Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Power Rangers or anything related to Power Rangers, this story is nothing more then a way for me to show my appreciation for the series, thus no money has been made off this story.

Promise Me

Commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger, commander-in-chief of Earth's SPD forces as well as the Shadow Ranger, lay on the hospital bed trembling with fury. It had been a mere half hour ago when he had been defeated by his former SPD academy rival Icthtior. Not that he could be blamed for losing, after all Icthior did have a tendency to fight dirty.

"How could I be so stupid?" Cruger angrily snarled as he laid in the hospital bed. His body movements were limited due to the massive body injuries he had suffered in his battle with Ichkitor. "I should have contained him when I had the change! No, I should have killed him, that bastard is a disgrace to SPD!"

Cruger had every right to be mad at Icthtior, not only had Icthtior cheated when he battled Cruger, he had also managed to seriously injure four of his cadets, including Sam, who was better known as the Omega Ranger. Out of the four, Sam had received the worst injuries, and since there was no way he could turn back into his human form, it became the hardest to treat him. The doctors predicted that Sam had a 20 chance of surviving his wounds.

Jack Landors, SPD Red Ranger, and Elizabeth "Z" Delgado, SPD Yellow Ranger, suddenly walked into the infirmary, concerned looks on their faces. "Guys…" said a very worried Z, her brown hair was tied in a simple ponytail.

"I wouldn't recommend replying to that." Said Kat as she turned away from one of the many life, monitoring machines surrounding the rangers. "Other then Commander Cruger, the rangers have sustained injuries so serious that even talking would be an incredibly difficult task for them to do."

"Don't worry about that. C'mon Z, let's go find that freak and take him down!" said Jack as he headed for the door. A look of determination on his face, a fiery spark in his eyes, the same spark that Cruger had held all those years ago back on Sirius.

'Back when I still had Isinia.' Thought Cruger sadly, as Jack's words sink in. Wait a minute! He didn't even stand a chance against Ichthior, the two would be slaughtered by him, even if they were as skilled of a fighter as Ichthior, there's a good chance that he had teamed up with Broodwing. Icthior was more then enough, Ichtior and an army of krybots would slaughter his remaining two cadets. "Forget it, cadet, there's no way I'm letting you and Ms. Delgado go and fight an enemy you know absolutely nothing about!"

"But sir we just can't let them" began Z.

"No buts! Just because I'm laid in bed doesn't mean I won't have both you put on toilet duty for insubordination!" said Cruger. "Now go!"

"Yes sir!" said the two reluctantly, before they headed out.

"If anybody is to contain Ichtior it's going to be me!" said Cruger quietly once they were gone.

Kat's ears perked up when she heard this and she walked over, a worried look on her face. "Ok, spill it!"

Cruger put on his most innocent looking face. "Spill what?" he asked innocently.

"Something's been bothering you ever since your battle with Ichtior, now tell me what it is!" said Kat, not believing his little white lie for even a second. After all, she has known him for over 30 years now, and she can easily tell whether he's telling the truth or lying.

"It's nothing!" snapped Cruger.

"No it isn't 'nothing'; your anger is affecting your better judgment. Doggie, please tell me, what's wrong?"

Cruger let out a breath of frustration before telling her. "When I fought Ichtior, it reminded me of the days when Isinia was still with me. When I had Ichtior on the ropes, I hesitated because he reminded me of a promise that I had once made to Isinia."

Kat let out a breath of frustration before placing a hand on Cruger's shoulder. "Doggie, you know just as I do that people like Ichtior will do whatever it takes to win a fight. Of course, he was going to use your promise against you. But it still doesn't mean you should be angry at him."

Cruger looked down in shame, she was right. Kat had always been right about things like this. She had stood by him through good times and bad times, and she knew everything about him, just like he knew everything about her. "You're right…," he said softly, as he closed his eyes in resignation.

"Doggie, I want you to promise me that you'll never attack someone out of anger…." Kat said softly. Her emerald eyes shimmered with worry and concern.

Cruger's eyes snapped wide open as he looked at Kat in surprise. 'She's just like Isinia.' Cruger thought to himself, it was true Kat and Aisinia did possess many similar qualities. Both were compassionate, caring and supportive, both possessed a certain grace when they walked. However they also have one major difference, Kat is alive, Kat is the one who's stood by him through all his years, whether it was rebuilding SPD or training the A-squad, Kat has always been there for him, just like he's always been there for her.

"I promise…" he said before cracking a small smile. A smile which was returned in full.

Suddenly a loud beeping went off, Kat ran over to check the monitor. "Bad news, I've just detected that Jack and Z have activated their morphers, they've gone after Ichtior."

"What are their coordinates?" Asked Cruger as he sat up in surprise. He should have known that Jack and Z would pull a stunt such as that. They have always been so stubborn!

"They're by the area where you fought General Benaag." Said Kat, as Cruger got out of bed. "Where do you think your going?"

"Where do you think? To help the rangers." Said Cruger. "C'mon cadets."

Syd, Sky and Bridge got out of bed followed by Sam in his energy ball form. "Yes, sir! They said groggily as they walked out the door.

"Doggie!" called out Kat.

Cruger turned. "Yes?"

"Come back safely." She said.

Cruger smiled. "I always do."


A/N: Well this is one fic I'm glad to have done! Cruger/Kat have been going up my favorite PR couples list since I watched the Shadow episodes. For me this fic is a nice change from my usual action packed violent fics, so yeah. Drop a review or two will ya? Please?