"Ok class we have a new student his name is Inuyasha would you please tell the class about your self Inuyasha" the teacher said. "Um I am 17 and um well I am a inu hanyou, were do I sit" inuyasha said. "Oh anywere" the teacher said. Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome he wanted to talk to her she looked interesting. "Psh hey brown eyes girl next to me bitch" Inuyasha said that caught Kagome's attention. "What" Kagome asked. "What is your name" Inuyasha asked. "It is Kagome" Kagome siad. "Hott" Inuyasha smirked. "I'm taken" Kagome said. Inuyasha cocked his head to the side he was confused. "I have a boyfriend" Kagome said. "Well then I will have to change that" Inuyasha siad while turning to the teacher. "Hey what is your boyfriends name" Inuyasha asked. "It is Koga" Kagome said. "That wimpy wolf" Inuyasha scoffed.

"Kagome time for school" kagome's mom yelled from down stairs. Kagome moaned "Mom I had another vision" Kagome yelled. "Quit makeing excuses and get ready" kagome's mom yelled. Kagome got up "Hm I wonder what that dream was about" Kagome asked herself.

Kagome got on light blue bell bottom jeans with tons of holes in them she had a green tank top on that said (I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception). She had her hair in a hight pony tail with converse on.

Kagome ran down stairs grabbed a pop tart and walked to her school. "Het Sango" I have a feeling we are gonna get a new kid today" Kagome told her friend. "Oh I hope your right i have been dieing for a frined that is a boy, he is a boy right" Sango said. "Yeah" Kagome said while walking to her first class that Sango was not in.

"Hey babe wanna go out" Kagome how many times do I have to tell you NO god here let me say it again loser loser double loser get the picyure duh" Kagome said. "Ok fine but you will be mine" Koga said while finding a seat. Kagome took a seat in the back the teacher walked with a boy that had silver hair gold eyes and doggie ears on his head.

"ok class we have a new student his name is Inuyasha would you please tell the class about yourself Inuyasha" the teacher said. "Um I am 17 and um I am an inu hanyou, were do I sit" Inuyasha said. "Oh anywere" the teacher said. Inuyasha sat down next to Kagome he wanted to talk she looked interesting. "Psh hey brown eyes girl next to me bitch" Inuyasha said that caught kagome's attention. "What" kagome asked. "What is your name" Inuyasha asked. "It is kagome" Kagome said. "Hott" Inuyasha smirked. "I don't" kagome said. Inuyasha cocked his head to the side. kagome sighed "I do not date" kagome said. "Well then I will have to change that" Inuyasha siad while turning his attention to the teacher.

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You know you want to.

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