A/N: Sits behind her stand and shouts OH MY GOD I AM SOOOOO SORRY! I JUST LOST TRACK OF THE STORY! I AM SO, SO, SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I SWEAR I WILL NEVER EVER TAKE THAT LONG TO UP-DATE EVER AGAIN! A big half pound bar of chocolate and a limited edition Ed plushie for every one who reviewed and had to wait!

Full Metal Chimera

Chapter six (Wow! 11/22/05 Was the last time I up dated)

The sisters slowly crept towards the house.

When they finally got to the front door it took them five minutes to open the door because they keep playing 'You open it'.

In the end Amaranta ended up opening it, with Ashley's ever strong encouragement.

As soon as the door was open the sisters began to relax, a little bit they picked up an umbrella each from the stand that was shaped like a rabbit but with that many layers of dust it looked more like a lion then any thing else.

Clutching their umbrellas like swords they slowly made their way across the room taking the exact same path as Al and Winry had. Except for the fact that they jumped at every single creek making their foot prints go all over the place looking as though some one had done the tango.

When they came to the basement door they could hear voices, being as quiet as possible they made their way down stairs.

That didn't last long.

Half way down the stairs Ashley stumbled and tripped grabbing on to the closest thing which just happened to be Amaranta, the two flew down a lot of steps when they finally crashed to the bottom Winry and Al had both come in to see what the noise was about.

"What in the world!"


"Sorry guess that's the second time I caused a dog pile. Today," Ashley said taking the hand that Al offered her.

"Third," Amaranta reminded her sister.

"Oh yeah!"

"Why are you two here? I thought you said you were too scared to come in?" Winry asked.

"We were and still are." Amaranta said as she said picking up her umbrella.

"Did you find your friend?" Ashley asked changing the subject and picking up her umbrella as well.

"Yeah but he's, well a tad different." Winry said sweat drooping.

"What do you mean 'a tad different'?" Ashley asked.


A/N: How was it? I know it was short but hey at least I up-dated! PLASE REVIEW!

L33Tbunny: Me either I'll get to work on that soon! Thanks!

Darkblade Wielder: Lol, Thanks and I never get tired of hearing that!

Fullmetal Chibi: Lol, thanks!

Miroku9555: Well get to it!

Miroku9555: Hee, hee I'll try and read it!

Alchemist Neko-chan: Yeah kinda… Snow isn't that evil…. Thanks

Miroku9555: Thanks!

Sashsa: Thanks by the way happy 'takes a deep breath' Christmas, (or Hanakeh, Kwanza what ever you pick) New years, Valentines, St. Patricks day, April fools and what ever else I missed!

plutobaby494: Aparrently a chimera making one! Yup, yup poor Eddykins! Thanks!

PsycoNeko15: Thankies!

The Neko Alchemist: Hee hee long story! Anyhoo in a short I can't tell you more then this Dogs have longer heels they just stand on the tips of there toes!

Anime#1Fan: 'Dies laughing with you' Thanks!

Minimew: Thanks!

Primeval Eidolon Scar: Yup! Thanks!

Hono'o-Tasia: Doin' that now, thanks!

YaoiFan26: Thanks!

Edluver: Sorry! It just kinda slipped my mind! Why were you in the hospital?