
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Future fic, so nothing specific
Ship: Jack and Sam
Summary: Sam can't sleep.
Distribution: If you want it, let me know.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything... unfortunately.

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Sam lay in bed staring at the light of the alarm clock as it flashed the time at her mockingly.

0300 hours.

She couldn't sleep. It was at times like these that she cursed her brain. Too many thoughts rushed through her mind and denied her sleep. She was exhausted. But her over active mind would not turn off and grant her the sleep she longed for.

0310 hours.

She blinked as the time seemed to speed by. She sighed resigning herself to the fact she would not sleep.

And then bliss.

A strong warm arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back against a hard chest and his warmth engulfed her. His lips descended on her neck in the most delicate of kisses and her wonderful mind finally stopped. She couldn't think of anything but him.

Her eyes became heavy and finally she slept.

0330 hours.

Sam lay in bed blissfully drifting in the world of nod, her back pressed up against the warm chest of Jack O'Neill while his arm wrapped around her protectively.

The End…