I just love the bathroom scenes. I use them a lot. Sorry it's been a while since I've updated any story, but I've been busy shifty eyes. LOL. Anyway, here is the next installment of Kaworu/Shinji loveliness. Hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own NGE or Ode To Joy. Or Misato's beer. I think that's it. I don't really own anything really...which is sad. but i own the story idea. and no one can take that away from me.


Sitting in the bath, he let the water encase his body in its wetness and warmth. Slowly filtering through his mind were the events of the past few days. Even though he was doing the inner soul search yesterday, Shinji found that he had made no real headway.

What did he mean about how he knows about his future? Shinji let his mind pace as he stared into nothing. Why does this even trouble me so much? What's wrong with me?

"Shinji, can PenPen use the shower? He's a bit on the chilled side," Misato called out. Even though the bird had been at the hot springs at an embarrassing moment of thermal expansion, he still sent Shinji's skin creeping.

"Ah, Misato, I'm still using the bath! Can he wait a few minutes?" he closed his eyes and saw the centre of his thoughts.

"How come that dumb bird gets the bath before me Misato?" Asuka's voice reverberated through the walls. Poor PenPen knew that he was never liked by the German, but revelled in getting the bathroom before her.

"Asuka he needs the warm water, plus you had a shower at HQ after testing. You don't need another," was the reply. Simple.


"Don't argue with me again young lady!" Misato called from her room.

Sinking lower into the warmth of the water, he let it entomb him. His heart thundered in his ears, his lungs started to cave under the lack of air. Misato's voice was blurred and soon became white noise. Drifting into the stillness, Shinji felt only the burn of his lungs and not the pain in his head.

Hands fastened around Shinji's shoulders and pulled him out of the water. Breaking the surface, He welcomed the new oxygen supply like it was heavenly. Staring down at him was a mass of purple hair.

"What were you trying to do? Drown yourself? You were a nice shad of purple just then," Misato was worried.


"Are you crazy Ikari?"

"Maybe," he whispered.

"Well get out coz Nagisa's here to see you," she said with finality.


"Yeah, waiting in your room for you. Said it was important. Don't keep him waiting then," Misato left quickly as he jumped out of the bath.

"Where are my clothes? Misato, did you take my clothes?" Shinji called out from the door. At that moment, PenPen waddled in and looked up, shrugging in his penguin way he jumped in the warm bath Shinji was just in.

"I don't know, just use a towel, I'm sure he won't mind. It would be just like after testing. No biggy."

Shinji turned around and saw PenPen in the bath, "GAH!" The bird looked over at him again and then turned away. Ikari was still naked, but he quickly reached for a towel, wrapped it around his waist and walked to his bedroom.

"Put some clothing on Shinji! I don't want to see you hanging around," Asuka called out from the lounge room. A soapy was on and she turned around to stare at the screen again.

What could be so important that Kaworu would have to visit me for? I can't seem to think of anything. He thought as he opened his door.

Lying on his bed was his friend. His dishevelled hair fanned across a black pillow. Wow. Shinji could feel his heart rate rise. In his hands a small black rectangle slowly turned while the teen hummed a familiar tune.

Opening a single crimson eye, he stared at the half-naked Shinji, "Hello Ikari, nice attire."

"What?" Shinji replied before looking down, "oh shit. Sorry Kaworu, I ah…um just got out of the ah bath."

"Is that so?"

Shinji went to his cupboard and pulled out some boxers and shorts, "Yeah. And my clothes went missing too. So don't mind me." Holding onto his towel. Shinji walked behind a shade and got into the clothing he pulled out.

"Sorry about that Kaworu. Just that I ah um…hmm-"


Shinji looked at his feet. He could feel eyes pouring over him and found himself lost. Looking up, he noticed that Kaworu was in front of him.

"It's just that I…I don't know what to do. It's really stupid, but I feel as though, well you know, something really bad is gonna happen. I mean, I don't know. Do you think I'm going crazy Kaworu?" Shinji looked into the eyes of the other teen hoping to find something.

Pulling him close, Kaworu hugged him tightly, supporting Shinji's head with his hand, "No Ikari. Something bad is going to happen. But not yet."

"What's that supposed to mean? Something is going to happen isn't it. You know it too. I don't want to lose you fifth, I don't!" Shinji tensed up and held Kaworu tight.

Lifting Shinji's head, Nagisa kissed him lightly. The small touch sending shivers down the teen's spine.

Pulling back slightly, Ikari looked into the crimson eyes opposite him, "Is what we do wrong? I mean, I seem to find that-" Kaworu placed a single finger onto Shinji's lips.

"Not in my books it isn't," with that Kaworu kissed the teen again. Feeling the soft lips against his own, Shinji embraced Nagisa once more.

For a few minutes they stood in the middle of Shinji's room lost in each other. Shinji's arms were around Kaworu's neck while his hands gently caressed the teen's back.

"Why would you ask?" Kaworu said through kisses.

Shinji nuzzled his head into Nagisa's neck, "It's just that, I don't know…maybe it's everyone around us. Everyone looks at us…mostly me when we're near each other. That everyone is mostly Asuka, Rei and Misato. I just don't know anymore."

Kaworu's eyes shot open and looked at the shivering teen in his arms. The realisation of the emotions that ran through the other hit him hard.

"Are you afraid Ikari? Of one day waking up and not knowing who you are?" Kaworu pulled back to look at Shinji's face. His brown eyes shimmering in the light.

"Yes, I'm afraid of that…but not death. That would be the final moment of pain before eternal peace," his voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. He moved away from the silver haired teen to sit on his bed with his back against the wall.

