Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters (although I do in my mind)
Author's note: Hi this is Night Sparkle and this is my first fanfic. Well technically this is
messYjessY's fanfic I'm just taking over after the first chapter.
Rating: PG-13. It contains thought of suicide and self-mutilation
Please review and let me know if I should continue.

Dave-Is Carter coming in tonight?
Kerry-Yeah, why?
Dave-Well it's been a year.
Kerry-Wow Mallucci, you're actually being thoughtful? Well yes, I know but we are ALL going
to keep an eye on him.
Carter-We are slow today, I'm going to Doc Magoo's, I'll be back in 5 minutes
Abby-Need some company?
Carter-No. (He walks out)
Kerry-Maybe you should go
Abby-Carter is a grown man, he will be fine. He IS fine, if he doesn't want my company I wont
give it to him.
(Abby found him, after much searching, sitting on the roof of the hospital in a dark corner. He was staring blankly at nothing. She sat down next to him. He didn't react to this)
Abby-I guess you're not at Doc Magoo's
Carter- Does it look like I am? (drinking the 4th can out of the 6 pack of beer)
Abby-How many is that?
Carter- Huh?
Abby-Give me the beer.
Carter-No! Leave me the hell alone.
Abby-Fine (walking away)
Carter-Abby? (She stops and turns around) I'm not drunk
Abby-Ok (in a very sad and doubting look. Walks back into the hospital.)
Benton- Where's Carter?
Greene-Doc Magoo's
Benton-You let him go alone?
Greene-Abby went to check to see if he is ok. He already has a mother
Benton- (mumbling) She doesn't do a very good job at it. (Carter walks in) Hey man! How ya
Carter- Ok. (looks at the board) no patients? Gosh, were we this slow last year? (pauses) Don't
answer that. I'm going to sleep, wake me when you need me. (He was so tired that he didn't realize that he fell asleep in the same room that he is been terrified of for the past year)
(Around 11:56 p.m., Carter started screaming from a nightmare he having. He woke up to a pitch-black room, and this brought back the memories, flashbacks and the pain.)
Benton: (comes into the room to a crying and sweating Carter) whoa man, you ok?
Carter- Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine. (He walked out of the room hoping to find something to ease the pain, mentally and physically...)
(Carter kept walking around the hospital not knowing where to go. He stopped in front of an empty operating room. The hallway was empty and he figured Benton had left him alone for good. He was still shaking from the dream and he slid into the room. Carter walked around the dark room not sure what he was looking for, but then he saw something shine. It seemed to call out to him. Carter moved to it and saw an army knife lying on the table).
Carter: (Thinking) The nurses must have forgotten it or it's from a patient.
(It was a small knife not bigger than his hand. He closed it up and put it in his pocket. He walked out of the room and went to the doctor's lounge.)
Carter: Good thing it's empty
(He closed the door and put the couch in front of it. No one has ever locked the lounge. Ever. He pulled out the knife and stared at it. Carter slowly rolled up his sleeve. Trying to do it neatly for some reason. Carter began to cut his skin. He saw as blood started to seep out slowly, slowly realizing his pain, slowly relaxing him. He closed the knife and put it in his pocket. He put the couch back to its original position. He went to the sink and washed his wound. He looked on the table and saw a roll of bandages. He rolled up his wound, rolled his sleeve back down, and sat on the couch. He felt so relaxed and calm. He slowly fell asleep, not knowing that someone was beginning to open the door, the bandages weren't soaking up all the blood and his jacket was beginning to show a red stain that kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger...)

Coming soon, Chapter 2...