
Cashmeritan (Mary)



The rain sluiced down her windows, as Riza twirled a lock of golden hair around her index finger in boredom. It was immature of her, she realized, to be moaning to herself about being so upset over nothing, but it was a matter that could not be helped. The dog had been fed, the laundry had been done, and she had read all of her books about 5 times over. Riza had to face it. She was damn bored.

Now that there was nothing left to do, she figured she could talk to herself. After all, no one would hear, right?

"If only the rain would stop," she mumbled, her voice feeling just about dead from lack of use, "I could garden. Or maybe, I could take him for a walk." The him that Riza was referring to was Black Hayate, her loyal mutt, who was curled up over by her bedroom door. She sighed when she realized that the sky was not going to perform a miracle to her and stop raining, and she glanced over at Hayate.

"Are you as bored as me?" she asked softly, almost cooing to the dog. Hayate lifted his head, his tail thumping steadily against the door behind him as her gentle voice wafted into his ears.

An idea struck her, and she smiled. "The rain is harmless, after all," she stated out loud, before leaping to her feet, yanking on a blue dog leash. "Buraha, come," she commanded, and Hayate stood, sleepily obeying his master's order. He lifted his head, letting her clip the lead to his collar, and plopped down again as soon as she had.

"No, no," she shook her head. "COME. We're going for a walk….in the rain." The dog looked up at her, almost puzzled.

Riza didn't seem to notice, and yanked the leash again, this time pulling Black Hayate after her.


Oh, how he LOATHED the rain. Roy Mustang boredly flicked his ball-point pen across his home office, groaning. There was nothing left to do, now, except give in to the Lieutenant's wishes and complete his paper-work. True, he did make a bigger deal out of it than was necessary, but Roy hated having to resort to doing….WORK. He'd much rather be out with a beautiful woman…or, less romantically, driving in his car alone along the back-roads of Central.

A distant smile crept across his face. Yes….To go driving…That's EXACTLY what he wanted to do right now. And, it would help get the adrenaline flowing so that he could finish his paper work later, (key word: later). He jumped to his feet, fumbling about on his desk to find his car keys….only to not find them. The cold truth smacked him in the face. His beloved automobile was currently in the shop, getting fixed up after a leak. A sigh escaped from his before firmly clamped lips, and he collapsed back into his chair in an unceremonious fashion.

The rain may be enticing for some to go out and dance in, but not for Roy Mustang. O-ho no. He preferred the indoors, or the safety of his car. Some saw it as a cleansing of the earth, but the rain made Roy feel impure for reasons that hurt too much to explain in detail. But one name could define it all: Ishbal.

A thirst came over the Flame alchemist, and he bit his lip, feeling the desire for scotch to flow down his throat. In old times, he would have just called Hughes, and invited him to go along. …But not anymore. Not since his best friend's passing. That was another topic that Mustang didn't particularly like presenting, seeing as he hated sharing his pain. To show pain was to show weakness was his father's philosophy. Damn that thing.

Well. He could walk for 3 blocks to the nearest bar, with that nice umbrella Gracia got him a couple years before. Or he could go commando, and let himself get soaked with the atmospheric discharge that he abhorred so much. Neh. He'd go with the umbrella.

Roy stood, and headed over to his closet, fishing about until he found the jet black umbrella; it went perfectly with his beloved trench-coat. Armed with the umbrella, Roy found no reason now to fear going outside and getting doused in water. Nope. Trusty Umbrella would protect him.


It was a bad idea, Riza Hawkeye soon realized, to go for a walk in the rain with only a thin jacket and skirt, when it was early March. The poor woman was shivering; her teeth were chattering, and she was downright frozen as she clutched her umbrella, and Hayate's leash, like a line between sanity and insanity. Hayate, however, seemed to be enjoying himself quite well, tugging on the leash to try bouncing into nearly every puddle that they came across on their cold walk. Riza soon became about too chilly to yank on the leash to keep her dog in line, so now there were water droplets gathered at her ankles from her Black Hayate's fun.

The sky was not clearing up, and it was about the time that the sun would have been going down (had it been allowed a chance to shine through the clouds), which did not help Riza's problem with temperature. In fact, it meant that soon, she would be BEYOND freezing….a fact that she was right now loathing. In time, Hayate began trembling as well, drenched in chilled water from the rain puddles. Both human and animal longed to reach home quickly, but it would be another 15 minutes, from where they were now.

