Seras' Night Out

Chapter 12

Final Duel

Well, here's the last chapter for this fic. I don't know if I can say it will be the longest thing I've written but there will be an ending.

Alucard awoke from his slumber with a bit of a headache. 'Note to self: Seras' cannon actually packs quite a punch,' he thought as he climbed out of his coffin.

He walked over to his table and picked up the blood pack that was there waiting for him. As he began to feed Alucard could not help but think back to all the questions Integra had thrown at him once she had gotten down to his room.

Integra and Walter burst through the door to Alucard's cell to find the elder vampire on the floor with Seras' cannon only a few feet away. Integra grabbed a radio from her back pocket and pressed the send button. "All guards be on the lookout for former Agent Victoria. She has escaped and probably making a break for it," Integra shouted into the receiver.

"Yes, sir," came the reply over the radio before it died.

Walter moved over to Alucard and helped prop the vampire up. It was then that the damage could be seen. Alucard was missing his right arm and a decent bit of his chest was just a hole. Alucard's opened and looked at Integra while the healing process began. "What the hell happened here Alucard," Integra asked in a cold manner which meant she already had ideas forming.

"What can I say," Alucard replied as a proud smirk came over his face before continuing, "I guess even I can be caught with my guard down."

"That doesn't tell me anything," Integra yelled as she moved closer and said, "Give me the full details!"

Alucard lifted himself up to his full height as his body finished healing. "I had begun to make some progress with police girl. She remembered me but I was still having trouble getting through about Hellsing. I had said she would be going back to work for Hellsing but she was against serving, 'The woman who enslaved her,' as she put it."

Integra cocked an eyebrow before asking, "What gave her that idea?"

"Razvan probably," Alucard replied.

"Well, what happened after that," Integra continued to ask.

"I told her she would go back to work and turned my back for a moment. The next thing I know is feel her power build, hear the loading of a weapon, and when I turn around I receive a face full of Halconnon. By the way, Walter that was quite a job you did on that cannon," Alucard replied while complementing his old friend.

"Thank you Alucard," Walter replied before saying, "Well, I guess we'd better start getting a group together to go after Miss Victoria."

As Walter was about to walk out he was stopped by Integra saying, "Just leave her. Right now we have other things to worry about than a confused vampire. We have freaks to take care of. If we find Seras in the process then we will send Alucard after her."

"As you wish, Integra," Walter bowed before leaving to attend to his other chores.

Integra looked at Alucard before saying, "We have a job to do so don't even think about using my time to go look for her. Right now this is a lost cause," before she walked out and slammed the door.

Alucard smirked while thinking, 'At least Integra seemed to buy the explanation.'

After finishing his meal Alucard walked over to the writing desk and got up the same material as last time, but this time also started heating up some sealing wax as well. He wrote out two letters. The first letter he placed in a nice looking envelope before dropping a ring inside as well. Alucard folded the envelope top down before laying the envelope down. He grabbed the wax holder, now full with melted red wax, and slowly poured it over the center of the envelope. After enough wax had pooled Alucard pull a signet ring out from a draw and pressed it down on the wax. After holding the signet ring down for a moment he pulled it away and repeated the process with the second letter. After finishing Alucard placed the letters inside his inner coat pocket before he heard Integra calling him. 'Here we go,' he thought as he phased out of his room.

Alucard appeared in Integra's office before saying, "What is it master?"

"We have a report of some freak activity in the Whitechapel area of London. Go there and take care of it," Integra replied as she went back to her paper work.

"Yes, master," Alucard replied as he bowed and disappeared into the night.

Marco walked down the halls of one of his clubs. He was flanked by his two newest employees Erik and Conall as they headed towards his office. "It's been silent for quite sometime. Hopefully, that is the last scheme now that I have fulfill my debt to Razvan. I don't have to be involved with the rest of that," Marco said as they walked.

"I know," Erik replied, "It's one thing to throw a wrench in Hellsing's operation but a whole different ball game to declare war with them. We are better off staying out of it from now on."

