Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the characters in it, The only

characters that I have ownership over are the characters that I may mention

in later chapters.

WARNING: this story will have IBBC in it, and if you dont know what that is

then I dont blame you but it stands for Incest, boy-love, bestiality, and


Never Ending Love
CHAPTER1: Never Ending Love

At the battle with Naraku; InuYasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and

Kirara are fighting for their lives and right when they think its all over

for them, an arrow comes out of nowhere. Naraku flees with his pathetic

life; but not like anyone else was really complaining because they all

thought they were about to die.

"Where did that come from?"

"I dont know Sango. said Kagome."

"Do you think it was Kikyo? "

"It must have been."

(Was it her? I have to go see.)"Hey Ill be right behind you guys, so go to

the village." Inuyasha said suddenly.

"Where are you going?" (Not like I already dont know...) asked a worried


"Nowhere okay? Ill be right behind you so go."

"WHAT do you mean nowhere? You think I dont know that you are going to go

look for Kikyo?"

"Whatever." And with that, Inuyasha left, bouncing over tree tops.
After looking for a few minutes, he stops and takes a short rest. Damn the

fight took a lot out of me Where are you Kikyo?



"Yes, its me, Inuyasha."

"I have missed you so much." InuYasha says as he gets up and hugs Kikyo.

"InuYasha. Soon Naraku will be dead and then you can come and join me in


"KikyoI love you so much."

: Back at the village:

"What is taking him so long? Thats it! Im going to look for him. His wounds

are bad and still need to be treated."

"Are you sure thats a good idea Kagome?"

"What do you mean 'am I sure!'"

"I didnt mean anything by it, you know, Im just looking out for you."

"I know Sango."

"Well hurry back okay? And be careful."

"Dont worry, I will." Said Kagome as she left the village for the forest to

see where Inuyasha went. After almost thirty minutes of looking she was

about to give up, and then she heard something. She wasnt sure what it was,

but part of her said to run away, but the other part of her had to know what

was there so she pulled back a tree branch and there was Inuyasha kissing

Kikyo.(Oh my God, no, please tell me Im not seeing this!) As she kept on

telling her self 'no,' she finally decided to leave. As she was entering

back into the village with tears still falling from her eyes, she heard her

friends calling her name.

"KAGOME!" Yelled Sango and Miroku.

All of a sudden, Kaede and Shippo came out of Kaedes hut and walked over to

where Sango and Miroku were standing. As they saw them holding a crying and

distressed Kagome.

"What is it my child?" Asked Kaede in a worried voice.

All Sango and Miroku could and had to say was 'Kikyo'. Then all Kaede had to

do is look around and see that Inuyasha was nowhere in sight.

"Come child and rest, ye be needing it."

Miroku then picked up Kagome and brought her into Kaedes hut, once he sat

her down she began to talk again and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"AfterNaraku is deadIll be leaving. I cant stay here not anymore."

"I understand" Said a very sad Miroku. "But we all wish that you would stay

or at least come back and visit us."

"I dont think I can do that." As Kagome finished the sentence, Inuyasha

walked in and Sango gave him an evil glare.


"You know what!"

"Sango, please..."

"But Kagome-" Kagome just stared at her and the rest of them and they left

the hut so Inuyasha and Kagome could be alone.

"Inuyasha after we kill Naraku I will be going home for good, and dont ask

why because you should know why."

"I have an idea Kagome Im sorry."

"No youre not." Kagome said in a soft tone now that she has had a chance to

calm down a bit.

"Kagome- "

"Let me finish. I would like to finish off Naraku as fast and as soon as we

can so-" Kagome couldnt even finish what she was trying to say when InuYasha

cut her off.

"What? You dont think I want him dead as soon as possible too, after what he

has done to me? "

"I didnt say that so why dont you let me finish? "

"Okay." Inuyasha said as he sprawled out on the floor next to Kagome.

"Now dont yell or get mad at me, just let me say what Im going to say." All

Inuyasha did was nod his head." Thank you. I would like it if you asked your

brother to help us, I- "Kagome couldnt finish her sentence because he cut

her off yelling.


"INUYASHA! You said you would let me finish! "

"Well you are not going to because its not going to happen! "


"NO! "

"SIT!" /Slam./


"You know what! "

"I can already tell you what he is going to say NO so why ask? "InuYasha

said while settling down.

"Because he is your brother and I dont think he will as long as you dont try

and start something."

"ME! He is the one that starts stuff because he wants my sword. "

"Inuyasha, all Im asking you to do is /ask him./ Can you at least do that

for me? "

"Fine, Ill ask... But dont get your hopes up. "

"Thank you. "


Well that was the end of the first chapter I hope you liked it and please

review. I would like to say this is the first story I have ever made and I

came up with the idea at 4 am in the morning. Just so you know, Sesshomaru

will be coming out in the next chapter and I am hoping that either in the

next chapter, or chapter 3, that things will start to heat up. ---
Ill try to update as soon as I have the next chapter written because right

now it is in my head. I write under gingin and chibirin8

This chapter has been Beta'd by Baku and Chelc the Nazi grammar bitch.

(Thank you both so much!)