Hi there.

Disclaimer- JKR owns all HP charecters.


flower123- Thank you very much. Next story won't take too long to post.


Dumbledore saw it fitting that the Weasleys, Hermione, andHarry take their exams before the funeral so they could stay home for the rest of the year.

The group had no trouble testing, and they all expected they did well.

The funeral was a small one that consisted of all of the Weasleys, Order Members, and some staff members. There were lots of tears and not much happiness.

After the Service...

"Next year's going to be awful." said Ron.

"I know, but I'll be there. Ron, can we talk for a minute alone?" asked Hermione.

They went to somewhere private. "Ron I love you.I want to be with you. Please take me."

Ron was silent for a minute, then pulled Hermione into a kiss. After the kiss Ron added " You can take that as a yes." They kissed again.

"Ahh, young love." sighed Ginny. " I wish somebody loved me like that."

"You know there is somebody out there for you." said Harry. "I bet he sure would love to kiss you right now."

"Well if he wants to, all he has to do is ask." Ginny said. "Too bad I can't find him..."

She was cut off by Harry kissing her, and she returned it. After it, "May I?" he asked.

"Why yes you may." she said and they kissed again.

The spring/ summer was looking up for these two couples.


Author's Notes-

So happy and sad.

Okay you need to read what's under this!

I really do not want to write a sixth year story. I would really rather add a prolouge to a seventh year story explaining the sixth.

Please tell me that you agree that I can do that. I may still do it anyway, but I want you're approval.