Yeah! this is the last chap! Finally! so this one is shorter, the reason is, the last chap and this one were supposed to be one chap. so i hope you enjoy!


Terra and Beastboy walked to their roms together, since Terra's room was on the way to Beastboy's. Terra used the wall sometimes to support her as she walked. Beastboy and Terra would keep glancing up at each other, then when their eyes would meet they would quickly look away. When they got to Terra's room, Terra opened the door and said to Beastboy,

"I'll be out in sec." after she said this Beastboy nodded and went to his own room.

Terra went inside her room and took off the gown. She looked in her closet for something to wear. When she found her uniform she put it on. She looked out the window for a couple seconds. She noticed the sun was coming up and it was painting the sky with radiant colors. She then went out of room. On her way to Beastboy's room she thought to herself, 'I wonder if he would like to go on the roof with me?' When she came to his door she knocked. Beastboyopened the door and invited her in. Terra then motioned for him to come out of the room. With a confused look on his face he asked,

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just want to know if you would like to go on the roof with me instead." the young geomancer said. Beastboy then got a smile across his face,

"Sure, sounds good."

Then the two teens head off to the roof. When they arrived at their destination, Beastboy and Terra were greeted with a beautiful and stunning view of the sunrise. They both stopped for a minute, and took in the beauty the sun was offering.Then they both went and sat down at the edge of the Tower with their legs dangling off the edge. Beastboy was in a trance, and the culprit was Terra. He couldn't stop thinking about her. 'She is so beautiful. I want her to be with me forever. She is braver than anyone I have known, she is so self sacrificing, and caring, and funny, and . . . and . . and perfect!' Beastboy's thoughts then came to a halt when he heard Terra say,

"It's beautiful, isn't it." Terra asked Beastboy. Of coarse Beastboy still being in his trance answered

" Yeah, you are."

Terra then turned her gaze over to Beastboy, she smiled and blushed. Beastboy then realized what he had said and almost fell off the roof while stammering out,

"Uh, I mean it's beautiful! The sunrise! Ehh . . . uhh."

Terra giggled a bit and helped Beastboy not fall off the roof. "I know what you meant."

Beastboy then realized this was the perfect time to tell Terra how he really felt about her. He thought to himself, 'If there was ever a time to tell her how I feel about her, well, when she is actually conscious, now would be that time.'

"No Terra, I don't think you do." he told her while looking at his feet.

"What do you mean?" Terra questioned. Beastboy then took in a deep breath.

"Terra since the day I met you I knew that you were different from anyone I have ever met. You really could "see" me. I felt like I didn't have to try to prove myself. Terra I have never felt this way about anybody before. I wasn't sure if you felt the same, but I don't think I could go another minute without you knowing how I feel. Terra . . .I . . . I love you." then without warning Beastboy put one of his hands around her waist, and with the other hand, pulled her in towards him. Their lips were inching closer and closer. Finally their lips met. Even though the morning was crisp and cool, the two felt warm. Then Beastboy broke away. Terra looked stunned and shocked. At that moment Terra then swung her arms around Beastboy and passionately kissed him back. Beastboy gladly returned the kiss and put his arms around her. With a great deal of affection they kissed for minutes, breaking away , every so often, to get a breath. When they finally stopped kissing, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"I love you too." Terra confessed while putting her head on Beastboy's shoulder. Then Beastboy put his arm around her. The two lovers sat on the roof of their tower and watched the sun rise into the sky, promising a new day.

Wow, that was so much fun! i hope you all enjoyed that story as much asI did! so i will be writing another story, it's going to be a Christmas related one, i hope you all read it!