Marco produced a key and unlocked his office. The group of three stopped as the door opened to reveal a dark room with the desk chair turned from them. A bit of smoke rose from behind it while Marco thought, 'That assholes back...well not this time.'

"Hey, get the fuck out of here. I've paid my debt to you and I'm not interested in continuing business with your wacky ideas," Marco yelled as he marched forward but stopped when he felt a difference in the floor.

Marco and the others looked down to see a pile of ash on the floor. As they looked up the chair turned to reveal Hellsing's own Alucard sitting there with a smoking gun in one hand. "Evening gentlemen," Alucard said as a large and dangerous smirk came across his features.

All three freaks jumped as they pulled out firearms and took aim at the elder vampire. "What the hell is he doing here, how did Big Red find us," Erik whispered to Marco.

As Marco was about to answer Alucard cackled in a fit of laughter before saying, "Interesting nickname you have for me but I assure you I wouldn't use it in my presence."

Marco put his hand up to signal the others to put there weapons away. Marco then put on a fake smile and replied, "Lord Alucard, this is quite a surprise. What can I do for you."

Alucard put his gun away while saying, "Always the businessman aren't you Marco. I came here to offer you a deal."

"What kind of deal," Marco asked as he hoped it was something good for him.

Alucard pulled the two letters from his coat and replied, "I need you to deliver these two letters for me. Do this and let's just say that I will forget how to find any of your little businesses in the city."

"Of course, but who are the letters to," Marco answered only too happy to be rid of Hellsing's worst trash man.

"The first is going to Seras Victoria. She has begun a life for herself and it is your job to find her and deliver this. Afterwards, you will not mention where she is to anyone and never approach her again," Alucard replied as his features made clear he would do horrible things to anyone that broke this promise.

"Fine, but why so secretive...I mean your her sire right," Marco replied with interest.

"Let's just say things have become complicated and that's all," Alucard replied.

"The next letter is to go to your friend Razvan. After you finish this then I don't care what you do," Alucard replied as he laid the letters on the desk and then disappeared.

Marco wiped the sweat from his brow as he took the letter. He turned to Erik and Conall before saying, "You two take care of the business while I take care of this," before walking out to take care of the favor he now owed Alucard.

The next night Alucard awoke to find Marco sitting at his table. "What are you doing here," he asked with a bit of a growl.

Marco smiled before saying, "Now were even on that remark. I'm just here to deliver this."

Marco held up a letter that had a signet mark in red ink. The signet was that of a capital R with a serpentine like dragon wrapping itself around the letter. "I see Razvan gave you a reply. Fine, give it to me and be gone.

Marco laid the letter down before standing up. He pulled on a hat and it was then that Alucard noticed that Marco was in the uniform of a Hellsing soldier. 'I'll give it to him he is a tricky little bastard,' Alucard thought as he picked up the letter.

The letter was a reply to the challenge that Alucard had sent Razvan and as he thought the former knight of the dragon accepted. He smirked as he placed his hat and glasses on before phasing to Integra's office. Alucard appeared in front of Integra before displaying the letter and saying, "Permission to deal with a problem master."

Integra looked at the letter before she looked at Alucard saying, "You challenged Razvan to a duel without my permission!"

"I knew that he would bring himself out in the open if I formally challenged him and it worked. We can either take this chance or let it slip away," Alucard smirked evilly at Integra knowing he had her in quite an ordeal.

"Fine, were is the duel," she asked.

"Tower bridge at one in the morning. I'll finish this problem myself," Alucard bowed as he disappeared and reappeared on the roof of the Hellsing mansion.

'The only threat left to Seras is Razvan finding her. So I will have to take Razvan out and then nothing with harm my Queen,' Alucard thought as he began to prepare himself for the fight.

It was a few minutes before one as Hellsing troops including Integra herself staged themselves around tower bridge at the heart of London. 'One way or another Razvan will not be leaving her alive,' Integra thought as she looked through a pair of binoculars.

