AN: I'm so sorry it took me like a year to update but I'm a junior in high school right now and it's been crazy. I don't really have much of an excuse, though I do have a job right now. But either way, I'm sorry! Unfortunately it's back to short chapters for a while. No idea how long but I'll try to get better again. I'm now actually doing my homework immediately and not procrastinating like I usually do which cuts into my time so I'll try to use the extra time to write. No guarantees that I'll ever become a better writer but I hope you read my stories for the ideas.

Chapter 16: Studying is FUN!

Shortly after Harry, Gohan, and Hermione arrived back at Bulma's an owl landed on an open window with a letter to Harry from the twins. Quickly reading the letter Harry informed the others about the situation back home with the Weasley's.

"That's good, it gives us a bit of an edge if we know who it is we can trust with all the facts and not just the lies we use to protect ourselves." Said Hermione

"It's true though, we need to make sure that we all have occulmency mastered before we go back to England." Said Harry

"To start with we should go back over every other thing we learned through out the course of the past five years. After that occulmency and once it's mastered we can go on to sixth year material and seventh year as well as every other thing we are going to need to know to win this war in the end." Said Hermione

"Well then, let's get started!" Said Gohan

Meanwhile … at the Satan Mansion

"Excellent Ms. Satan, at this rate you'll be done with sixth year material before your muggle school starts up again. You're very fortunate that your father decided to just get you tutors instead of sending you off to a magical school because you would have never have progressed as fast as you are now." Said some random tutor

"I know, you've been saying this for years, not let's get on with it, I still need to train tonight." Said Videl

Back at CC

Gohan, having just gotten his wand, was learning everything from the first 5 years of school while Harry and Hermione revised and memorized all their textbooks other than their 2nd year Defense books. Their first week of studying was all revision with a few breaks to sign Harry and Hermione up for school and have all three of them take their entrance exams.

By the end of the second week Harry and Hermione had finished their first 5 years and were starting on occlumency and legimency. Gohan had finished his first year and was halfway through his second.

"Gohan, Harry, Hermione! Your results for the entrance exams are here!" Yelled Bulma

"Oh! Let me see! Ok, I got 100 in everything, Gohan got 100 in everything, and Harry, I'm sorry but you failed." Said Hermione

"Ha, ha, ha, let me see. Oh yes, 100 in everything, I failed horribly! Oh well, at least we all got accepted." Said Harry

By the time school started a month later all three had mastered occlumency and legimency practicing on each other. Gohan was done with 4th year material and starting on 5th. Harry and Hermione were done with 6th and now helping Gohan, especially with dueling. Gohan, Harry, and Hermione still worked out but they were just trying to keep fit, not learn anything new.

AN: sorry again for the length. If you have any ideas for me feel free to pass them on.