Hi guys! This is my first fanfic, so please be nice. I would like some good tips though. I think I'm a pretty bad writer, but this story just sorta got stuck in my head, so I just had to write it somewhere. IfI get good reviews (I don't mean nice, I mean good advice and stuff) then I'll probably write more. I'm open for any good plot ideas!



School was over and Anna Kyoyama had a lot to do. She walked out of the classroom in that ice-cold way of hers, and went to her locker. As she took out her books and jacket, she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey, Anna!"

'Oh no, It's him again' She thought as she turned around. It was Yoh, her fiance. She lived with him in an former inn a few blocks from the school."Yoh" she said, wishing he wouldn't come up to her in such a care-free way. "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say hi." He smiled at her.

She looked at him coldly. Oh how he infuriated her. How was it that she, Anna the Itako, was engaged to this lazy brunette? Sometimes she wished that he would just grow up and be serious for a change.

"Well then stop wasting my time." She stalked off in a brisk manner. Yoh stared at her back for a minute before racing off to hang out with his friends. "Ok. See ya!

'Why am I the one who has to marry this loser?' she asked herself as she walked to the store. She needed a few things for dinner tonight, so she picked them out quickly. 'He's such a slacker and he doesn't even try to be a good shaman!' The only way she could get him to do anything was to make him. As she was walking home, she passed by the park, where she saw Yoh and his friends hanging out. 'Look at him! Slacking off and letting his guard down. If he was attacked he wouldn't stand a chance!'

"Yoh!" she called sharply, and at her command he turned around.

"Hey Anna." He called, jogging towards her. "What's up?"

"Shouldn't you be doing your training right now? Or do you want to be killed in the next shaman fight?"

"But the to-"

"But what!" She snapped. Anna raised her hand threateningly. "Ten laps around the block and then your coming home. Dinner isn't going to make itself!" He stared at her with a scared face. "NOW!" she added. He was off and running. Behind her she could hear his friends whispering.

"She's so strict!"

"How does he put up with her?"

"Shhh-Guys she might hear us!"

Anna ignored them. What did it matter if no one liked her? She didn't care. She started walking home.

"Wait" she heard behind her.

It was Tamao, a shy, pink-haired girl she and Yoh knew from before they moved to that town.

"What is it?" Anna asked. This girl bugged her. Anna knew she had a thing for Yoh, but for some reason she never said anything to him.

'Probably because of me' Anna thought.

"Um...Well, Miss Anna..."

"What is it!" Anna had had it. If the girl wasn't going to talk, then she shouldn't be wasting her time.

"Nevermind..." the girl whispered, a stricken look on her face.


When Anna got home, the house was empty. She put the grocery bags in the kitchen before climbing the stairs to her room. As she took out her journal, she thought about what she could do with her life, if it wasn't for that lazy fiancee of hers. 'Stupid arranged marriage!' She began writing.

Dear diary,
Sometimes I wish I could just run away. Just the thought of marrying that lazy bum makes me sick. How can he be so laid back all of the time? If it wasn't or the fact that he was Shaman King, then I'd have nothing to do with him...

Almost all of her entries started that way. Anna continued writing until she heard the door slam a while later.

"Anna, I'm home!" Yoh called up to her before going to the kitchen to begin making dinner.

Anna came downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey, Anna. What would you like for dinner?"

"Chicken teriyaki, and make it quick. You should have been here half an hour ago. Now get working."

"Sure Anna."

Yes, i know, pretty bad ending for the chapter. So far the story has gone nowhere. I do have an idea, so don't worry. I just need to figure out how to write it down. I hope you liked it. Please review so that i can see whether im good or not. :sniff: