Disclaimer:I don't own any charactor of the fellowship or the historical summery- they are all Tolkiens. However, I am happy to say I do own the charactors mentioned most here. Yea me! ;)

A.N.: Well, this is it. Thanks for the wonderful reviews, I hope you enjoy this last part. I'll try to have a new story written soon - but I'm a bit lazy, so soon is a flexable word... Anyways: enjoy!


"In the very beginning of our days, on the shores of Quivienen, the first of the elves dwelt in peace. Everything was new, and therefore they were filled with the joy of discovery nearly every day. So it was, until the arrival of Melkor – known through the next ages as Morgoth.

"They knew not what happened. Suddenly they found themselves hunted, murdered and taken. Weapons to defend themselves they did not have, for none existed in ea yet. All they could do was hide. But they always thought of other ways, knowing they could not hide forever.

"My grandmother, the naneth of my naneth, was one of these first elves - from the ages of the stars, before the sundering of the quendi. She found this stone, as round and smooth as you see it now, inside the water of 'the river of awakening' and smiled, for an idea formed in her mind.

"Now, in these days the fire still burned fresh and young within the hearts of my people, and our power was grater than it is now. And my grandmother pressed this stone to her heart, and shared some of her soul's flame with it - and in her hands the gem became an amulet of protection.

"When the Teleri parted for the second time in the journey west, upon the shores of Beleriand, my grandmother was one of those who carried on to Aman. But her daughter, my mother, was of those who remained, waiting and looking for Elwe – those elves were later known as the sindar. Knowing she will not need it in the blessed realm, my grandmother gave this to her daughter – who later added the mithril in Doriath.

"Ages passed, and the necklace was not used since the days of my grandmother, and save my parents all appeared to have forgotten it. Doriath fell, once, twice, and it still remained unknown. Rings of power were forged, Eregion fell and Sauron was defeated – and all this time my mother carried the forgotten jewel.

"But times kept changing, and a new age was born. Shadows began to creep into Greenwood, darkness growing in the world once more. I still remember how green it was, how green it must be now that it is purified, but you will not believe Mirkwood and Greenwood to be the same forest if you saw them. I remember the coming of the shadow well, for when first darkness came to the southernmost edge of the woods, in the very first attack of the spiders, my naneth was hurt.

"So sudden it was, so unexpected, she had no time to use her mother's gift or even think to. It was too late when she was brought home, her wounds were fatal." His voice nearly broke as Legolas said these things but he continued, set on finishing the story. "Before her death, she gave it to me before we parted – as her mother did for her. I was no more than a child but she had no choice but giving it to me even if I could not yet use it. She could not give it to my father or any other. It would only work for someone of her mother's blood.

"So it came to me, and I never used it before now, in front of the black gates."

Silence lingered after his last word. How long this quiet lasted none of them was sure, but then the elf's voice broke it once more: "So," he said, turning to Aragorn with a grin "when do get you Elessar?"

Laughter rang as the king- to- be's face turned the most interesting shade of pink.

The End!