Inuyasha sat in a tree hidden safely away. He was watching students entering the school looking for one particular individual.

"I do believe that you're becoming obsessed with someone . . . " Kagome said appearing out of no where and sitting besides Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked at her.

"I'm not becoming obsessed!" Inuyasha said.

"Really . . . " Kagome rolled her eyes. "Then, do tell me who is the human that you're after?" Kagome asked teasing her brother. Inuyasha frowned.


"And why not?" Kagome said.

"Because . . . you'll find some way to meet him and you'll do something embarrassing . . . " Inuyasha said shaking his head.

"Like what?" Kagome asked innocently.

"I don't know, but something!"

"Inuyasha, I'm hurt that you don't trust your own sister . . . " Kagome pouted then looked at the school smirking. "Looks like everyone had entered already."

"What, I missed him!" Inuyasha yelled. "This is all your fault Kagome!" Inuyasha turned to Kagome, but she was gone. He sighed and looked at the school. One day, I'll have the courage to meet him face to face . . . With that he jumped out of the tree and walked away. I'll come back before he leaves school and follow him home again to protect him . . . I have to meet him anyway . . .


Mirkou was on his way to lunch, when his best friend Sango yelled his name from behind. He stopped to let her catch up.

"So Mirkou . . . " Sango said walking side by side with him as they started to walk.

"Yeah?" Mirkou answered.

"Are you going to see your boyfriend?" She asked smirking as he blushed.


Mirkou had just finished his meeting with the art club on some major project and running his track practice time. Each of the track time has to do a certain amount of running time per week. So, he decided to do half today and half tomorrow. He glanced at his watch.

"It's 9:46, I missed the bus . . . " Mirkou said sighing. "The next one won't come for another hour and a half . . . It'll be faster if I just walk home . . . "

So, Mirkou started walking. He was about halfway to his house, because he started talking a short cut. Of course, it had to be through a dark alley or a dark forest. It seems though that Mirkou had chosen the dark forest. Anyway, as I was saying . . . He was halfway home when he started hearing strange noises.

"It's all in my head . . . " Mirkou whispered to himself as he continued. This had actually worked and kept him calm that is until he almost ran into a blur that appeared in his path. Mirkou's eyes widen as he saw a VERY big dog or wolf in front of him. SHIT, That's one big dog or wolf . . . I don't care, I just want to get away from it. He gulped as it started to bear its fangs at him. "Um . . . Good doggy or wolfy . . . Nice boy or girl . . . "

Mirkou smiled shakily and started to back away slowly. Show no fear . . . Don't look into its eyes . . . And most of all that run . . . Mirkou swallowed nervously as he continued back and tripped over a tree root. The wolf-dogs eyes narrowed. It's just my luck . . .

The wolf then started to charge at Mirkou, who quickly got off the ground and started to run as fast as his legs could carry him. He ran very fast, considering that he was the fastest on the track team, but the wolf-dog was even faster. The wolf-dog jumped on top of Mirkou and made him hit the ground.

Mirkou closed his eyes as he felt the weight of the wolf-dog lift off of him and the wolf-dog began to sniff him. After awhile, he opened his eyes and came face to face with the wolf-dog. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he's smiling at me . . . Oh, no! I'm staring it straight in its eyes . . .

Mirkou gulped as it came closer to his face and opened its mouth and . . . licked him.

"What the-" The wolf-dog continued to lick him. Mirkou giggled, because its tongue tickled him. Soon, the wolf-dog nuzzled him with his head. Mirkou pushed himself into a sitting position and started to scratch the wolf-dog behind the ears. The wolf-dog panted and laid his head on Mirkou's lap. Mirkou laughed.

"It seems that your bark is worse than your bit . . . Lucky for me!" Mirkou said petting the wolf-dog's head and noticed a collar made completely of gold on the its neck, even its name plate was made of gold. Wow, he's owner must be rich! That must make him a rare bred of dog . . . I wonder what kind he is. I'll look it up later. First, I'll find out if he has a name. He reached for it and read it. "Tessaiga . . . What an old name for a dog . . . Where's your master?"

