Author's Note: My first ever story! Tell me what you think.


Chapter One: Freshman in college

"Well, this is your dorm room, and this will be your roommate for the year. Her name is Ami Mizuno, and she is also a freshman here at UCLA," the campus manager informed Serena.

"Nice to meet you, Ami," Serena announced cheerfully as she greeted her roommate, who nodded and smiled back politely.


At first glance, Serena Tsukino is a mildly attractive young eighteen-year-old girl. Her long, beautiful blonde hair, tied uniquely in the shape of two round meatballs on top of her head that flowed down her back in two silky plaits. Her only flaw,the fact she hid her well-proportioned figure underneath her baggy clothes. Even then, it was difficult to deny how unusually beautiful she was.


"Well, I'll leave you two ladies alone so you can get acquainted and get unpacked. If either of you have any questions whatsoever, my name is Jessica Renu."

As Ms. Renu walked away, Serena took a good look around her dorm room. It's not so bad, she thought to herself. It's actually… kinda homey in a way. Then her wandering eyes landed on Miss Ami Mizuno. She thought this girl seemed a bit of a bookworm. Ami seemed quiet, but sweet and polite. Her hair was short and a little messy, but overall, she seemed a relatively cute girl, "So, how are you liking it here so far?" Serena asked as she started to unpack her things.

"Umm… well, it's not like home exactly, but it'll do. As long as I have a place to study, I'm good," Ami answered sweetly.

Serena smiled to herself, Yup. She's a bookworm all right.

The dorm room had a large window, overlooking part of the vast campus grounds. The room itself wasn't all that big, but it was big enough for two people to work and be comfortable in. There was a bunk bed set to the left when you entered, and a desk opposite it. There was also a closet with drawers enough for them both. Like Ami said, she mused, it wasn't home, but it'll do.

The girls did the rest of their unpacking in silence until Ami asked, "Er… Serena? Would you like the top or bottom bunk?"

Serena turned to look at the bed, and replied, "Whichever one suits. I'll take the bottom if you prefer the top, or if you want the bottom bunk, I'll take the top one."

"Hmmm… Do you wanna flip a coin for it then? Heads gets bottom, and tails gets top," Ami suggested, pulling out a quarter.

"Okay, sure," Serena agreed with a smile.

"All right, so whichever side faces up, I'll get first dibs," Ami announced.


Ami threw the coin in the air, and the girls watched as the coin dropped to the floor. It twirled and twirled, and came to an abrupt stop -- finally falling on its side, "Tails," Serena cried enthusiastically, "So, I guess I get the bottom bunk!"


"Well, now that's settled, how's say we go get something to eat on the campus grounds and take a look around?" Serena suggested, looking at the clock.

"Oh, that sounds great. I haven't eaten since I've arrived," Ami exclaimed.

"All right… Well then, let's go!"


Meanwhile, across the hall, a junior fellow, by the name of Darien Chiba, had just finished unpacking his belongings.

Darien Chiba was one of the most admired men at college. Girls seemed to flock to him wherever he went, he was always invited to all of the college parties that everyone wanted so much to attend. He had an air of confidence in him that girls swooned over, and the males hated. To some, he came off as arrogant and rude, but to others, he seemed charming and smart. Those who knew him well knew he was all those things. They also realized that sometimes he would keep his guard up, and didn't really trust any one person completely.

This year, Darien was roomed with Andrew Motoki, one of his closest friends, both viewed as the most "popular" people in college.

"Dude, I'm hungry," whined Andrew as he patted his stomach, frowning.

"What's new? You're always hungry," Darien replied with a grin, as he lay on the lower bunk, putting his arms behind his head.

"Come on, let's go down to the campus café and grab some grub before my stomach eats me," Andrew suggested as he grabbed a coat and headed towards the door.

"I just want to rest, Drew. We got here at 8AM! That's way early."

"Yeah…and it's 12 PM and I'm – way -- hungry. Plus, we'll get to scope out the new freshmen ladies…whadya say, Darien?" Andrew smiled as he stopped at the door.

"They're all the same, what is there to scope?"

"Dude…you're lame. Just come on! I don't want to be bombarded with girls by myself… I need my partner in crime… I need my Dar-Dar!" Andrew grinned as he opened the door.

"You are NEVER going to say -- Dar-Dar – again, or my fist will make major contact with your face," Darien mocked jokingly. "All right I'll go. But you're paying for my food."

"Fine…whatever, let's just go."

Darien gave a heavy sigh, got up, and headed out the door.

Serena and Ami made their way towards the campus café, and soon located a seat, "I'm gonna go order. I think I know what I want," Serena declared, as she headed towards the register. Hmm... I want a mocha latte… no… erm…

Suddenly, Serena heard a loud cough behind her. She turned to find a good-looking guy standing there; it was Andrew, "Yeah… Hi…I was just wondering if you were gonna order sometime before the next century cause there are people, like me, who are really hungry," complained Andrew, rather rudely.

Serena stared at him in shock for a few seconds, and then turned her attention back to the worker behind the counter, "Um… I'm sorry; I think it's going to take me a few minutes to decide what I want. I mean…you have so many choices! I don't know if I want the mocha latte, or the double chocolate chip frapp. Or you have a special on anything?"

The worker replied politely, "Why yes, we do! In fact, we have a couple of specials…let me tell you…."

Serena smiled and nodded as she listened. She glanced at Andrew over her right shoulder and gave him a knowing smirk before turning back to the worker. Darien stood directly behind Andrew, trying to suppress his laughter. Andrew frowned deeply -- crossing his arms.

As promised, Serena took a couple of minutes to complete her purchases, having finally decided on a mocha latte with a sandwich and chips. After she paid, she looked back at Andrew, who was glaring at her. She glared back at him defiantly, "You arrogant little son of a bi…"

"Whoa…no need for profanities!" Darien cut Serena off, and then stepped out from behind Andrew, throwing her a charming smile. Serena looked at Darien for a moment. Then glared at Andrew before turning back to get her food. As she walked off, Darien took a good look at her. Her hair was the first thing that caught his attention. He'd never seen hair styled like hers before. They're like meatballs, he thought to himself, smiling. But it looks pretty.

"What are you smiling about?" Andrew questioned as he paid for his food. "No girl's ever done that to me before! The nerve of that little wench."

"Ah, don't get so upset about it, Drew. She's a freshman. Plus you have to give her some props for the way she stood up to you." Darien chuckled mockingly.

"Whatever…but next time… I'm not gonna take it, Darien… I'm not!"

"Yeah, that's your stomach talking," Darien replied, looking over Andrews shoulder to where Serena sat eating her lunch. He saw her glance at him quickly, before taking a bite out of her sandwich, and turning her attention to her friend to gossip he supposed.