
...where am I?... Why am I here?...who...am I?

-Chapitre 1-

A tall man strolled through the town's busy streets, delighted by the new sights he saw. He was around his mid 30's, though his tall, lean appearance didn't seem to show it. He had kind, brown eyes that were magnified by the professor glasses sitting upon his nose; then covered slightly by caramel-colored bangs. It was hard to believe the man was the internationally famous archaeologist, Fujitaka Kinomoto.

Fujitaka observed the diligent town. Street markets were everywhere. Parents and their children were vigorously buying their dinner ingredients. Men and women were restlessly shouting their fresh produce calls. He walked up to a cart full of bread, nodding at the merchant sitting in a chair.

"How are you today, sir?" asked the merchant, standing up and grinning. The man was scrawny and balding, and had a front tooth missing. His grey hair was a wisp in the air.

Fujitaka smiled. He was hungry for one thing, having nothing to eat since yesterday's airplane flight. He picked out a few buns from the cart. "How much?"

"Forty-five pikas."

"Alright." Fujitaka took out his cloth coin case. 'This country's currency is so strange!' He thought, taking out what looked like silver and gold toothpicks.

As he paid, his eyes fell on a child behind the cart. The child looked around the age of seven; he was dressed in black, tattered clothes. He had bandages wrapped around his head of brown hair, the right eye covered. Torn bandages clothed his earthed feet and hands. He sat against the wall, his knees up to his chest, and his arms crossed upon his legs. Fujitaka peered at the strange child, and the child stared back. 'That child has such sad eyes…'

"Ignore that kid…he's a strange one. Other than his appearance, I mean." Proclaimed the merchant; following Fujitaka's gaze.

Fujitaka blinked. "Other than his appearance?"

"That kid appeared from out of nowhere one rainy day," explained the merchant. He scratched his balding head with a gnarly finger. "He walked into this town looking like that. No one knows where he came from. He doesn't remember anything, he says. Doesn't even know who he himself is. Not even his name."

"Hmm…" replied Fujitaka, contemplating. He looked back at the odd child. "Does anyone ever give him something to eat? He looks starved."

"Of course. That's why he always sits there. I'm the only one in this town that is generous enough to give him something everyday." The merchant shook his head sadly, sighing. "It doesn't look it, but most of the people in this town are hostile to the ones that aren't from here. Even their children. If I wasn't here, I'd say that kid would be long gone now."

Fujitaka's eyes softened. That night he laid on his bed; the child's image and the merchant's words constantly popping into his mind. 'I've got to do something about this.' He remembered those sad, amber eyes. They were the saddest he had ever seen in his life. He turned to lie on his side, making a decision. 'I'll talk with him tomorrow.'