
By: Demon Hiei's Girl (Demon Usagi)

Standard Disclaimers Apply

Author's Note: Auugh. Another fic. I'm such a moron! I'll never get all this done with school work and crap! GAUUUGH! But I need to write another YusukeXHiei fic before I die, so here it is. I wish there were more fans, but until YusukeHiei out does KuramaHiei (which will never happen, for obvious reasons. Not that KuramaHiei isn't hot and all. :slaps self and blushes:), I'll have to pull my weight around the YH world. So here we go, damn it!

I walked to the park. It was my favorite place recently. I mean, after three years of working in the Makai with Hokushin and Raizen's men, the park really seems peaceful...quiet. Serene, I guess. The trees, the happy people, the things that angered me when I was immature and unhappy.

Am I happy now? I suppose so. I have a beautiful girlfriend, who's really intelligent, and I love her. At least, I think I do. What is love, anyway? Liking one person more than anyone else? Or rather, anything else. Some people love their work most. Some people love their pets more than anything. Some people like TV. Who can blame them?

What do I have? Caring friends, perfect girlfriend, power, and even land. Sure that land is in the demonic world parallel to this one, but land it is. And with looks like mine, well–Who could complain? ...okay, my looks aren't model worthy. My hair could use some brushing right now. But other than that...

Keiko wanted us to move in as soon as possible.

"Shouldn't we wait for the wedding? Do you want to live in sin?" I asked her playfully that day. She smiled at me.

"Yusuke, I can't wait to live with you. We'll be so happy!"

Happy? Heh, I want to be happy. I'm sick of leaving the delinquent life. It may seem glamorous, but it's not. Far from it. I want a real life. And Keiko gave me the opportunity for it. My big chance! But it's leaving a bad after taste. I feel like I'm missing something. But what?

I don't have time for regrets or second thoughts! I imagine, every almost-bridegroom feels this way.

My ass found its way to a bench. I lay there, my elbows on the part that my overly-stressed back is resting on. Keiko wants the perfect wedding. And I want to be the one to give it to her. It's thoughts like these that leave me vulnerable. I don't pay attention, and anyone can sneak up on me. Anyone.

"Don't think so much, Detective. It doesn't suit you."

"Hey, Hiei."

If I wasn't so distracted, I would have been amazed to see the fire demon glaring at me like he owned the place. What was Mukuro's heir doing in Nigenkai? ...I've been out of it since Keiko left for America.

"Yusuke, thank you!" she had said.

"It's no problem!" I replied.

"Letting me go to Florida with the girls–I couldn't imagine a better early bachelorette party!" she had cooed, causing me to feel proud that I could make her that happy.

"But it's so expensive!"

"Don't worry! I was saving. I knew you wanted to go see some place foreign. Just no lookin' at any American boy band boys who'll be all over you. I even bought you a stick so you could beat them off you!" I had laughed.

"We'll have to go someplace simple for the honey moon, though." I added.

"As long as we're together!" she smiled, hugging me.

She's been gone for three days. For all I know, she could still be on the plane. I've been lonely without her, I suppose. And bored, for that matter. I guess Mr. Mysterious is, too, since he actually decided to talk to me.

"What are you doing in Nigenkai?" I asked, leering at him suspiciously.

"I'm on vacation." Hiei smirked. "Mukuro thought I looked ready to keel over, she said. And that I needed a demon-free break."

"Spend some time with me; I'm bored." I suggested, more like demanded.

"Whatever floats your boat." he shrugged, sitting next to me.

"I haven't seen you much in three years."

"There was nothing to see." he replied coldly. I didn't like his tone.

"Yeah there was: you." I said, trying to sound innocent, as I poked his arm.

"In other words, nothing."

"Don't talk like that." I demanded. I said it unemotionally, calmly. Like I was his parent. Like he was five and said a 'bad' word in front of 'mommy and daddy's' guests during a fancy dinner party.

His eyes casually glanced at me, as if trying to see through me. Go on and look! There's nothing to see and nothing to hide. My eyes hit his. He averted them! He averted them like he was the one hiding something.

"Don't worry yourself." he smirked coldly at me.

"I'll worry if I want to."

"You sure got demanding." Duh! We established this.

"And you sure talk a lot for being Hiei."

"What's that supposed to mean?" his analyzed me again, as if interrogating me.

"The Hiei I remember didn't talk much."


"That's better."

His burning eyes were now pointed forward, gracing the horizon with their unusual beauty. I mean, for a guy, he had great eyes. They were the kind that lured you to them. Yet, he wasn't close to anyone; not even his beloved sister. I believe he's afraid to get close. Close to her, close to anyone. But I shouldn't think about things like that. It's not like it affects me. I shouldn't.

"You look tired." I was just thinking out loud. When you stare at your friends' eyes for hours, you tend to notice shit like this.

"Thanks for noticing." he scowled sarcastically at me. "It's a long trip from Makai to Nigenkai. You should know that."

"I do."

"Then drop it."

"I don't wanna." I know my childish ways get to him like that. He always takes a moment to glower at me like he's my superior. But he doesn't look older than me. If anything, he looks younger. So I don't feel like taking of his orders right now.

He groaned, knowing he couldn't beat me there.

"Come to my place. Get some rest."

"I don't wanna." Dammit! He got me back!

"You can leave as soon as you want. But sleep a little first. Yukina wouldn't be happy if I she knew I left her brother out here all alone, exhausted." I emphasized 'exhausted' to the best of my ability. True, Hiei never told her the 'truth', as Kurama refers to this matter. But the two have got reasonably closer over time. Or so I heard from a very envious Kuwabara, who is clueless as well.

"Fine." he 'hmph'ed. Bull's eye!

The two of us got up in unison, and trotted back to my place.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Since when did you live in a house?" Hiei asked. His features didn't show it, but his voice held some impressment.

"Since now. There's no alcohol smell or nothing!" I grinned. My new house was a cleaner environment compared to my mom's house and my apartment from before Keiko's and my engagement.

"Hn." That's all he said, but he noticed it too. I won't take much credit for this achievement though. Keiko is the real slave to this house–always cleaning it excitedly.

'Stop it!'

I looked up suddenly. The words breaking my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"Huh?" Hiei answered, looking at me.

"Stop what?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought I heard you say 'stop'."

"I didn't say anything." he scowled at me, going onward to explore. That was certainly weird. I could have sworn I heard a voice say 'Stop'. It was a voice I couldn't identify, but a voice that I was close to.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hiei fell asleep on my bed. I couldn't help but notice how adorable he was when he was asleep. His features were so relaxed in his sleep, you wouldn't even recognize him. He must have been sleepy to just flop on my bed in slumber like that. But it relieved me to know even the Great Hiei wasn't invincible.

The thought of the voice bothered me though. Who said that? I cleared me thoughts. Maybe it was a ghost? Or a vision from the future? Whatever it was, it was creepy as hell.

End chapter one.

Author's note: I'll have chapter two up soon. This was more of an introduction. :enter sigh and sweatdrop: