
Harry searched everywhere in Grimuald Place and could not find another journal. He found some more pictures of his parents, but no journal. Why did that one Journal end up here? Was it the only one she wrote? If not then what was so special about this one? She got raped in this time in her life, was she going out of her way to remember it. Or was she going out of her way to forget it?

"Any luck?" asked Ginny, standing in the door with two cups of Hot Chocolate in her hands. She walked in and handed one to Harry.

"No." he pushed away boxes that were in front of him, "Just pictures."

"Have you looked at them?"

"No." he picked them up and handed to her, "Check to see if they're safe." He grumbled.

"Let's check together." She said scooting closer.

"Well if you insist." He loved having Ginny as his girlfriend, it was been about two months since he had finished the journal and he had been searching for another one ever since. The Black's had a very large attic, and some of the boxes had hexes and curses he had to break through to get in them. So he and Ginny would get to look together, it was kind of cool. He learned things about her in the talks they had, like the fact that Ginny never cried. Growing up with 6 brothers toughened her up. If she cried when she was little she was a crybaby. So she trained herself not to cry. She learned about Ron's "secret" crush on Hermione.

"Oh I do insist." She sat on his lap and he leaned against a large chest filled with old wizard robes.

The first picture was as still picture of James and Lily when they were on a date. Apparently they were not aware the picture was taken because Lily had a look like her eyes were half open and her hand was moving, like she was in the middle of talking to James. James was looking at her like she was a jewel and anyone could see that he had a twinkle in his eyes. Ginny Smiled, "It's like us, when we are talking up here, only they are not in an old musty attic. They look like they are in The Three Broomsticks."

Harry nodded numbly and Ginny flipped to the next photo, "It was Lily oh James's shoulders running around the Lake. This picture was moving. Lily was waving her arms around and James was trying his best to run around with Lily on top of him, making him off-balanced. Lily was obviously screaming in delight and James was laughing. "Aww, how cute!" said Ginny. "Well say something!" she said elbowing him lightly in the ribs.

"They are very happy."

"Good job Mr. Obvious." She flipped to another photo of them eating in the great hall at breakfast. This was another still picture Lily was laughing and James was obviously in the middle of telling a very dramatic story. His eyes were wide and he was obviously in the most exciting part because his mouth was open as big as he could get it and his arms was moving.

She continued to go through the pictures. They were mostly moving pictures of James and Lily together laughing and having fun. One of James feeding Lily some chicken at dinner was kind of funny because obviously it was not Lily's first choice of food, and she had a disgusted look on her face and her hands were moving to her mouth to keep herself from spitting it up. James was laughing and in the End lily ended up playfully slapping him. Ginny had a remark for almost every one of them.

Then obviously the pictures were in order because the pictures were getting a little bit more intimate. Lily and James sitting on a chair together, kissing without shame. On of her with her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms around his neck and her was toddling around the picture. Both Lily and James kissing like they would never kiss again. In all of the pictures Lily was wearing her promise ring. Which Ginny thought was so romantic.

Ginny went crazy when they came to a picture that was of them at sunset. They had obviously been walking around the Lake and James was on one knee and Lily was crying. He was proposing. The person who took the picture was probably hidden because they weren't close the madly in love duo.

The next picture was on Lily showing off her new ring. It was a lot fancier than the promise ring, but simpler at the same time. It was a simple band with a huge white-diamond rock sticking out the top. In the picture Lily was crying, probably from happiness. Then there was a picture of the two love-struck teenagers kissing again.

The last group was of James getting ready for the wedding. There was one picture of him in his boxers getting his fancy dress robes out, then one of him trying to figure out how to get them on. The last one was James wearing the robes and trying to tackle his hair. He eventually just pushed it back and left it as it was.

"See that is how it ends, and that's how it is. Is this okay, even if you didn't find her journal?" Ginny asked, leaning into his chest.

"I guess." He sighed, "too bad I couldn't find the other one. I was getting interested."

"Well Duh." She said before turning around and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Love you Honey." She whispered, "So will we end up like your parents?"

"We will have to wait love, you are in fifth year and I'm in sixth as on next week." He pulled out a little white box, "Will this help?" he opened it and there was a gold ring with little crystals implanted into the gold. "Lupin had the ring that dad gave mum, and I though that this one would be a good choice, don't you agree?"

"Your mum's promise ring?" she gasped.

"Will you wait for me?"

"Yes I will." She said before pushing him over to kissing him smack-dab on the lips for a very long time. Harry knew that even though he didn't get another diary he would be fine. He had his wonderwoman and her family. What more could he really want?


The story is over now. I am sorry, and there is no sequel. I am currently working on my new story though. It is about Ron and Hermione's daughter. It will have something of a twist so please read it!