"Right here . . . " A deep voice answered from behind Mirkou who jumped. Mirkou got off the ground and looked behind him.

"I-" His voice caught in his throat as he looked at the owner of the voice. He was about 3-inches taller than Mirkou. He was wearing baggy black jeans and a black muscle shirt, which showed off a good amount of his muscles I might add. He wasn't that bulky kind of muscle guy, just the lean kind. He skin was tan and he had a hot face to go with his hot body. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of amber that Mirkou had ever seen. Amber eyes . . . How weird . . . He had long sliver hair pulled into a ponytail. His arms were crossed around his chest.

"Did he scare you?" The guy asked looking at the dog.

"I have no idea; however, I am sorry if I did scare your dog." Mirkou said bending down to pet it. The guy laughed and looked at Mirkou.

"I was asking you."

"Oh . . . " Mirkou blushed. "At first he did, but now I know he's as harmless as a mouse."

"When he wants to be . . . " The man said walking up to them. I wonder what that means . . . Tessaiga ran up to him barking happily. Mirkou stood upright. "He doesn't like too many people."

"Well, I guess I'm lucky." Mirkou said flashing him a smile. The man smiled kneeling down on his left knee and petted the dog.

"Yeah, I guess . . . what are you doing out here late at night?" The guy asked raising an eyebrow. Mirkou's eyes widen and he looked at his watch. It was broken. He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"My-my watch is broken . . . " Mirkou said lowering his head to look at the ground.

"Broken? Can't you get another?" The man asked confused. Mirkou shook his head tears coming to his eyes.

"This watch was giving to me by my dad before he died . . . " Mirkou said. "This watch is rare and not many people know how to fix it. And even if they did, it would cost an arm and leg . . . "

"How did it break?" The man asked standing straight up.

"I think it broke when Tessaiga landed on my back . . . " Mirkou sighed sadly still looking at the ground. The man glared at Tessaiga, who whimpered and walked over to Mirkou and rubbed his head against Mirkou's leg. The man walked over to Mirkou and held his hand out.

"Let me take a look at it." He said. Mirkou looked up puzzled, but did as told. The man examined the watch and Mirkou examined the man's hands. He has really sharp finger nails . . . He should file those down . . . "I can fix it or rather get someone to fix it for free."

"Really?" Mirkou asked excited. The guy nodded his head. Mirkou jumped around in joy, but then stopped. "Um, What's your name?"

"What?" The man asked.

"You know, we talked and you even agreed to fix my watch for free, but I don't know your name." Mirkou stated blushing slightly.

"My name is . . . Damien." The man said then added. "Yeah, Damien!"

"Damien?" Mirkou said raising an eyebrow and the man nodded. "No offence, but that name doesn't suit you . . --for some reason. My name is Mirkou." Damien looked at Mirkou in shock, but it quickly went away.

"I-" Damien started, but he heard a howl. He turned his head and then looked back at Mirkou. "I have to go. Meet me here tomorrow at 9:00 and I'll give you your watch back then."

"Uh, ok . . . " Mirkou said as Damien started to run away with Tessaiga following close behind him. Mirkou watched them disappear behind some trees. "Strange . . . but cute blushes. Time to go home . . . I bet Moriko is worried about me and pissed . . . "

End of Flashback

"So, are you going?" Sango asked again as they reached the doors of the cafeteria.

"I have to if I'm going to get my watch back." Mirkou said opening the doors and walking in. He stood in line with Sango and started to load up on his tray. He put some carrots and peas and an apple. Sango followed him, but her tray had fries and a hot dog.

"Are you on a diet?" Sango asked as they entered the line for paying for their food. Mirkou shook his head.

"Moriko thinks that I should start eating healthier since I'm in track this year. He says that I should have a healthy body." Mirkou said paying for his food and waited for Sango to pay for hers.

