Disclaimer: I do not own the RK characters. They all belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki.

A/N: If you all thought the two bratty kids were Ayame and Suzume you are all mistaken. I can't do that two them - they're too sweet and innocent! Rest assured that they will appear in this story but not as Kenni's children. I'm a little nervous about this fic . . . Please review, I'd appreciate it! Only reviews will tell if this story shall continue or not . . .

Drive Me Crazy

Chapter 1: You Got Laid: Kamiya Kaoru

By: LadyYuina

Kaoru sighed submissively as her boss exited her office . . . she apparently knew that she was getting laid off. How depressing. A bright, white box was placed on her mahogany colored desk to be filled with her belongings. She had worked here for a year now - but it didn't seem like she made the cut.

Her boss had told her, "someone with much more experience in this field of work shall take over. Rest easy; I'm not saying you're bad or anything but I can't take any chances to pass up on a person of this caliber."

"May I ask who this person might be?" Her boss cleared his throat; she waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . She started to worry that he wasn't going to answer her.

Clearing his throat once again, he replied, "Shinomori Aoshi."

"What!" Kaoru was on the verge of hysteria. "How could he take my spot!"

"Simply put - he's better . . . I mean more skilled in this profession than you are."

Shinomori Aoshi! He of all the people that could have filled the space for me had to be him! I used to compete with him way back in high school - he knowingly won most of our competitions but I thought this whole charade was over when we graduated from college . . . but I guess it isn't over just yet. Damn that insufferable man! I can see his smirking face now, those prideful ice blue eyes staring me down.

"I'm sorry to do this Miss Kamiya but you aren't as cut out as you think you are," her boss told her.

"Are you trying to belittle me even though you mentioned earlier that I was a very capable person?" Kaoru flamed.

"Not in the least!" Kaoru wanted to shout at him, 'liar!' but didn't see the point of it. Her boss let out a slow, deep chuckle. "Anyways, here is the box that I've brought for you. You can place your belongings inside. Without further ado, I bid thee farewell."

"Trying to sound poetic for the last line?" Kaoru asked him, slightly fuming but it either went unnoticed or it was completely ignored.

Laughing, he said, "perhaps, thy fair maiden. May luck be bestowed upon thee in your near future." He opened the door to her office, waved, and shut the door behind him.

That was how her career went down the drain . . . Her dream of being a businesswoman was ending . . . It was pathetic, really.

With slow movements Kaoru placed all her pencils, pens, stapler, paperclips, and manila folders into the white box. Hell, she even placed her contact cards inside for safe keeping! It was really too bad that she had to leave . . . she really liked this job. If only Aoshi never came along - he was ruining her life whether he knew it or not.

Feet as heavy as lead Kaoru picked up her box and made her way out of the office. She was going to miss the smell of it. In fact, she was going to miss the whole building! Taking in a deep breath of the atmosphere inside she turned on her heels to look at everyone before stepping even an inch out of the dark windowed sliding doors.

Kaoru broke down when she started her car. Rather than speed off into the road in an emotional state of despair she sat in her car seat crying. If she wanted to die she'd gladly go into the streets and drive but that wasn't the case.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Kaoru slammed on her car horn several times; emitting a shrill, annoying sound that was unpleasant to one's ears. "Why the hell did it have to end this way! What am I gonna do now? I'm jobless!" She slammed down on the car horn some more for good anger release. "Maybe I should move back in with my mom - no, that'd never work. She's too bossy. How about my cousin's?"

Her monologue ended when there was soft, gentle rapping on her car window. Bleary-eyed, she looked out her window to see a red-headed man peeking in on her. The first thing she noticed about him was scar but other than that she didn't really care about his appearance too much at the moment. She rolled down her window. Yup, that's right folks, her car didn't come with automatic ones with just the push of a button. Anyhow, she couldn't expect too much from an old car but it was definitely dependable.


"It's Kaoru!" she snapped. The man before her sweat dropped. She couldn't really blame him for being cautious after her initial shriek of identification. If her eyes didn't deceive her she thought the red-head looked rather cute - but like before, she was too mad to care.

"Uh . . . Miss Kaoru, are you okay?" The red-haired man shifted his weight from one leg to the other as he waited for a response.

"What does it look like?"


"Waaauuuhhhh!" Kaoru was wailing now. A full grown woman crying in front of a full grown man; they almost looked like children. What could be more embarrassing to Kaoru?

Not knowing what to do the man said, "will you be all right by yourself because I need to go."

"Don't leave me!" Without thinking Kaoru grabbed a hold of the man's tie - yanking him roughly forward towards the car.

"Uuuaahhhh!" The red-headed man would have had his face slammed into the side if he didn't raise his hands up to prevent it.

"What's your name?" Kaoru asked, demandingly.

"Uh . . . Miss, I really-"

"Answer me, dammit!" The man's eyes widened considerably. This woman known as Kaoru was starting to scare him. The anger in the woman's eyes clearly told him not to disobey her.

"Himura . . . Kenshin. There, I said it."

Kaoru loosened her hold on Kenshin's tie but she didn't let go. Kenshin gulped and looked around the parking lot - some of the employees that worked in the building were staring at them. They were standing outside since it was their break. In this predicament he didn't know what to do . . .

Chapter 1: END