Anguished Silence

ATLA is property of Nickelodeon.

Summary – This is a what-if for the show… there are so many what-ifs on the show, and so many possibilities that could spring from these what-ifs, so it's exciting to think about these choices, and how so many things can change from just one proverbial fork in the road. I just wanted to try a short drabble, and it was indeed hard to keep it this short, but it was a good exercise and challenge for me, as I usually love to add in detail.

Word Count – 100


Zuko hadn't expected this when he was finally allowed into the War Room. To hear of a whole division of soldiers spoken of as if they were toys, a mere diversion, easily discarded. Just like these little figurines on the board.

These were people. But to the hardened generals in this room, sitting around the board, they were not people. They had no names, no faces. Just a label. The 41st Division.

He knows it's wrong. If it were up to him, he would create a different strategy. But he promised his uncle he would not speak. So he didn't.