Silent Hearts

Chapter One:

Abandoned Town

"Gawrsh Sora, when do you think we'll find the Door to the Light?" asked Goofy, Sora's traveling companion.

"I honestly don't know guys," answered the eighteen year old brunette. After Sora and company had sealed the door to Kingdom Hearts, they were left with the job of finding the Door to the Light in order to free their friends Riku and King Mickey. Their four year journey had taken them to many strange and amazing places, but now they were traveling down an ordinary road to what appeared to be a fairly normal city.

"Sowa, what is the name of this city again?" quacked Donald.

"That sign a few miles back said 'Brookhaven' I think." came the reply. Soon, they reached the town limits, when an idea came to Sora: "Um, Donald, Goofy, won't you guys stand out a little?"

"What do you mean Sowa?" queried the weary duck.

"Well, it's just that this is a completely human world. I'm pretty sure that they don't have talking ducks and dogs here..." Sora stated hesitantly. Donald and Goofy realized the truth in his statement, and agreed that they would hide outside of the city, while Sora went in to see if he could find the Door.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" called our hero. When no reply came, he continued to walk along the deserted street. Suddenly, looming over the street like an evil giant, he saw an apartment building to his left. Maybe there are some people in there, he thought. So, he opened the door and entered the Daisy Villa Apartment Complex.

Wandering the deserted halls, Sora began to grow worried - where were all the people? Brookhaven was a fairly large suburb, so there should have been someone here, right? When he walked in front of one apartment, he was scared witless by the sudden sound of a woman crying! He slowly rotated to face the door, and he pushed it open to see what was wrong.