A/N This is for Arya. Because he read this and wanted me to finish it. So for some odd reason I actually wrote another chapter!!!

"Oh for pity's sake, will you slow down Toby!" Aaralyn said, brushing her hair out of her face for what felt like the thousandth time.

"It's alright for you, you can just ask your Uncle to come get you and get home."

"You could do that too! Jareth would take us back to the castle and..."

"Aaralyn!" Toby shouted, turning to face the girl. "The castle isn't my home. I am not trying to find a way back there, I am trying to find a way to get free."

Aaralyn glared at him. "You do not have to talk to me like that Toby."

"You just don't get it do you? You think this is all some sort of game. But if I don't get out of here then I'll never see my sister or my parents or my friends again."

He clenched his fists and continued to walk along the never-ending corridor. He didn't want to take his anger out on her, she was obviously some spoilt rich kid, but that wasn't her fault. But he had no-one else to shout at.

Aaralyn followed him. She had no where else to go. She couldn't help feeling that her plan was rapidly backfiring.

Jareth cleared his throat. "So... are you hungry?"

Sarah looked up from the crystal. "Sorry?"

"I asked if you were hungry... it has been some hours and..."

"I'm fine," she snapped. The next five minutes of silence was only broken by her stomach rumbling. "Ok... so I'm a little hungry."

"Come on, I'll take you to get some food." Jareth said, exiting the room with a flourish of his cape. Sarah followed him, wondering if he always had to do things with such dramatics.

Soon enough Toby had to admit that having a companion wasn't so bad. Aaralyn had stopped to have a conversation with a worm and learned that there were in fact secret passageways hidden in the wall. She may be a spoilt brat. She may in fact be completely crazy -she did have conversations with worms after all- but she wasn't... that bad. He couldn't help remembering how entranced he'd been by her. And she was very pretty.

As dusk began to set down on the labyrinth they slowed their walking.

"I don't think we're going to get to the castle tonight," Toby said.

"But... it will be so cold out here and who knows what we could come across?"

"Your uncle wouldn't let anything happen to you," he said, trying to be comforting but it came out a little annoyed sounding.

"You obviously don't know my uncle. Let me tell you Toby, this is just as serious for me as it is for you. He always told me that if I went into the Labyrinth on my own I would be on my own."

Toby took her hand and squeezed it. "It's good we're not on our own then isn't it."

She looked at him quizzically. "I..."

"Come on," he interrupted, "Let's find somewhere to sleep."

"As soon as he asks me to I'll bring him back here," Jareth said.

"Yes but he'll have to stay here won't he?"

"Yes but he would be safe."

Sarah sighed. "He won't give up. He's stronger than I was and I didn't give up."

"You came close."

She glared at him. "I had forgotten how antagonising you could be... I can't believe this is all real."

"This is real Sarah. It always has been."

A/N Short I know, but I hope you enjoyed!

I'm going to try and finish this!!!