had expected her popularity had slipped away from her and now she found herself left with only one friend Caitlyn Sanders, but that wasn't what had caused her to look at herself, it was actually her muggle (non-magical) background that had been the root of all of her troubles.

She was still young only eighteen and just starting her life. She had so many doors open to her in the wizarding world but her parents were pulling her back and she knew that she had no choice now but to leave her muggle upbringing behind her.

She was slightly surprised by how easy it was turning out to be, the plans her parents had put forward for her made it very easy. Her mother wanted her to attend a muggle university and get a degree so that she could work in the muggle world, but yet she couldn't see the point. Why should she want a job in the muggle world when she had all the qualifications she needed to get a good job in the wizarding.

It was strange to find that all the support her mother had offered her during her time in Hogwarts had been a lie, she hadn't been able to accept the truth at all and now that Lily was old enough to make her own decisions her mother was turning her back on her. Lily was upset but if her mother was going to make her chose between the wizarding world and her family there was no choice, she belonged in the wizarding world as much as her family belonged in the muggle.

Then there was her dad who had taken it upon himself to get her to marry and start a family by the time she was twenty. He had tried to set her up with a lawyer named Steve Hollows but that would ruin Lily's own plans. How would she be able to be herself with someone if they had no clue about the wizarding world, about what she was? She couldn't do that.

The easiest brake of all was the one between Lily and her sister Petunia. They had nothing in common except for their blood relation to each other. Petunia liked things to be ordinary and the thought of having a witch in the family was her worst nightmare.

Petunia was due to marry a boring man in three weeks, and she had completely banned Lily from the wedding but that didn't bother her, as far as she had been concerned she had been an only child for seven years.

So with her muggle past left behind it was time to move on with her life, and Lily had no idea of what was to come and how her past was going to be something that would come back to haunt her.