No one was walking the sidewalks except them, Riza found, most likely because of the temperature, and the precipitation itself. She and Hayate passed a small bar, whose lights were flickering on and off, and she sighed to herself, watching her breath emit in the form of a small cloud. No doubt that it was warm in there.

Her footsteps slowed, and now she felt like she was trudging through a tall, snow-filled path.


Riza's head was bowed, and she did her best to pull her jacket closer around her petite frame, trembling. So much that…she did not even notice the hasty footsteps that were approaching her at a rapid speed. So much so that she didn't notice when a large mass practically tackled her….


Roy Mustang was jogging down the sidewalk, wishing that he could go faster. But it was just too damn cold, and the rain was pounding against his umbrella, making little noises that were now wearing on his sanity. Nothing was on his mind except getting to the bar….and those little pattering noises that the rain was creating as it crash-landed onto his umbrella, of course. Nothing…not even a young woman walking a dog just a few meters in front of him. His eyes were locked onto their target; the bar was just up ahead. He was now himself in his mind.

'Almost there….ALMOST THERE….'

He didn't reach the bar door. At least, not before he bumped into the previously mentioned woman, knocking her over and forcing her to crash to the ground, Roy falling on top of her. The dog barked. Roy recognized that bark…it was the bark of….Oh no….


Riza grunted, feeling an immense load of pressure on her small body. But, at least, she felt a new heat warming her frozen self, despite the icy rain that was still pouring down upon them. Yet this figure was blocking most of it. Her eyes were clamped shut, until she parted the eyelids of her right eye, peering out to see who her 'wrestler' was. Her breath caught in her throat. No, it couldn't be…


The dark figure, (the sun was now past going down, mind ye) lifted his head, groaning. But those eyes were unmistakable. They were the eyes of her beloved superior, Roy Mustang. "Hawkeye?" he murmured, feeling a pain in his groin from having been forced down onto Riza so roughly.

"Yes?" Riza said, trying to push herself into a sitting position. She soon found that to be impossible, with Roy straddling her hips like he was. A blush crept across her cheeks, and she finally had a reason to be thankful that it was dark.

"Ahh…I…Wait…Oh my God…" Roy felt himself blushing as well. "HAWKEYE! LIEUTENANT RIZA HAWKEYE?"

"Yes!" Riza could have done an anime-style sweat-drop at this point.

"Oh my…." Roy sat up, so his face was away from Riza's breasts, but he was still straddling her like a jockey on a horse. "I…Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Riza replied, wanting to make sure Hayate was still with them. His leash was clutched in her hand so tightly, her knuckles were white. But her umbrella….that was another story. It was in the process of being blown away, sadly, while being beaten by the damned rain.

"Wait…what are you doing out here? Aren't you COLD?" Roy asked, placing his hands upon her stomach to steady himself. Riza flinched beneath him, but soon settled.

"No, no, of course not. I like the rain," Riza lied.

"You're shivering. You must be cold."

"Oh, really? Ah, I didn't notice…"


Awkward silence.

"And what about YOU, sir?"

" I was just uh…" Roy pointed to the bar that lay just up ahead. "I was heading for…there."



"I thought you hated the rain."

"Yes well…My car's in the shop, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Riza remembered. This conversation was very random, and seemed to be heading towards a dead end.

"So where are you heading?"

"Home. I was just out for a walk," Riza explained.

"Oh…In that case….would you…I dunno…care to join me for a drink?"

Riza shook her head. "I apologize, sir, but remember, I have Hayate with me…"

"I'm sure they won't mind. I know the guy who owns this place." Roy gestured. "If you say you're with me, I'm positive he won't give a shit."

Riza blushed when he said 'with me'. Ah…life would be so much warmer if she actually WERE with Roy Mustang. See, Riza had had a crush on Roy since she enlisted into the military, and she and he met in Ishbal. She was only 18, and he was 22, but she still felt a strong attraction to him.

It was a childish crush that soon grew to full-on love.

"Well…I don't know…" Riza carried on.


She sighed, then gave a smile. "Alright. But first, you'll have to get off of me."




A/N: DID YOU LIKE IT? Was it crap? Should I delete this? Am I sexy?

For those who don't know, ame is Japanese for rain. n.n

I wrote this while listening to Dream Theater's Octavarium and 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence Disc 1. O I love DT…. Their song 'I Walk Beside You' is VERY Royai-like.

Also, I had a heaping dose Ame no Hi wa No Thank you. XDD


- Da MARY.

Are you guys REALLY that lazy! 39 hits, and only TWO reviews? Gosh dammit, you guys need to tell me how I'm doing, or else I won't update!