Tears formed in his eyes. Slowly they fell down his face glistening in the light. Neither spoke. Nagisa moved over to his idol of affection. Sitting down softly on the bed, he held Ikari's hand. It was cold and slightly damp from tears.

"Shinji! Dinner!" Misato called out.

"Coming!" Shinji called back, "would you like to stay for tea Kaworu?" Please say yes, please say yes.

"Only if you want me to."

Pulling himself from the wall, he crawled to down to Kaworu. Kissing him on the nose, Shinji pulled him toward the door, "We don't want her to get angry at us again."

"SHIN- oh you're here. Are you staying Kaworu?" Misato asked.

"If you will let me miss Katsuragi."

"Misato he can't stay!" Asuka protested, before turning her gaze to Shinji, "and what happened to your shirt?"

Looking down at himself, Shinji shrugged, "I never put one on. Is it offending you Asuka?"

Glaring back at her counterpart, Asuka turned to glare at Kaworu, "Stupid third and fifth children, always up to something."

"YEAH! Nothing beats a beer!" Misato called out as she took a mouthful of Yebitsu beer.

Shinji kept his head down as he ate, "Shinji are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just trying to eat everything that's edible."

"Hey, that's not very nice. At least it's a frozen dinner and I didn't actually cook it. Just heated it up," Misato said before taking another swig of her beer.

"He's right though Misato, only Shinji doesn't heat up frozen dinners because he can actually cook."

"Asuka, was that a compliment?" Shinji asked between mouthfuls.

Misato looked up from her meal, "I believe that it was. So you CAN be nice Asuka. I never knew that."

"I can be nice. I just choose not to be."

Everyone focused on their meals once more. Kaworu was across from Shinji while Asuka was across from Misato. From under the table, something pressed lightly against Shinji's leg.

Taken by surprise, Shinji breathed while drinking. Coughing and spluttering he got up quickly, "Shinji are you alright? Breath kiddo!"

Blinking wildly, Shinji felt tears glide down his cheeks. Slowly, his breathing eased and he managed to speak hoarsely, "I'm fine, just some water went down the wrong way." He coughed a little more before sitting down again.

"You can't even drink without almost killing yourself Third Child. I don't know how you manage to stop the attacks of the Angels," Asuka said. Kaworu stopped eating for a moment and looked up at Asuka. Panic flickered across his face. He looked down quickly.

Looking across the table, he noticed that Kaworu quickly showed worry in his eyes before they turned to their normal look. He does worry about me. He must truly like me, Shinji thought as he smiled to his friend. Blinking slowly, Nagisa turned back to his food and spoke little through out the rest of the meal.

Leaning back in her chair, Misato placed her hands behind her head and grinned, "That was a good meal. Now if my memory serves me right-"

"Which it never does," Shinji whispered.

"-I believe it's Shinji's turn to clean up."

"WHAT! I've cleaned up the past week! Why can't Asuka do it for once?" he protested, "plus I have a guest!"

"Don't push this onto me Ikari! It's your turn and that's what it says on the roster. So you do it or your out on the street for a while. That's how you earn your keep."

Misato looked at Asuka, "So how do you earn your keep missy?"

Sitting straight backed, she looked at Misato carefully, but not very calmly, "I wash clothing and help with the bathroom and I do the washing when it's my turn."

"You mean Shinji does the washing when it's your turn and you only wash your own clothes. You sort of help with the bathroom," Misato replied.

"Misato that's not true! I do more than what you say I do!"

Standing quietly, Shinji gathered the plates and containers to escape the fight that had just started to brew. He kept his head bowed and walked straight into the kitchen and started to wash the dishes. To his right he could he someone drying them silently and putting them away.

"Is that so. Then why is it always Shinji that washes the dishes? Why do I always clean the rest of the bathroom?"

"I do clean. The clothing is my main chore in this house. Plus I still have homework to complete and the laundry is in the bathroom!" Asuka yelled back before pushing back her chair.

"You do have a point there. Maybe we should actually get a laundry. But go and do the dishes, and I don't care if it is not your turn, Shinji has a guest."

"Too late, there done," Shinji walked out of the kitchen with Nagisa trailing behind him.

"Oh. Asuka, you can dry then."

"That's been done too," Kaworu said quietly. His eyes were staring at Misato but always flicked over to Asuka.

"Hmm, well then Asuka you can do the laundry now. I'm sure you have school uniforms that you can wash for everyone," Misato got up and walked to the kitchen to get another beer.

"Fine," the German stalked off without another word.

Walking back to his room, the two boys sat on the bed. Both were caught in the awkward silence.

"Why are you here Kaworu? Misato said it was important," Shinji spoke uneasily. His hands balled at his sides and started to feel sweaty.

"I needed to tell you something, but now I can't remember what it is."

"Oh." Both teens looked at each other before Shinji looked away. Getting up, he walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a loose shirt. Putting it on, he scruffed his hair and sat on the floor.

"Maybe I should go. We both have lots of work to do," Nagisa said quietly.

"Yeah, maybe," Shinji replied. Getting up, Shinji and Kaworu walked to the front door. The silence had gone with them to the door, neither spoke, but looked at each in the eyes.

"Goodnight Kaworu, see you at school tomorrow," Ikari said.

"Indeed, see you tomorrow." Shinji watched the teen walk down the hall away from his arms.

How awkward that was, what made tonight so different from today? Shinji thought to himself as he sat on his bed with his headphones in his ears. What makes these moments so weird? Closing his eyes, Ikari fell asleep listening to 'Ode to Joy'.


AAAHHH, I don't know what to write now. Anyway, please tell me what you thought. Your comments are very important to me noddles