She watched as Alucard stood on the bridge and waited for his opponent. She watched as black mist began to roll in and onto the bridge. The mist then coalesced into the form of Razvan. "Now it begins," Integra said as she moved to head down to street level.

"Finally you arrive," Alucard said as he squared off with Razvan.

"I'm never late. Especially, not when I have been challenged to a contest of honor," Razvan supplied as he drew two automatic pistols from his belt.

"Not using the sword this time," Alucard teased as he drew both the Jackal and the Casual from their hiding places.

"It's not close quarters anymore," Razvan supplied as they began to walk in circles, "Shall we begin?"

Alucard nodded and both sped up. Razvan was the first to move. He disappeared and reappeared behind Alucard and let a hail of bullets fly. "Nice try," Alucard replied as he dodged most of the bullets.

Alucard leveled out the Jackal and took a shot that just missed Razvan as the knight ducked under the shot. Razvan fired back and hit Alucard in the chest but the silver bullets did hardly any damage to Alucard. "These are useless," Razvan said as he threw the guns away.

Alucard stopped and watched as spread his arms out and began to chant. After a moment Razvan drew his sword and held it above his head. As Razvan finished the chant lighting shot out of the sky and struck the piece of metal. Alucard watched as the knight wielded the glowing blade of electricity as he prepare for another round. "Interesting trick. Too bad you didn't know these spells when we fought the Turks," Alucard replied.

"Amazing what you can learn in five hundred years," Razvan replied as he rushed towards Alucard.

Alucard dodged the first swing and aimed towards Razvan. As he pulled the trigger, Razvan spun out of the way, and thrust the sword into Alucard's chest. The electricity shot through Alucard's body and sent him flying across the bridge. Alucard stopped himself in mid-air before floating back to his feet. He moved towards Razvan before saying, "Interesting trick but you used the energy."

Razvan smirked before raising his sword in the air and saying, "iterum."

Alucard watched as lighting struck the sword again. 'It's seems he's made a variation to the spell that allows him to use it with just one word,' thought as he fired three times at Razvan.

The first shot hit the sword and made Razvan stubble to hold onto it. The other two missed their original mark, which was the head, and sank into Razvan's side. After Razvan regained control of the sword he turned to see Alucard coming at him. He then pulled the sword over his head before shouting, "lux lucis undo," and swung.

The energy left the blade and shout out in the form of a cut. As it closed on Alucard the elder vampire smirked before thinking, 'I'm not falling for that twice,' before disappearing.

Without having to think Razvan spun and deflected Alucard's Casual away with his sword. The shot fired into the air as the two stood in locked combat. Alucard smirked before saying, "This has been an entertaining fight. To bad you have to die."

"If I die then I die fighting like a true knight should," Razvan replied as he kicked Alucard in the side.

Alucard spun with the blow before firing a shot at Razvan just to have it be deflected off the sword. Alucard saw an opening at took it. He moved in and knocked the sword up with his Casual. After moving the piece of metal he leveled the Jackal at Razvan's head and said, "Good bye."

The shot hit home and Razvan's body flew back from the force of the blast. His body landed in a heap a few feet away from Alucard with a sickening thud. "About damn time," Integra called as she came towards Alucard and onto the bridge.

Alucard pocketed his weapons and walked towards Integra while saying, "I fought him fairly and that's all that matters. He unlike the rest of my opponents deserved a fair duel."

As Alucard was about to come within five feet of Integra he felt a power and without thinking jumped in front of Integra. He was hit with a black bolt of energy and went flying over the bridge with the force. Integra looked towards Razvan to see that he had recovered and there was a giant hole in his head. "What the hell are you? No vampire could survive that," Integra yelled as she pulled out her pistol.

"I am no vampire," Razvan replied as he removed one of his gloves to reveal a bony, skeleton hand.