"But he doesn't know what you eat at school." Sango said following Mirkou to your usual spot. Mirkou sat down and Sango sat across from him. Mirkou narrowed his eyes and looked around. He then whispered so low that Sango barely heard it.

"I don't know how he does it, but he knows what I do, where I go, and what I eat! It's scary . . . He's also starting to change a lot . . . It seems like he's trying to make me perfect . . . " Mirkou whispered sighing. He started eating some of his carrots.

"That's silly!" Sango said laughing. "Why would he change?"

"I don't know, but it has something to do with my seventeenth birthday . . . " Mirkou said eating some peas.

"Right . . . " Sango rolled her eyes. "Mirkou, you're just being paranoid now!"

"Maybe . . . " Mirkou said leaning back in his seat and eating his apple.


Mirkou was in his last and most boring class right now and man was he bored.

Man, this class is boring . . . It's even boring thinking about how boring this class can be . . . I would sigh, but It'll be boring . . . Mirkou thought, yet he sighed anyway, and looked out the window thinking about Damien. I wonder . . .

"Mirkou, I'm sorry!" The teacher's voice yelled and Mirkou jumped. He looked at the teacher confused.


"For boring you!" The teacher said angrily.

"You weren't that boring-I mean you weren't boring me at all!" Mirkou scampered out. He blushed slightly as students started to laugh a little.

"Do you want detention?" Mirkou's eyes widen.

"No, I'm sorry . . . Ms. Nagami." Mirkou said.

"Good, I would hate to send one of my best students to the principle's office." Ms. Nagami said then continued to give a lecture. This is going to be a long and boring class period . . .


"It amazes me how much you don't pay attention in class, yet you still pass with a straight 'A+'." Sango said laughing. Mirkou shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Luck?" He answered. Or maybe a stern guardian.

"Well, you're one lucky person." Sango joked as she paused with Mirkou. "Well, have a happy Art Club meeting, Mr. President!"

"I will." Mirkou rolled his eyes and continued to walk. "Bye Sango!"

"Bye!" Sango said as she left the school. Mirkou looked down at his wrist.

"I forgot I don't have my watch . . . " Mirkou said sighing. "All well, I hope that he's there . . . I don't know why I trusted a stranger with my watch . . . "


"Damn it, where is he?" Inuyasha said to himself looking through the leaves of the tree that he was in. "He didn't leave already, I would have seen him . . . He must have another one of those art meeting thingys . . . "

"Aw, don't be mad Inuyasha." Kagome teased appearing next to him. Inuyasha glared at her.

"What do you want?" Inuyasha asked snapping. Kagome pouted.

"I just wanted to give you a message . . . " Inuyasha sighed.

"About what?"

"Brother wants to see you . . . " Kagome said seriously.

"When?" Inuyasha asked.

"He wants to see you at 10:00" Kagome said. "It's something about the werewolves . . . "

"What about them? What could they be doing to make him worried? It must be something important." Inuyasha asked curiously.

"I don't know. He said that he will inform us on the rest when we and the council meet tonight." Kagome said, then added smirking. "Don't talk long lover boy with him tonight at 9:00!"

"What?" Inuyasha growled. Kagome just winked and disappeared. "She read my journal!"


"I'm glad that I got out early!" Mirkou said to himself as he started for the forest. He glanced at his wrist. "I have to stop doing that . . . " Mirkou sighed and continued to walk.

Tired of silence Mirkou started to sing a song as he made up out loud.

I am not the smartest person in the world

I'm not straight, but my best friend's a girl.

Moriko makes me eat healthy crap

And I do it so he doesn't continue to yap.

I'm almost seventeen

I'm really sweet and never mean

I went through a short cut in the woods

At this point he reaches the woods, and is heading in them.

Even though I knew I never should

Meet a dog I thought was evil and about to eat me

But it was nice in the end I see

He sits down, not seeing Damien there, and continues to sing. Damien comes out from his hiding place and walks toward Mirkou whose still singing.

