Hello everyone! I'm back with ANOTHER story. I had to keep writing so I decided to start another story. Well, I hope you've all liked my other stories. The spelling might have been bad, but that's because my spell check wasn't working. But now it is! Well let's start my new story!

Summary: Inuyasha was a lost 5 year old boy when a 5 year old Kagome found him and took him home with her. 10 Years later they start falling for each other but one of His family members come back to take him home. What will happen to the new couple?

There are Half demon's, Priestesses, demon slayers, monks, and demons in this fic. It's in the feudal era and there is some OOC.

[Chapter edited 7/16/09]

Chapter 1- Meetings

As the sun rose high in the sky, it signaled to everyone that it was noon. The morning fog had already dissipated and the sun was shining a gentle warmth over the lands. Children were playing, mothers and fathers were working, and demons were calmer than normal today. It seemed perfect to everyone, that is, everyone besides a certain half demon. It also seemed to be the only place that was raining.

"DAMMIT! GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID HALF BREED!" A woman yelled. Her long black hair flowed through the wind as she commanded her horse to go faster. Her clothes, that of a priestess, flapped in the wind as she shot an arrow, just missing the certain half demon.

The silver haired boy looked back, tears in his eyes. This is what his life was like. Running away from demons and humans alike. His mother had died just days ago, and he'd never met his father. After the villagers had found out that he was alone, they decided to get rid of him. 'Why did you have to die and leave me alone mommy?' The young half demon thought as he turned around to see another arrow coming at him.

This time, he didn't have time to dodge it and was struck in the back. He fell to his hands and knees in pain but got up again and continued to run away. Tears continued to stream down his cheeks as the pain surged through his body. But he couldn't slow down. He knew that if he stopped, he would be killed for sure. His vision started to blur from blood loss and didn't see a cliff in front of him. He ran off and his scream filled the air. Losing consciousness on the way down, he was saved by the river below the fall. His body bobbed up and down in the water as the current pulled his body away.

The villagers who were chasing him ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see where the half demon went. All they saw was a river, maybe 50 feet down. Knowing the half demon was injured, they climbed down and went to look for him.

"Kikyo, we should split up to go look for the vermin. The one who finds him doesn't have to pay for dinner tonight." The man said and smirked at her. She smirked as well and ran off into the other direction.


In a village not to far away, a little girl was helping her mother clean up their hut. It wasn't small, nor was it big. It had 3 rooms, but only 2 people lived in it. Well, two for now. The mother was pregnant.

"Mom, I finished cleaning my room!" The little girl said to her mother as she ran to the door to go outside and play. She was 5 years old, had raven black hair to her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes, and tan skin. She wore a purple Kimono that had little sakura blossoms on it.

"Wait Kagome! I have one more thing I need you to do. Can you go get some water for the stew tonight?" Kagome's mother asked, walking into the room with a large stomach. She was 8 months pregnant and Kagome was very excited. Kagome nodded as she grabbed a bucket and ran to a near by stream.

The stream was very beautiful and calm, not like the river that the stream branched off of. Kagome walked to the stream and put the bucket humming a soft tune to herself. She wanted to hurry to go play, but the stream was nice too. The cool water felt good against her legs, and the sun glistened off the water perfectly. Little sparkles covered the surface, almost looking like diamonds.

A sloshing sound in the water snapped Kagome from her care free thinking. Turning her head, something red and silver caught her eye. A little boy bobbing up and down in the water. Her eyes widened in surprise then, without even thinking, she jumped into the deeper part of the stream and swan over to the boy.

She grabbed onto his red haori, dragging him to shore. Using all of her 5 year old strength, she pulled the little boy onto the shore and tried shaking him.

"Hey, wake up!" She yelled as she shook him. He didn't open his eyes, but coughed up some water. His dog ears twitched as he struggled to gain consciousness. 'Good, at least he's alive.' Kagome thought as she shook him more. His dog ears twitched again and she thought it was cute. 'I wonder what would happen if I touched them?' She thought as her hand reached but and rubbed his left ears lightly.

Kagome giggled as his head turned more into her hand and he started to purr. She continued to rub his ears, unaware of the man walking up to them.

"So, the half demon lived. Stupid girl, you should've left him to drown. No matter, I'll just have to take care of that." The man said as he walked out to where they are. Kagome stared up at the man and started to get worried. He didn't look friendly. Her hand left the boys ear, and gripped onto his haori.

"Little girl, move now. This half breed needs to be killed." The man said as he put a hand on the hilt of his sword. Kagome got scared but shook her head.

"No, my mommy said killing is bad." Kagome explained and got in front of the silver haired boy. She didn't know however, that he was now wide awake and listening.

