Okay . . . here is chapter . . . 10? Yup I think so . . . yeah. So thanks to the reviews last chapter. Last I checked there were like . . . 3? Yeah .. anyway! This story actually has a plot but you won't get it til . . . the end? I dunno! But to actually end this story people have to ... review!

And I can't believe I'm doing this cause I hate when people do but . . . 58 reviews. That's all I'm asking. And then we might see if the next chapter is coming or not.


"Air ball!" shouted Ryan. He was yelling at Seth who had just shot the ball. But missed the goal by enormous lengths. They were currently at the Rivercourt. Lucas had invited them to come play some basketball. Of course Seth didn't know how to play but he said sure anyway. Ryan on the other hand had a few moves that he got back from Chino. He had been on the court earlier but decided to get out. And so he went to go sit by Mouth while he left Seth out there.

"Shut up Ryan! I actually was closer to the basket that time." Seth yelled back as Nathan went to go retrieve the ball.

Nathan had joined them about thirty minutes ago. He figured he needed to get out since for the past two days he'd done nothing but hang out with Marissa.

Ryan laughed. Seth was right. That was the closest he had come to the basket. He had mistakenly took it as similar to shuffleboard. Although Ryan didn't know how that came about.

"He's not going to give up is he?" laughed Mouth.

Ryan shook his head. "Nope. That's not the way Seth operates." he replied as they started another game.

He decided to call Marissa to see what she was up to. Since it had been awhile since he'd talked to her.

"Hey." she said on the other line.

"Hey. What are you doing?" he asked.

"Um. . . I've here at the cafe. Talking to Haley. Why where are you?" she said looking at her cup. It was empty and she had more then likely gone through it for at least three times.

Ryan kept watching the game. "Seth and I are over at some basketball court down by the river. Lucas invited us."

Marissa's lit up with happiness. "The Rivercourt? I forgot about that." she smiled.

Just then she heard groans over the phone. "Hey are you okay?" she heard Nathan's voice say.

"Oh I've gotta go. Seth just tripped over the ball with his feet." Ryan said.

Marissa giggled. "Seth was playing?" she couldn't imagine that.

"Yeah and now he's down on the ground so I gotta go. Bye."

He hung up.

Marissa hung up and started laughing.

"What's going on?" Haley asked her.

Marissa tried to sustain her laughs. "Seth . . . was playing basketball and . . .now . . . he's down. Haha. Seth . . .playing ball at all is funny."

Haley laughed. "What a great friend you are. Where are they at? The Rivercourt?"

Marissa nodded vigorously. "I can't believe I forgot about that place. Went there all the time with Luke and you. Tells you what a great memory I have."

"Hey you wanna go down there? Watch them play? Refresh those memories?" asked Haley while getting up and taking the cups to the kitchen.

Marissa shrugged. "But we were talking."

"That's okay. Besides all we were talking about was random stuff. Nothing important really. Come on, it could be fun." Haley walked out.

Marissa thought about it for moment. "Okay, fine. But we've gotta go to Peyton's later. They'll be waiting for us."

Haley walked over to the lights and turned them off. "Yay! Marissa Cooper returns to the Rivercourt again! Maybe she'll dominate it again? She's certainly got the height now."

Marissa laughed getting up. "Yeah. But there's a slim to none chance that I'll ever beat Luke again. I haven't been playing for the Tree Hill Ravens. Or even been cheering for them. Like some people." she eyed Haley.

She looked annoyed. "Oh quit rubbing it in. Or I won't tell you anything anymore. Miss Social Chair."

They began to walk out. "But Social Chair is nowhere near being a cheerleader. Is there nothing better to do here? Then get married, cheat on your girlfriend with her best friend, be a stupid deceiving bastard, leave on some random tour, and be a cheerleader? Wow, you people need to broaden your horizons." she asked as she walked to her car.

"Shut up you alcoholic not to mention druggie, lesbian, and almost murderer. And more things then I can say." Haley winked at Marissa as she got in the passenger seat.

"Hey, who said you were ridding with me?" Marissa asked as she saw Haley get in her car.

"Well the fact that I don't have a car might dampen my chances of getting to the Rivercourt."

Marissa started her car. "Quit being such a drama queen."

They stated laughing and continued that for a while. Then they were quiet. Marissa could feel a question coming up. And sure enough Haley opened her mouth.

"Um . . . Marissa?" she said her face turning red. "So now that I know you and Nathan were friends . . . did you were . . . you know . . . kiss?"

Marissa froze. She didn't think that Haley would want to know this. But then again she was her friend. So she had to be truthful. "Uh . . . yeah. Um . . . a couple of times when we were 11. The same goes for 13. And . . . 14? There was a couple of sessions there. How do you think he got to kissing you so good?" Marissa chuckled slightly. Hoping that Haley would find it funny.

Haley laughed slightly. Not knowing whether to laugh full-on or just a bit. "Oh I see."

Marissa was beginning to feel uncomfortable. She didn't really want to go to the Rivercourt now. The thought of seeing Nathan there right now made her feel a bit weird. Especially since she had just told Haley all this stuff. It would be very awkward.

She stopped the car. She looked at Haley. "Hey . . . um . . . do you really wanna go to the Rivercourt? I've changed my mind."

Haley left out a sigh of relief. "Good. I was hoping you'd say that. Seeing Nathan right now wouldn't exactly be pleasant."

Marissa laughed. "Okay . . . well then do you just wanna go over to Peyton's?"

Haley nodded. "I think a girl's night. Especially since I've been sleeping at Nathan's for awhile." she stopped. She realized she let out her secret.

Marissa was just about to go when she hit the breaks. "What? You're sleeping with Nathan?"

Haley blushed and looked out the window. "My how the stars are so blue."


Haha. OKAY there you go! I've actually been updating! Surprise surprise! lol Anyway as I said 58 reviews for this chapter. That's only 5 . . . or it'll be a while til I update. Don't mean to be a bitch but I just wanna see what's gonna happen . . . (evil laughter) SO ...PLEASE REVIEW!