Disclaimer: I own them not. But if they are for sale please contact me.

Author's note: Sorry it took so long. Enjoy.


There are some things in life that are inevitably harder than you think they will be. The ability to imagine grief is not something one wants to strive for. Josh didn't know why he wanted to see his third child. He just knew he needed. Josh had tried his best to prepare himself. He was not prepared at all.

When he returned to Donna's room he felt like he was together. He had cried, and he was mourning but he felt together enough to see Donna.

He saw her in bed smiling and watching her two beautiful angels. He walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. He sat down next to her, and he fell apart.

"Josh?" Donna said, her voice sounding for the first time grounded and ordinary. She stared at him her eyes not glazed over with that look of terror and misunderstanding. "Josh what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything. He couldn't. He couldn't even move from his chair. So Donna got up from her bed and took a few gentle steps towards him. "Josh?" she said again unsure exactly what to do. She took a hand and gave his hair a soft stroke. "Shhh… It's okay. We're here now. We made it."

She gently placed herself on his lap and wrapped her arms around him neck. "Shhh… I know the pain. Please don't be alone Josh."

Josh put his head on her shoulder and cried. She held him tight but didn't say anything. And for a while that was enough. Then Josh lifted his head and just stared at her. He saw it then. She was grieving too. But it was so hard to be so sad and yet so happy.

"Talk to me," she said.

He smiled and he softly lifted her off his lap and onto the bed. He laid down next to her and held her close.

"I just…" he was trying to find words that he didn't have. "What would his life have been like? Would he have been strong and adventurous? Would he have been funny?"

"Would he have had your hair?"

They both gave soft laughs.

"I just… I just wonder that's all." Josh sighed. He felt like he was being torn in two. There were so many mixed feelings. He felt sad. He felt happy and just happy. He felt guilty for feeling happy. He didn't know what to feel.

"Do you remember my friend Georgie?" Donna asked suddenly.

Josh shook his head into the pillow.

"Well she's been a mother for eight years now," Donna said. "Of course she's much older than me," she added sarcastically. "She's one of the happiest and craziest people I know."

"Crazy?" Josh mumbled. "Yes you've certainly picked that up."

Donna smiled and hit him softly. "I want that Josh." She stared straight at him. "I know you're sad, and I'm sad but we should be crazy happy people too. Don't you think we deserve that?"

Josh just smiled. Right now he wasn't sure he could answer that. He lifted himself up from the bed. "We need some names."

Donna laughed. "Thor, Titus and Xena not your cup of tea?"

"Were you on something when you thought those up?"

Donna just shrugged. Josh got up from the bed and walked over to the babies. Donna sat up and watched him.

"Noah Tobias Lyman and Joan Abigail Lyman." Donna said confidently.

"Abigail?" Josh asked with a smile.

"While she did help me deliver them," Donna said cautiously. "Even if she tried to steal them."

Josh looked at his children and picked them up. "What do you think guys?" Noah drooled and Joan smiled. Josh laughed. "I thought they were perfect names too."