Sex, Love and Secrets

I love you all my sexy ho's! (you're not really ho's...the dirt kind or the other dirt kind...heh...)

Chapter 9: Together Forever

Kai yawned as he awoke, the sunlight was streaming through his window. He glanced over at his alarm clock. It was only 7am. He mumbled to himself to go back to sleep, but he was awake now, and once he was awake, falling back asleep was hard. Esspecially when your first thoughts waking up was, Rei.

Rei. He couldn't escape the sadness that had gripped his heart when he realized he had left his lover forever. He wanted Rei back. He couldn't leave his lover like that. Rei had meant the world to him and even more. He was tired of crying, tired of sleeping away his agony, and esspecially tired of having no shoulders to lean on in this ordeal. He'd have Rei to lean on, but he wouldn't be sad if it wasn't for Rei. That bastard, cheating on him, and lying about it. But he loved Rei so much, and he wanted to give the relationship a try, just one more time. Just once, he told himself, one more try and if he messes this one up, it's over. I can trust him, right? He has learned from his mistakes, he knows what happens when you screw around like that.

Rei had been living in his carefree world of pleasure and happiness, not bothering with reality and the future. For every action there is a conciquence, and in Rei's situation it was secretly cheating on Kai and having it flung back in his face.

"How does it feel now Rei, living in a lonely, dark world where around every corner lies a danger and then having no one by your side to help you face it? Yeah, it sucks being a nobody. Never trying to work your way to the top, always settling for whatever is the easiest way out. It doesn't matter how many boyfriends you've had, how many drugs you've taken, or how cool you are. Your future lies ahead of you, and someone will always be there to guide you. Don't live in the shadows, thinking the world will forget you and you'll be free from its grasp. Your lifes still there, and so is that someone, waiting for you, hoping you'd grab there hand and let them guide you. Believe it or not, they need you too. They're thinking 'where am I to go now with no body by my side?' If you leave them, they leave you too, then what will there be? Just a world made of shades of gray. This is what my life feels like right now. I need you Rei, you are my light. You are dim, but you are there, and you are all I have to hold onto in this dark world."

Kai felt a tear fall down his cheek. He'd never been more upset. He needed his lover. Rei would change right? Everybody changes, and he was sure Rei needed him too.

Kai got dressed and decided to go to Rei, to apologise. Hopefully it wasn't too late and Rei would accept him back. He trudged out the door gloomly, not bothering to tell his guardians where he was going.

While Kai was taking the city bus to Rei's home, Rei was in his bed, sleepy peacefully. Tala, Bryan and him had a night of caffine and dancing, and he was up until atleast four in the morning, chatting and dancing with Tala and his new best friend Bryan. Kai only crossed his mind once that night. Yeah, Kai left him in a brutal way, but he deserved it. He still had friends though that filled in the empty part in his heart.

Rei awoke suddenly from his peaceful sleep by a loud knocking sound. He sat up suddenly. He heard it again. It was coming from his window. "Who the hell could that be at his hour?"

Rei crawled off his bed and over to the window to pull back the blinds. Staring back at him was a sad, crimson-eyed boy. His hair was tangled and windblown, his eyes were red from tiredness and dirt was stuck to his tear stained cheeks. He almost didn't reconize the boy. "Kai?" He said aloud. Rei flung open the window.

"W-what are you doing here?" Kai sniffed. "I...I wanted...t-to apologise...i'm sorry...i'm...I don't know why I did that Rei...I want you to...forgive me." There. He'd said it. Kai gulped. Now all he had to do was wait for a reply from Rei, hoping it'd be positive.

Rei dropped open his mouth. He was lost for words. "Is Kai asking me back?" Rei thought. "He couldn't be, not after what I did."

"Kai I..." Rei mumbled. Kai bit his lip nervously. "Please please..." He begged silently.

"Why...why would you want me back Kai? I'm...I'm a lier and a cheater...and I'll probably do it again."

Kai didn't even take a moment to ponder this. "No, you won't do it again. I will love you like you've never been loved, and you won't even think about cheating on me because we'll be so in love. Sleeping with someone else would never cross your mind because I would give you everything you needed."

Rei laughed, but Kai was dead serious. "Don't laugh at me! I'm fucking serious!" Rei quit laughing. " want me back I guess?"

Kai nodded. "I've thought about you forever, well, since yestersday, and I realized that what I did was horrible. I left you when you were trying to hold onto me. I didn't realize you needed me so much, and I didn't realize I needed you so much either."

"Aww..." Rei said. "Thank you Kai, I love you."

