Discalimer. The Characters that you recognise belong to the fabulous Mrs. Rowling. And I can only dream they are mine.

The plot bunny was written a couple of years ago. Just a few months after Book 5 was out therefore it does not take into account the 6th book. It was brought to my attention that it has a similar theme as somebody elsed fic but I assure you no offense was meant and great minds must then subsequently think alike. I read the said fic and mine does not go in the same direction for long.

Shortness of chapter necessary…..


It was now three years into the war and neither side seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Minister Fudge was still in office though his appointment to the elections was in question.

Although people were not oblivious to the war many seemed too afraid to contribute. And many had joined the order, although funnily enough there was a circle within the order that had become the inner circle. The insiders as it were. The men and women whom were privy to most if not all the intelligence gathered.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had all become junior members. They were part of the insiders along with the Weasley's, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Tonks, Snape and a few others.

The war had been progressing as the good side gained another spy in Blaise Zabini and an anonymous source of information that they could only guess at.

The Weasley twins had opened their shop and business was flourishing. Through it all they had been developing certain items, not shop showed however just as good, certainly as inventive. They had been developing ways around the deatheater technology. Advances, showed the true genius of the boys, and the cunning and strength of the opponents.

Assignments were given according to the strength and availability of the agents operating. Time was also of the essence and although the younger members were initiated later they were by no means less in demand or efficient. It was a shame really they utilised all the abilities around them yet secrecy was so important that they very rarely knew about they others assignments until completion. And the subsequent debriefing.

As it was two members were in that particular predicament, the truly ironic thing was they truly didn't suspect that they were.

Meet Lee Charles….. A young post graduate student studying for his thesis for his doctorate…. In the British Library….

Meet Alexandra Pierce… A younger woman who was studying for her graduate degree…..In the British Library.

Both Students were charged with studying the chemical and mythical properties of the supernatural world. The spirit realms and the civilisations and cultures that had believed in them.

Hoping to find some sort of poisons and cures that could be used during warfare. Hypothetically, a magical war… A world which did not exist.

AS always pleas eread and review. Feedback is welcome