Disclaimer: I don't own anything that you would want! Unfortunately that includes all characters in this story. Darn!

Authors Note: Now I know that a lot of people are probably upset with me for just about never updating but I intend to change that as soon as my thumb feels better! I warn you though, just about the slightest thing distracts me so I will try to write some of my stories at school because my parents are totally against fanfiction which makes it hard to update. So with that mentioned here it the story I wrote to go with my challenge! If you want the details check out my authors page!


Chapter One: Wayward Emotions

Wayward emotions, a dangerous thing in the best of times, but how do you rid yourself of these wayward emotions? There is no one way so many resort to strange things. One such person is the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter.

Having just lost his Godfather about a month ago his emotions are even more wayward then normal. Harry decided that to get his emotions under control he should write a letter to no one detailing exactly what he wanted most and what he was worried about; just get everything off his chest. This is the result:

To whom it may concern,

As I write this letter I realize that the one thing I have always wanted was my family. My Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin who are my only living relatives treat me like a slave in their household. I was clothed in hand-me-downs and lived off of leftovers. My only friends were the spiders in the closet I lived in. When I found out at 13 that I had a living Godfather my only chance at happiness was once again ripped from my grasp when the man who framed my Godfather for murder escaped taking with him the only evidence we had. Did I mention my Godfather was the escaped convict Sirius Black? He was on the run for another two years before I foolishly managed to get him killed by his cousin no less! All I want in life are my parents, James and Lily Potter, and my godfather, Sirius Black, to be alive and with me enjoying the time we have together. But I must kill Voldemort before I can really enjoy life. How will I manage that? I am but a 15 year old boy who is going into their sixth year at Hogwarts! I need help! Training! A way to rid the world of Voldemort without killing myself or seriously injuring myself or anymore of my loved ones is what I really need now. Anyone reading this, I am but a boy who wants none of his fame and would give just about anything to have his family back and Voldemort dead.

Mournfully Yours,

Harry James Potter


Harry wrote a note to the order telling them he was sending Hedwig on a long journey and not to expect a letter soon. He then rolled up his letter and attacked it to Hedwig's leg. "Hey girl, I want you to give this letter to the order first then give the second letter to anyone who can help me with my problems. Thanks girl." Said Harry.

There sat Harry James Potter reflecting back on his life as he watched his faithful owl carry off his letters. One letter being a desperate attempt to rid himself of his wayward emotions, never realizing what would come from one simple letter to whom it may concern.

Authors Note: Well there you have it. I hope you enjoyed it and don't yell at me because I never finish my other stories and just come up with new ones all the time. Think of my like Leonardo Da Vinci. He hardly ever finished his projects or paintings but the ones he did finish were great, magnificent, exquisite!