A/N: Hi, this is Winky, and my friend Dobby and I are writing this fic together. I am writing the first chapter, and will post it before Dobby can do anything! Aren't I evil? And, I'm leaving a huge-mung-gous cliffy!


Winky: Hello.

Dobby: Hello.

Winky: hic hi. We are the Drunk Elves!

Dobby: Hey, you're the drunk one!

Winky: Anyway, hic we do not hic own Harry Potter.

Dobby: He owns us! We work for him!

Winky: Work hic good!

Dobby: Onto the story!

James needed to go.

You know what I mean.


Really badly.

Really really badly.

Really really really badly.

He was standing in the Head Boy and Girl's carriage on the Hogwarts Express.

And, either the door wasn't letting him in, or the Head Girl was having problems.

She had been in there for at least twenty minutes.

James was getting impatient.

Who was the Head Girl anyway?

He hoped that it wasn't one of those stupid blonde bimbos that followed him around all the time.

Dumbledore wasn't stupid enough to do that.

But that would explain the bathroom door had been locked for the last twenty minutes.

Lily was nervous.

Really nervous.

Extremely nervous.

Being nervous wasn't really like her.

At all.

She was never nervous!

She guessed that it might have to do with the fact that she was Head Girl.

And stuck in the bathroom.

Well, not exactly stuck.

Just, she didn't want to go out of the bathroom.

She looked like a nervous wreck.

And someone kept pounding on the door.

She guessed it was her friend, because there was a boys' bathroom right next to the girls'.

The person sounded like they were hopping from foot to foot, and they were pounding the door a lot.

'God, is that person a stupid idiot,' she thought.

She sighed. She really, really didn't want to meet the Head Boy.

Really really really really didn't want to meet the Head Boy.

'I guess anytime is better than later,' she thought, and she pushed open the door.

To find someone tall with his back to her.

With messy black hair.

And her head was like, up to his armpit, he was that tall.

She smirked.

Then the person turned around and he smirked.

Then the smirks dropped off both of their faces.



"Care to explain why you took so long in the bathroom?" he asked pointedly.

She blushed.

"Care to explain why you waited for me when there is just another toilet over there?" She pointed.

He blushed.

Than ran into the toilet.

And slammed the door.

Lily burst out laughing.

James Potter must have been waiting outside that toilet for at least twenty minutes.

At least.

But that meant…

James Potter was Head Boy?

Darn. She had hoped for Remus.

Or that cute Hufflepuff seeker, Amos Diggory.

But James Potter?

Dumbledore must be mad.

James Potter was slicking his hair back in the mirror.

He had finally gotten to go to the…

Well, you know.

He couldn't believe Lily Evans was Head Girl.

The prettiest, most beautiful girl at Hogwarts, the one he had decided in fourth year was the perfect girl for him. Coincidentally, this was around the same time that she decided he was a massive git.

His stupid hair wouldn't lie flat, no matter what he did to it. He sighed, giving up on trying to get it to behave and walked out the door.

Lily was nowhere to be seen, but they had nearly reached Hogwarts anyway. He could see the great castle towering over with lights in the windows.

'This year,' he vowed, 'I'm going to get Lily to go out with me.'

"I hope you enjoyed our magnificent feast!" said Dumbledore cheerfully. "Now, before you all go and fall onto your beds, I have one last announcement.

"Lily Evans, please come forward. Congratulations on becoming Head Girl!" There was a thunderous applause, coming from all the house tables, mostly Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Even some Slytherins clapped. They liked seeing Lily yell at and humiliate James Potter.

Once the noise had died down, Dumbledore continued, "Lucius Malfoy, please come forward…"

Winky: Hope you be liking that. Also, to Dobby: SUCKER! I am soooo evil.

Dobby: I is not liking that…. I is loving it! Please Read and Review!

Winky: And we love butterbeer. hic

Dobby: I is liking firewhiskey better!