Then I found out he had a weird name

On the collar under his mane

He still doesn't notice that Damien was there in front of him watching him with amusement on his face.

I asked about his master

Who answered and made my heart beat faster.

He was hot and had pretty eyes

Asked me what I was doing out a this time

And I looked down to find my watch at a demise

He said the he would fix it

And that it wouldn't cost me a bit.

I thank him and before I could say good bye

He and his dog left before I could blink my eye.

I still think that he's still hot

And I don't care if he hears me or not.

"You don't?" Damien said smirking. Mirkou's eyes widen and he looked up to see Damien there.

"Um . . . How long have you been staring there?" Mirkou asked blushing and tapping his two index fingers together while looking everywhere but at Damien. Damien laughed and sat next to Mirkou.

"I heard quite a bit." He said smiling after he stopped laughing. Mirkou's blush deepened and he bit his bottom like looking down. "You've got a nice voice, but I think that your song needs working on."

"..." Mirkou looked at him. "Thanks . . . "

Damien reached into his pocket and pulled out Mirkou's watch.

"Here, I don't know if it is better than it was before . . . but it works." Damien said looking intensely at Mirkou as Mirkou examined his watch.

"It's fixed and looks brand-new!" He said and slipped it back around his wrists. He smiled brightly at the watch and then at Damien. He then surprised Damien when he glomped and hugged him. They both ended on the ground with Mirkou on top of Damien still hugging him. "Thank you so much! Thank you so much! I don't how to thank you!"

Damien then smiled and sighed. He hugged Mirkou back. This is how I want to feel every day . . . He's so happy . . . And it makes me so happy . . . Damien sighed happily again.

"Bark!" Tessaiga came out of the bushes and glomped Mirkou, making him fall off Damien and land on the ground. He started licking Mirkou on the face.

"Calm down Tessaiga!" Mirkou said laughing. Damien sat up watching the two. Tessaiga really likes him . . . Just like me . . .

"Tessaiga, get off of him before he's drowned in your spit!" Damien scolded getting off the ground and pulling Tessaiga off of Mirkou. Mirkou got off the ground and stood up dusting himself. Tessaiga just turned and glomped Damien and started to lick him. "Tessaiga!"

Mirkou laughed at the two of them. After awhile he decided to take pity on Damien and helped him get Tessaiga off of him. Once Tessaiga was calmed down and sitting between the two of them, who were on the ground, it got quiet. Mirkou sighed and looked at the sky smiling. Tonight was a crescent moon. Damien looked at Mirkou.

"The view is beautiful . . . " He stated. Damien nodded his head still looking at Mirkou.

"Yeah, it is . . . " He whispered, Mirkou looked at him and their eyes caught in a long gaze. Mirkou gasped on how his eyes seemed to go on forever. They're so deep, so sad . . . They seem to go on forever . . .

"Date?" Damien asked. Mirkou blinked and stared at him confused.


"You said that you didn't know how to pay me back, so how about a date?" Damien asked hopefully. Mirkou blushed.

"I..." Mirkou tried to say yes, but it seemed to not want to come out. "..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I understand . . . " Damien said sadly standing up and turning to leave.

"I'd love to . . . " Mirkou said lowly, but Damien heard it loud and clear. He turned around and smiled brightly at Mirkou.

"Really?" He asked Mirkou, who nodded his head. "Cool-I mean, that's great! I'll meet you tomorrow at11:00 A.M. the mall, unless you have something to do?"

"I don't."


"Okay . . . " Mirkou said smiling. Damien walked over to Mirkou and kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's go Tessaiga!" He said running into bushes with Tessaiga following. "Bye, Mirkou!"

Mirkou stood up and started walking toward his house.

He on his doormat when he realized something:

"I'm going on my first date with a guy I just meet yesterday!"

Well, that's my new story! I hope that you all like it and I hope that people will review! Oh, and I do not own anything to do with 'Inuyasha' normost songs andpoems that I will us in the future!