"I love you too Rei, now let me in I'm freezing my ass off out here." Rei opened the window wider and let in the poor freezing teen.

"Is that better lovies?" Rei asked cutely. Kai nodded, "I suppose, if you're a polar bear."

"I'm not a polar bear, I just don't think this is cold. If you're Russian and think it's cold in here then-"

"How about we snuggle under the covers to get warm?" Kai interrupped. Rei smirked.

"Now there's a thought..." Kai dove into the bed and buried himself beneath the blankets. Rei followed him, but couldn't pull the covers over him, all the blankets were pulled over Kai.

"Let me under!" Rei cried, tugging at the comforter.

"Only on one circumstance," Kai said, poking his head out from beneath the sheets. "You have to take your clothes off."

Rei gasped. "What? You ask me back out and you want me to sleep with you on the same day?" Kai chuckled. "Well...only if you want to, but we can lay naked in eachother arms."

Rei giggled. "Okay, baby, but you've got to take off your clothes too."

"Already on it." Kai replied. Kai pushed his pants off the side of the bed, so he now lay naked beneath the sheets. Rei blushed. "So...just like that? You're gonna fuck me, just like that?"

"Well how else do you want me to do you? I can give you anal, oral, anything you want, anywhere you want."

Rei coughed. "I didn't mean it like that I meant, are you really going to have sex with me after all i've done to you? I've been a horrible person..."

"Rei, I already told you, I love you, and everything that happened with us is in the past. So, I forgive you, do you forgive me?"

Rei nodded. He removed his shirt and the rest of his clothing to cuddle next to Kai. Kai's warmth and closeness made him begin feeling hot, and not by the fact that they were under a heavy blanket in a 75 degree temperature house. Kai stroked his backside, and his cold hands made Rei arch his back, and press his heated area against Kai's.

Rei moved in for the kiss first, much like he always did, but Kai caught it passionatly, and took controll of it quickly. It was amazing to Rei how quickly they were recovering from their breakup yesterday. So Kai wanted to forget the past? But what about Tala, and Bryan? Rei was still friends with them.

As Rei felt Kai moving his leg around him, he pulled away from there kiss. "Wait, Kai, I have to tell you something."

"What?" Kai asked. Rei could tell he was eager to move on, and felt pity for stopping him. "Last night, I dropped by Tala's to apologise. I thought you were gone for good, and I still needed a friend. So I apologised to him, and he forgave me. I also made up with Bryan who was there at the time, and we're friends now, I'm sorry if this hurts you some how."

"'re still friends with him? Tala and...Bryan?" Kai's eyes looked hurt. Rei hoped he wouldn't lose Kai becasue of this. Not now.

"I'm sorry." Rei replied. "but, they're not bad people really, they're normal, just like you and me.

"Since when were we normal?" Kai replied. Rei smiled and shrugged. "I don't know...just don't hate me.

Kai leaned over and placed a light kiss on Rei's lips. "I don't hate you, I love you. I thought I already told you that. I don't care who's your friend, as long as I know you're safe with them and you're not sleeping with them. Besides, I could probably learn to like them, Tala seems nice I guess. I mis-judged him."

Rei smiled. "Oh thank you!" He wrapped his arms around Kai and buried his face in his neck. Kai chortled. "Now, where were we?"

"We were about to have sex." Rei replied. Kai licked his lips, "Oh yes, now I remember." Kai hopped on top on Rei, and pinned his hands down. They came face to face. Rei could see Kai was ready to go, but Rei didn't feel so sure. He still doubted himself. He needed to tell himself he could do this.

"I promise Kai...I will never, ever...EVER cheat on you again." Kai kissed him again, this time more roughly, "I know baby, I know."


sorry there was no lemon the end! It doesn't feel right though, to put it there, ya know? Sorry it's taken me forever to update. I've been a lazy poo. I've been busy making a video and decorating my myspace. My myspace name in my profile, go check it out! NOW! BE MY LOVELY FRIEND:::kisses:I'll have my video on YouTube as soon as possible, i'm busy cutting it down to bite size peices so it fits on the internet. It's super-duper funny, and it's about the Majestics and how different they are. It's SO funny, i'm going to watch it again, right, Arevederci, Auf Weidersan, Au revour, and Good-bye for now my lovies! I'll have all ma other fics updated as soon as I get my movie fixded. Also, join my website, i'm a lonely child with no friends. (errg it's in my profile!)

Kai: Oh yes, Rei, come on baby

Rei: Oh god yes Kai, fuck me harder baby, oh...oh yes!

Kai: Damn you're tight...

Rei: Yeah I know.

There's your lemon, hope you're happy...inside...