Integra stared at the before hearing Razvan laugh. She looked up to see his face melt away to be replaced by a laughing skull. The hollow eyes came to life as a sickly green fire lit inside the sockets. Razvan moved forward before saying in a distorted voice, "There are so many more things then vampires in this world dear Hellsing. And, now to finally kill you."

Razvan gathered energy to his hand before he heard Alucard's baritone, "So that's what you became. You used advanced necromancy to turn yourself into a lich. An intelligent skeleton that retains your soul in a phylactery."

The hand that held the energy exploded as a bullet went straight through it. Razvan watched as Alucard reappeared in front of Integra with both guns pointed at him. Razvan laughed before saying, "So be it."

Razvan concentrated and his hand formed back together. "There is no way to kill me so just step out of the way and I'll release you from her service."

"I don't think so," Alucard replied before firing off two shots.

Razvan could not react in time and the shots hit there mark. The bullets shattered a necklace that was hidden under his robe. The necklace had been the symbol of the order of the dragon that he had worn since the day he was inducted. The skeleton collapsed to the ground as his hands grasped at the necklace. " it can't end like this," he let out an anguished cry as his body began to disintegrate.

The ghoul-fire burned out of the eyes as the body went silent and collapse into a pile. Alucard step towards the pile as he heard Integra shout, "Someone clean this up."

"No," Alucard replied while saying, "I'll take care of this one. I'll see you at the mansion master."

To Integra's surprise Alucard picked up the body and disappeared with it into the night. 'That's a first,' she thought before turning and shouting, "Move out! Everyone back to the compound!"

Alucard appeared in a park under a large oak tree. He concentrated for a moment before a rectangular hole six feet deep appeared before him. He laid the body down with care before covering the hole back up. He then took a small cross from his pocket and implanted it at the top of the grave. Alucard then turned and walked away while thinking, 'Old habits die hard. But, only the worth will I bury with respect. Rest now Razvan...your service is over.'

Marco stopped in front of an odd place. It looked like someone had built a mini-mansion on top of a building. He looked at it before thinking, 'Wasn't this were that Helena vampire lived?'

He shrugged off the thought before he went up and knocked on the door. He waited for a moment before the doors opened to a dark room. "Anyone home," he asked while he walked in.

The doors slammed behind him which caused him to jump. He then turned to see a candle light that was floating in mid-air. After a moment another lit and then another. Soon the room was lit up with floating candles and at the end sat Seras Victoria on a soft couch. "What do you want," Seras asked in a threatening manner.

"I've just come to deliver a message from Alucard," Marco replied and moved back when the letter was snatched out of his hand in an instant.

Much to his surprise Seras had cross the room in an instant and her imposing nature was gone with that instant. Now she looked like a giddy school girl as she opened the letter. The doors opened again thus spitting Marco out onto the roof of the building. He picked himself up, dusted himself off, and said, "Well, I'll leave you to it," before disappearing into the night.

Seras walked outside into the moonlight as she read the letter.

Dear Seras,

This is the last time we will have any communication until Integra is no longer with us. Do not be worried Marco and I have a little deal so he won't cause you any problems. Also, I am taking care of Razvan personally so that nothing will have the potential of hurting you or our child. Included inside this letter is a bank deposit number and the key, or should I say ring, to access it. The account is with the International Bank of Zurich under the name Tepes if they give you any trouble about it. The money there should be plenty for anything you might need. Be safe.

Seras read but it was the last line that made her feel like her heart had begun to beat again. She read it out loud as if it would verify the statement, "Love, Alucard."

'He loves me,' Seras thought as she swooned for a second. She then placed the letter in her pocket and fished out the ring that was in the envelope. The ring was metal and had an interesting design to it. The face was that of a capital V with a serpentine dragon looping in and out of the letter. Seras placed it on her ring finger as if it were an engagement ring and sighed. She ran the hand with the ring on it over her stomach, as if caressing the unborn life inside her womb, and whispered to the night, "I will see you again one day my Alucard."

Disclaimer: Any characters or ideas from Hellsing do not belong to me. I am not selling this material, just writing for the heck of it as I go.

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