Aiden finally responded, "So will you go out with me?"

Sophie was shocked; go out with Aiden? "What?" she stammered.

"Sophie, I don't know how I could have ever been so blind. Please?"

"Aiden, you broke my heart. You couldn't see who really cared for you. You lost your chance. Oh Aiden! Why did you have to do it?" Sophie cried.

"Give me a second chance, Sophie! Let me prove myself to you!"

"You wouldn't let me prove myself; you had your mind made up from the start!"

"Sophie, you said you wished you could make it better, and now you can. Just let me take you out to dinner or something."

"Aiden, what you're doing is called rebounding," Sophie said in a firm tone. "You're still hurting about Katie. You can't just try one of us out and then decide that you want the other one instead."

"Give me another chance, Sophie! I… I think I love you!" Aiden's voice was full of repentance.

"If you say that, you'll just end up with a broken heart like me."

"Sophie… Sophie," Aiden's voice was persuasive. "This isn't the Sophie I know. The Sophie I know is compassionate and forgiving. You're not supposed to be the one with multiple personalities!"

"Give it up, Aiden," Sophie said in a warning voice.

"If you loved me, you'll go out with me," Aiden tried a different tactic.

"I don't love you anymore. I don't know what to think of you! This pestering isn't helping your cause very much!"

"I repent! I repent! I'm begging you, Sophie… Tell me what to do so you'll say yes!" Aiden pleaded.

"There's nothing you can do, Aiden. No is no. Let it go."

"Sophie, please. Just out to dinner! No strings attached! I need to see you again, Sophie! Be near you. How many love songs do I need to write?" Aiden stopped, covering his sob with a cough. "You were in my position, Sophie. You know what it's like. Please!"

Sophie couldn't believe how pathetic Aiden was sounding. And she used to love him? Sophie was amazed at herself. "Good-bye, Aiden."

She hung up without waiting for a reply. It's over now, Sophie thought. Aiden's gone.

888888 Epilogue Chapter Three that was going to be its own chapter but it was too short, so it was combined 888888

But it wasn't over. Over the next week, Sophie was surrounded by a cloud of depression for her actions. She doubted herself, wondering what would have happened if she had said yes to Aiden's pleas and went out with him. She should've given him a chance, she realized. But now it was too late, and Aiden was gone forever. She didn't exactly want to face him again, either. How did she know he wouldn't just break her heart again? It could go on forever. No, Sophie needed to get over him.

Sophie grabbed her car keys and fled out the door, jumping in her car and speeding off without any warning. She drove on.

When she reached her destination, she got out of her car and jogged up the trail to the oak tree. She remembered the land marks and had no trouble finding it, even once she left the trail. Once it was in view, she slowed to a walk.

Sophie thought about everything that had happened to her last time she was here. This is where this adventure started; this is where it is going to end. I'm not leaving until I'm over him, Sophie declared in her mind. Idly, she whistled the tune of 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again.'

When Sophie was within about ten feet of the tree, she stopped. She heard a rustling from above. Then, "Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance."

It was Aiden, singing from in the tree.

Sophie uttered his name as he appeared, jumping down from his hiding spot. "How did you find me?" she asked.

Aiden smiled mischievously, "I am wherever you are."

Sophie raised an eyebrow, "You really do remind me of Erik sometimes."

"That's because I was quoting him," Aiden replied as he approached her.

Sophie didn't know what to do. She didn't know how she felt about Aiden. So she just stood there as he began singing again.

"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude," Aiden was now right in front of her. He placed his hands on her shoulders, "Say you want me with you here, beside you." Aiden looked straight into Sophie's eyes, his loving eyes pleading her.

Aiden can be pretty cheesy sometimes, Sophie thought to herself, but she had made up her mind about him all the same.

"Anywhere you go, let me go to! Sophie, that's all I ask of-"

And Sophie silenced him with a kiss.

Hooray! It's over now! No more epilogues! And just look at how much more cheesy this ending is than chapter 20! Yup, nothing like a good piece of fluff to wrap up a story of angst and hopeless causes. So thanks so all who suffered through to the end! I sound too happy that it's over. Maybe I should add in some sniffles to this A/N. Actually, nevermind. It doesn't really matter that much anyway. Thanks again, my darling readers! PM me or review if you want to chat! Or discuss something. Just don't blackmail me, please. Because hey, you never needed those pitchforks, now, did you? Unless you actually wanted Katie to end up with Aiden. In which case, cool! A nonconformist! Review anyway!