Disclaimer: I do not own gravitation or any of the characters.


Chapter one:

The phone rang startling Hiro as he tried to compose the crazy tune that had been stuck in his head since morning. He walked up to it and picked it up.

"Hiro, hi it's me." A voice came through the slight crackling of the telephone. Hiro pinched himself…was he dreaming?

"Shuichi? Hey Shuichi it's been so long, why don't you ever call man?" Hiro babbled a little excitedly. It had been seven years since he had seen his best friend.

"Hiro, I'm coming back to Japan. In about ten day's time on the twenty first." There was a slight pause as though Shuichi was battling with some kind of emotion. "Hiro, Nina is dead. In an accident…I was thinking that Japan will be a good change of place. I'm bringing Wan with me. Please be at airport Hiro."

"You can count on me Shuichi. How's Wan taking it?" Hiro grimaced, apart from Yuki, Nina was the only person Shuichi had ever loved, and he must be devastated.

"He's not doing too good right now, but he'll hold up pretty well I think. He keeps crying for his mother…I'm scared Hiro…he's all I got left!" a sob almost crept into Shuichi's voice. "Um…he's awake now I think, I need to go. I'll call before leaving."

Hiro stared at the receiver…Shuichi was never one for holding back. If he wanted to cry he would. Hiro wondered how his old friend would be and in how many ways he would have changed.


Shuichi's P.O.V:

I looked at the small boy next to me…my son. He was holding tightly onto my finger as he slept curled up in a tight ball. I looked out of the small double paned window over his head at the bright blue sky and the puffy white clouds. They seemed so bleak…I wondered if could do it. It was so hard…when I had left Yuki; Nina was there to help me through it. Now with Nina gone I couldn't turn to anyone. I had to be strong enough for Wan to turn to me when he needs me. I'm all he's got left.

And Yuki, I was definitely going to see him. We did have the same friends and if there are any party's I'm going have to be able to face him. Oh Nina, why did you have to leave me?


Hiro looked around at the arrivals gate. They would be here any minute; the flight to England had just arrived. Then he saw them. Shuichi was lugging a huge suitcase that was bigger than him and a small boy of about four was walking behind him carrying a pink bunny.

"Oi! Shuichi! Over here!" Hiro hurried over to heave the suitcase off the gasping Shuichi and set it down. Then he enveloped Shuichi in a hug. "It's nice to see you again!"

"Yeah it's nice to see you to Hiro. This is my son Wan." Shuichi softly pushed the little boy forward. "Wan, this your godfather Hiro."

Hiro looked at the small boy who stared up at him with big green eyes. He looked a lot like Shuichi. "Hey there buddy. How are you?" he stuck out his hand.

The little kid took it. "I'm fine, thank you." He looked up at Shuichi a little fearfully. Shuichi smiled reassuringly. "Well, Hiro lets get going. I've had enough of airports!"

They headed out to Hiro's car. They all piled into the cold car and turned on the heater…winter in Tokyo was freezing! On the way Hiro tried to make conversation about the only thing he could think of.

"Shuichi, I've gotten you an apartment…I hope its ok that it's kind of close to Yuki's place? I couldn't find anything else to match what you wanted and Seguchi-san helped me. It's a nice place…" Hiro looked at Shuichi a little nervously.

"It's ok Hiro. I got over Yuki long ago." That lie came pretty easily nowadays. He had said it so many times. Well he would have to make do for now and maybe move a month of two later.

He liked the place when they got there. Wan's room was light blue with little Kumagoroo pictures bordering it. A little bed stood at one way. Shelves decorated the walls ready to be filled with all his stuff.

Wan looked up at his father and smiled for the first time. "I like it daddy." Shuichi smiled back and ruffled his hair. "So what do you want to do now son? Hiro's gone to get us some food, do you just want to go to bed or watch a little TV?"

Wan looked up a little hopefully. "Maybe a little TV? Please daddy, just one show, we'll watch it together. I liked watching TV with mom…"

Shuichi blinked as he felt a burning in his throat. "ok, lets do that!" he tried going back to his genki self and picked up the little boy and cuddled him as they watched reruns of 'Bloopy' the blue whale. Then Hiro brought some dinner which they finished in silence…Shuichi told Hiro that he wanted to sleep so he left.

Shuichi cuddled up next to his son and dropped of immediately. He was more tired than he thought.


Yuki frowned at the box of strawberry pocky in front of him…Mika was in one of her craving moods, her second child being on the way…and her craving this time was for delicious strawberry pocky! They still reminded him of Shuichi. He picked it up and was about to drop it into his bag when a small boy an up to him.

"Please sir…do you really need that box?" he sounded very old for his age, which was about four.

Yuki grimaced. "I do. They're for my sister." He added somehow not wanting this boy to think he ate pocky!

"Do you think you could give to me just this once? My dad really likes pocky, and he's happy when he's eating it. Please sir?" Wan looked up at the tall blonde slightly pleading.

Yuki looked at the boy…he reminded him a lot of Shuichi, except he had brown hair and green eyes not the pink and violet combo. He wondered why a small boy would be running around the store alone. "Where's your mother? Are you here alone?"

"Mommy's gone to heaven! Daddy misses her, that's why I want the pocky to keep daddy happy." Tears started forming in the boys eyes.

Yuki handed the box over to him. "Here kid, you look like you need it more than my crazy sister does."

"Wan! I've been looking all over for you, where have you…" Shuichi's voice trailed off as he saw Yuki.

"This nice man gave me pocky for you daddy! The last box…see you can be happy!" Wan ran up to Shuichi brandishing the box in his face.

"Shuichi…" Yuki whispered as the blood drained out of his face. He stood for a moment wondering what to do before managing a small smile, which looked like a cross between and smile and a grimace. "Hope you enjoy your pocky."

Yuki wheeled around and almost ran to the counter…Shuichi's son! His wife's dead…Yuki wondered if he was dreaming. Seven years had past and seeing Shuichi still hurt like hell. Can it Yuki, you're losing it. Get a grip.

He turned to pick up the packages and saw the violet eyes still staring at him.


Shuichi felt like all the breath had been knocked out of him. He hadn't counted on seeing Yuki so soon. Baka you live so close you would be using the same grocery. He tried to catch Yuki's eye but the blonde man was out of the store like a whirlwind. Shuichi wondered at the back of his Shuichi like mind (which tended to focus on unimportant things instead of the matter at hand) why Yuki was buying strawberry pocky? And since when had he started giving that weird smile? Actually since when had he started smiling?

"DADDDY!" Shuichi looked down at Wan who was looking mutinous. "CAN WE GO TO POKEY POCKY NOW1?"

Shuichi nodded mutely paying for the things and carting his son away. Can I deal with Yuki again? Do I still love him, or actually did I ever stop loving him?


A/N: I hope you liked it I read too many stories with Yuki having a child and I like the slightly grown up Shuichi. If you're wondering why he's not his genki self he will be…not as genki as usual but close! --!


1; POKEY POCKY- a take of on chucky cheese!