"Girl, I don't care what your mother said, just move now before I kill you as well!" The man said as he pulled out his sword and swung it, stopping just and holding it by her neck. Kagome shook with fear and had tears in her eyes but didn't move. "Alright then, I have no choice. Prepare to die as I, Onigumo, send you to the after life!" Onigumo said as he swung his sword at her the sword at her once again, having no intention of stopping this time. Kagome closed her eyes, and waited for the cut.

But she didn't feel any pain…

Kagome opened her eyes to see the silver hair boy holding onto the blade with his bare hands. Her eyes widened as the boy pushed against the sword and threw Onigumo 20 feet away against a tree. Onigumo winced and glared at the boy, which was met by a growl. He knew he couldn't win at the moment so he decided to retreat.

"I'll get you one day half breed! I'll send you and that damn girl to hell!" Were the last words he said before running off into the forest.

Kagome just sat there, wondering what the boy would do to her. If he could through a man like that, there's no telling what he could do to her. The boy turned around, looking at her with worry and fear in his amber eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked, looking to see if she had any wounds.

Kagome was a bit surprised but nodded. "Um…yeah, I'm fine...but...who and what are you?" She asked, curiosity filling her face. He had long silver hair, amber eyes, silver doggie ears, and a red haori. Her cheeks turned a soft pink as she blushed lightly, thinking he was kind of cute.

The young boy stayed silent for a moment, contemplating on weither to tell her or not. Feeling obliged to her for saving his life, he decided to answer. "My name is Inuyasha." He started, and gulped before finishing, "and I'm a inu hanyou."

Inuyasha's heart beat quickly in his chest when she took a moment to reply. Looking at her face, he was worried. He couldn't read what she was thinking. 'Idiot...why did you tell her?' he thought to himself, wanting to rip the hair off of his head for being so stupid.

What happened next caught the young hanyou off guard.

Kagome smiled and went to sit next to him. "Well, thank you for saving me Inuyasha. My name's Kagome." She explained as he gave him a quick hug. His cheeks flashed a bright red, not knowing what to do. She pulled away and looked up at him. "So Inuyasha, where do you live? Where's your mommy and daddy?" Kagome asked and sat next to him.

Inuyasha lowered his head, his bangs covering his eyes. The two dog ears dropped flat down to his head. "I don't live anywhere anymore. My mom died a few days ago and I never met my daddy…" Inuyasha explained as one tear fell down his face. He quickly wiped it away, hating to show his pain in front of others.

"Hey Inuyasha, why don't you come live with me and my mommy." Kagome asked. She couldn't help but smile as Inuyasha looked up with pure shock on his face.

"But, aren't you afraid or disgusted by me? I'm a half demon!" Inuyasha said to her, showing her his claws and fangs. Kagome stared at them and then giggled.

"I'm not afraid or disgusted by you. I don't care if you're a half demon. Mommy always told me not to judge a book by its cover. You may be a half demon on the outside, but I think you're a good kid on the inside. You saved my life." Kagome explained as she took his hand and stood up. "Lets go!" she exclaimed, leading him towards her hut.

Inuyasha was still in pure shock. No one had ever accepted him besides his mom. And now here's a girl, who he just met, that was willing to give him a home. Her home. He smiled, maybe finally finding someone who accepted him. 'I hope her mom likes me too…' He thought as they entered Kagome's hut.

"MOMMY! COME HERE!" Kagome yelled, wanting to show her mom her new friend. Inuyasha winced at the sound but ignored it. His ears were sensitive.

Kagome's mom came in quickly, thinking Kagome was in trouble. It had taken her a while to go get some water. Turning around the corner, she saw Kagome but found a small boy with silver hair and doggie ears with her.

"Oh my, who is this young fellow?" Kagome's mother asked nicely, patting Inuyasha on the head.

"Mommy this is Inuyasha. When I was getting you water, I found him in the river sleeping I think. I got worried so I went to go help him. He saved me from a bad man named Onipoomo I think…Mommy, he doesn't have a mommy or daddy so I thought he could live with us since he doesn't have a home." Kagome explained.

Kagome's mother thought about it. Seeing her daughter look so desperate, and the boy so tired, she just couldn't refuse. A smile crossed her lips and she looked at the two. "He can stay as long as he wants. Welcome to our home Inuyasha."

Kagome's eyes glowed with happiness and hugged Inuyasha tightly. He blushed but lightly hugged her back.

"THIS IS SO COOL! We can have sleepovers, eat pocky, play house…" Kagome rambled on, but stopped when she heard a thud. "Inuyasha…Inuyasha!... INUYASHA!" Kagome screamed as her new friend hit the ground.

That's when they finally noticed the bleeding wound on his back…

Well that's the end to the first chapter of the story. If you're wondering why he's bleeding in the back, look to the beginning of the story where it says he's struck in the back. Well please review and I'll update as soon as I can. Well see you all later! Hope you liked the chapter! Bye!
